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US gives Pakistan one month for NWA action Seeks arrest of five top militan


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US gives Pakistan one month for NWA action Seeks arrest of five top militants

Irshad Ahmad Arif
Wednesday, June 01, 2011

LAHORE: Allocation of $113 billion during the current fiscal year and $107 billion for the next fiscal year as the war expenses is the main reason for the US decision to begin pulling back from Afghanistan. However, Pakistan has been given one-month deadline, till July 2011 -- the date announced by President Barack Obama for starting withdrawal of the Nato forces from Afghanistan, to launch a military offensive in North Waziristan Agency.

Pakistan security forces have been asked to capture five most wanted al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders in this period, either in a solitary or a joint military action. These terrorist commanders include Ayman al-Zawahiri, Mullah Omar, Sirajuddin Haqqani, Ilyas Kashmiri and Atia Abdur Rehman. The US demands have set alarm bells ringing in the Pakistani civil and military circles. Until now, security forces of Pakistan have been pursuing the policy of reluctance to launch a military offensive in North Waziristan.

Sources say the Haqqani network, believed to be based in North Waziristan, had not been any threat to Pakistan on the one hand, and on the other hand, it had been a vital contact between the Pakistan intelligence agencies and the Afghan Taliban.

Another factor is the presence of some very important pro-government tribal groups in the area, including Mullah Nazir and Hafiz Gul Bahadar groups, who have helped the Pakistani security forces keep the anti-government tribal fighters, including the Wazirs, at bay.

In the past years, Baitullah Mehsud, and later on, his successor, Hakimullah Mehsud, launched a war against the Pakistani security forces, with the help of the Mehsud tribe, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and some other sectarian groups. The killing of Osama bin Laden on May 2 strengthened the US forces pull-out decision, and various political advisers like US Vice President Joe Biden, have advised President Obama not to go against the withdrawal roadmap, announced by him in 2009, if he wanted to save the US economy from disastrous effects.

Increasing pressure on Pakistan before starting forces’ withdrawal from the region is multipurpose from the American point of view. The killing or arrest of one or two more most wanted terrorists by the Pakistani and US security forces will definitely boost the morale of the American people as well as its troops going back to their country. It will also shut the critics up who, otherwise, might say the withdrawal decision was taken by an exhausted nation and a defeated military.

On the other hand, the Haqqani network and the al-Qaeda and Taliban commanders, allegedly based in Pakistan, and guiding the Afghan Taliban to fight the foreign forces, would not claim the US withdrawal their success.

The US forces fear that the pull-out would boost the morale of the afghan Taliban, and the Haqqani network could launch fatal attacks from Afghan border areas of North Waziristan to destroy law and order in Afghanistan. However, Pakistan is faced with a different kind of dilemma.

The terror genie let out of the bottle with the launching of the South Waziristan operation and the Lal Masjid action could not have been put back so far, despite intensive and aggressive military offensive, US drone attacks and a large number of arrests in throughout the country.

The News

Capture Ilyas Kashmiri and Mullah Omar by July: US to Pakistan
This is stupidity personified. The US will ignite the whole region into a bloody battle before it bows out of the fight.

Its a massive undertaking and cannot be pulled off in one month without killing civilians along the process. An operation that involves pounding away NWA with artilleries and air strikes will in the end of the day not achieve anything substantial than create a whole region of enemies.

This will result in gross human rights violations and the Pakistanis who carry out these attacks should be charged with war crimes. Pakistanis should speak up against this operation in one voice and oppose it on every front. A rethink is required in our approach to the war on the Pakistani side. The only answer is to convince the region to give up arms and come back under the Pakistani government system.
These guys did not arrive in Pakistan yesterday..they have been in Pakistan for many years now..infact Pakistan could have launched such operations last year itself ..after they had cleared South Wazirstan and pushed all the terrorist into North Wazirstan.

If Pakistan is unable and unwilling to do so there is always the Musharraf formula available..ie they can always ask American to come and do their own dirty work.
IMHO, What US wants (and probably pressurizing GOP secretly), more then pounding NWA, is to allow joint operation to capture those ring leaders. I suspect they have some intelligence on them, but unwilling to pull out another Abotabad (read solo ops) and antagonize Pakistani populace any further.

These newses are rhetorics for public consumption and escape routes for GOP, if and when, US (via solo or joint ops) comes inside Pakistan to take care off the top few AQ/ Taliban leaders. I read somewhere that they are already carrying out sorties and picking up guys from NWA, albeit secretly.

Otherwise, like Asim said, no one in sane mind will believe to pull out a massive operation of purifying NWA in one months time.
IMHO, What US wants (and probably pressurizing GOP secretly), more then pounding NWA, is to allow joint operation to capture those ring leaders. I suspect they have some intelligence on them, but unwilling to pull out another Abotabad (read solo ops) and antagonize Pakistani populace any further.

If the US has intel, they will repeat Abbotabad without notifying Pakistan.

Given his domestic failures, Obama is more concerned about the public opinion in America than in Pakistan.
The more Pakistan do YES SIR, the more they give ORDERS and THE MORE YOU ARE IN TROUBLE AND YOU CANT DO ANY THING WITH IT... !
What else you can do ... you have to do as directed or ......... Disaster.

These are after effects of AID and taking over OTHERS WAR on our shoulder.
There is no way out for Pakistan now, if they continue operation terrorist will spread violence like fire on field, but you cant please America any way even after evacuating whole Pakistan. But if Pakistan refuses to operate the USA will attack us and will kill each of us under TERRORIST ACT.

Enjoy the AID fellas
what would be the US's response if paksitan fails to capture these terrorists?
Its a massive undertaking and cannot be pulled off in one month without killing civilians along the process.
How did the P.A. avoid civilian casualties in Swat? Or didn't they?

This will result in gross human rights violations and the Pakistanis who carry out these attacks should be charged with war crimes.
How many Pakistanis were prosecuted for their actions in 1971? How many P.A. personnel were prosecuted for their actions clearing out Swat and S. Wazirstan? (We know, through a PBS documentary discussed at PDF, that the P.A. destroyed the homes not just where the Taliban fought from but those of the terrified owners as well.)

It's a crime only because the P.A. is to be seen as American stooges, isn't it?

An operation that involves pounding away NWA with artilleries and air strikes will in the end of the day not achieve anything substantial than create a whole region of enemies.
Oh, I agree with you. I think it was always understood by Pakistani generals that when the terrorists had no place to flee to they would have to make a last stand and fight. The P.A. will have to send infantry and take casualties. Doing that when battling Indians is accepted, doing that in an chosen offensive against domestic Islamic militants hasn't been done before. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) That's what Pakistan's generals fear, I guess.
pretty stupid move by the U.S.

if they nag about it, the govt will be inclined to delay it further....on one hand, Americans want Pakistan to realize its their war (which to some degree it definitely is) but on the other hand they are the ones coming up with deadlines?

really??? Maybe we should hand over a list of deadlines to them --considering a good number of terrorists are in Afghanistan who pose danger to Pakistan. And in this case -- we are at home. They are un-invited guests!!!
Couldnt get OBLin years and giving us a deadline of a month..huh :hitwall:
thenews.com.pk is a poor source of information. Doubt this was ever said.
I would say good move , coz otherwise nothing is going to happen
If Pakistan is unable and unwilling to do so there is always the Musharraf formula available..ie they can always ask American to come and do their own dirty work.

^^ well brother i's not only now DIRTY WORK + a responsibility for Pakistan to combat and finish this fight...as this thing will be pile on and will harm Pakistan more then US...
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