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US HAARP strikes causing Earthquakes: China, Haiti and now Chile, who's next?

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CLG implies Chile HAARP Quake: Great ball of fire?
My last post on tbis topic. Follow this link

See the original source where it was being discussed whether clouds can be a harbringer of earthquakes or not. They were discussing events way back to '78 as well. HAARP was established in '93.

Reason and logic have been lost somewhere.
us is not behind this all if us had such technology they would have first tested it on Pakistan once and for all..
For hambo the earth quake in us is cuz of india they want nuclear tech and f-35 or else face super india..PWING! plain stupid..
why does US want to distroy poverity striken Haiti and Chili instead of Iran and North Korea lol
US angle and Indian angle is covered by some members and if some one start blaming Israel for some other earthquake this thread purpose is complete :rofl: :rofl:
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I am waiting for Munsiji to blame India cyclones in BD. Everytime we get scared of a cyclone hitting south bengal but it turns last moment towards BD. But we dont have HAARP or such things. May be RAW-MOSSAD-CIA nexus.
Weather as a Force Multiplier:
Owning the Weather in 2025


I am not saying they can cause earthquakes, although there is some purported connection between concentrated ionization and plate tectonics. The point is that the US military takes the theory seriously enough to invest millions.
Weather as a Force Multiplier:
Owning the Weather in 2025


I am not saying they can cause earthquakes, although there is some purported connection between concentrated ionization and plate tectonics. The point is that the US military takes the theory seriously enough to invest millions.

US military and defense organizations are the second biggest funding agency after the NSF. They invest in wide ranging matters. Does not mean that the results would be positive or even practical.
I'm sorry but the title of this thread is too funny.

Any person who thinks HAARP can cause earthquakes and is responsible for those in China, Haiti and Chile has an IQ of <60.

Blaming USA for everything, including natural calamities, is becoming a fashion among mentally retarded people.

And that is a fact.
I'm sorry but the title of this thread is too funny.

Any person who thinks HAARP can cause earthquakes and is responsible for those in China, Haiti and Chile has an IQ of <60.

Blaming USA for everything, including natural calamities, is becoming a fashion among mentally retarded people.

And that is a fact.

I'd say borderline mental retardation
once mere marching of soldiers on a bridge created such a "Resonance" that bridge fell apart.... Using very little power, thru phenomenon of "Resonance" we can make anything vibrate to it's natural frequency.... Now actual HAARP facilities that we see could have been just experimental lab while weapon in it's actual form would never be made public....

So when sb says "HAARP" he's pointing to technology that can possibly be used to Resonate earth crust at certain points along fault lines to make them snap thus triggering quake...

Now, sb above said that HAARP's max. capacity is so-&-so not enough to affect weather,,, well, to resonate u don't need all the power altogether, u need very little power & just focus it correctly onto the target for some time to cause resonance... job done.

Exactly! People thoroughly understimate the power of resonance. There was an episode of Mythbusters where even they were surprised by the power of resonance on the Golden Gate bridge.

Also, on the matter of earthquakes, people confuse our inability to predict earthquakes with the capacity to trigger one. We have a pretty good understanding of what causes an earthquake; we just don't know what triggers the pressure release at the exact moment that it does. It is entirely possible that a series of carefully crafted tactical nukes along tectonic pressure zones could be used to trigger an earthquake. Of course such a scenario would be useless as a weapon since it lacks the criterion of plausible deniability.

Also, as the video link from History channel above points out, HAARP is only one of three US installations emitting ELF radiation and, since ELF wraps around the horizon, these three installations can converge their output onto any point on the globe.

Now I am not suggesting that the US caused the quakes in Haiti or Chile. As others have pointed out, if they had the capacity, they would cause them in Iran or Afghanistan. But the technology is well into the development phase. It is not crackpot conspiracy theory any more; it is a hardcore military project.
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u need a motive to this they have motive in Haiti and chile ...in form of natural resources and governments who r not so friendly towards USA... and as far as hitting Pak and Iran ...let say after test drive u never know where USA will look next ..USA can now move to bigger target ... u can never predict earth quake but Media of USA is predicting next earth quake in USA itself ..so be ready for sympathy votes they will kill their own ppl too ...like they did with 9/11 , world war 1 and world war 2..... its the oldest game out there ,....what really surprise me is that Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) predicted that Anti Christ will have many powers . he will create rains etc ..... if u can push the crusts and layers in earth then earthquake is possible...u all say and laugh and r saying USA will not do so .... why want they do so...nobody knew about nuclear weapons till they drop it ....
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