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US Government vs Congress: Sale of F16s to Pakistan

Yaar tension mat loo.. Pak will get F16 ....darling ka thora nakhra bhi uthana hota haa...
we will shut up.

Will you? I kinda doubt that since its very much embedded in your nature to never shut up. You guys dont shy away from complaining even to China who have a very different approach towards you when it comes to Pakistan. So forgive me if i dont share the same sentiments but No India is going to continue to whine no matter the country or the equipment as long as its Pakistan on the receiving end.
Will you? I kinda doubt that since its very much embedded in your nature to never shut up. You guys dont shy away from complaining even to China who have a very different approach towards you when it comes to Pakistan. So forgive me if i dont share the same sentiments but No India is going to continue to whine no matter the country or the equipment as long as its Pakistan on the receiving end.
I will.
In your initial post you mentioned a vintage aircraft can do the job as well with a pod, hence my question. Now with your examples of F-111 and A6-E intruder the next question arises of maintaining these jets to keep them in flying conditions. How do you suppose an airforce with a limited budget such as PAF would be able to do that and how would it be cost beneficial over the existence platforms that we already have and the infrastructure in place to support them.

I dont think anybody disagrees with that. Not just the taliban but even against India if Push comes to shove but when we say its past its due date thats because of the baggage these F-16s come with. If somebody like Trump wins over, rest assured we might not even get spares for the F-16s yet alone new jets and we just dont want to see the era of 90s being repeated over again.

If You read my posts You would realize that I NEVER said You should get Vietnam Vintage aircraft.

The argument is:
If a Vietnam War vintage aircraft can do the job - which it can!,
the F-16 certainly can do the job, and is thus not obsolete.
If You read my posts You would realize that I NEVER said You should get Vietnam Vintage aircraft.

The argument is:
If a Vietnam War vintage aircraft can do the job - which it can!,
the F-16 certainly can do the job, and is thus not obsolete.

I got your point but nowhere did i mentioned that it cannot. Nevertheless since the funding is probably off, those F-16s might be history now. So no point in discussing this forward.
Pakistan is in Talks with Poland and Netherlands for F16s already ...................
poland got a squadron of F 16D and a couple of squadrons of F16 C but i dont know if they will retire them so soon they got them in 2006.
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