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US fighter jets intrude into Sri Lanka Air space: Breaking News

Does Sri Lanka have an air force? I'd imagine it is small and limited like my country's :P

You know, not even India or Pakistan would dare go head to head with the US Navy (yes, just one out of 4 branches). Let alone intercepting them. Yes, even if both of them combine forces (sorry if this offends anyone :P).

Russia and probably China are the only countries that can confront the US to some extent. It's fair to assume that Russia is the only country that can give a decent fight against the USA, and hold on its own.

nope, China is the only country that can sustain a full scale war against the US and finally defeat the US possibly considering US lacks manufacture capacity .

Russia has current storage of arsenals that could better retaliate in the first stage of the war.(well even this is not sure as Russian military lack proper care and their tech are outdated )
at least India is still SL's neighbor. talking about being a leader in the region, I though indians should at least side by Lanka.

this is the india Nehru had dreamed of?

Young Indians are totally lost. For you own good, don't act like zombies orchestrated by the US everything.

Jinnah dreamed of a Pakistan which is progressive, modern and giving equal rights to minorities. Some even say that he created Pakistan as a home for Indian Muslims and not as a Muslim state or in other words he wanted a secular state.But is the present Pakistan Jinnah had dreamed of?

Preach what you can practice and as far as US is concerned you are still in US camp.
nope, China is the only country that can sustain a full scale war against the US and finally defeat the US possibly.

Russia has current storage of arsenals that could better retaliate in the first stage of the war.(well even this is not sure as Russian military lack proper care and their tech are outdated seeming to me)
China cannot defeat US in coventional warfare. No need to fall for Chinese hype.

However, China is a very strong country and can put up a decent fight; unlike the Islamic countries that got thrashed easily in WOT.
No buddy, your assumption is wrong, Vietnam fought US with honor till they exited. so any nation with a unity can fight any super power. All you need is a war cry with a nationlism.
As far as the US Fighter entering SL airspace, they just took pictures of the Killing fields as in the movie "Behind Enemy Lines"

Vietnam was different from this incident. And they had powerful backers, namely the USSR and China. And of-course, nowadays is different. Also, M-16s getting jammed in the middle of a fight got a lot of American soldiers killed. Of-course, our A$$-Kicker-47 didn't suffer from that :P

Trying to make the US accountable for everything is very difficult nowadays, especially since the end of the Cold War. It's main competitor - the USSR gone.

Well, some countries like Iran try to do that :lol: It's just hard man. Those yanks are cunning and they can really f*ck you up.

Although I agree, provided there is unity and powerful backers, it is possible to thwart a US invasion - but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.

The US is basically a monopoly power these days. This lack of an equal challenger is a bit of a problem.

But this incident if true, this can only led to protests from Sri Lanka - that's it.
nope, China is the only country that can sustain a full scale war against the US and finally defeat the US possibly.

Really? How? These days - my friend, the one with the most technology wins in conventional warfare. But in case of a US-led invasion China, perhaps they certainly can defend themselves. It would be hard for them. But outside China - a BIG no :no:

Russia has current storage of arsenals that could better retaliate in the first stage of the war.(well even this is not sure as Russian military lack proper care and their tech are outdated seeming to me)

You are wrong on that one.
No buddy, your assumption is wrong, Vietnam fought US with honor till they exited. so any nation with a unity can fight any super power. All you need is a war cry with a nationlism.
As far as the US Fighter entering SL airspace, they just took pictures of the Killing fields as in the movie "Behind Enemy Lines"
Yep, that why we suggest for bulding up a ASEAN solidarity as strong as NATO .if ASEAN keep separating, so we will die one by one under super Power enemies's plot.
State of the art heli? It has been around since the 1960's, and it is a transport, comparing it to a fighter is like comparing a truck to a race car, genius. We took down a Chinese fighter with a prop plane, remember?

So they were after a high value target in a transport Heli ???
Does Sri Lanka have an air force? I'd imagine it is small and limited like my country's :P
Sri Lanka Air force detected US jets when they intrude into Sri Lanka Air space. if SLAF activated HQ-9 sam, then surely US jets may had a hard time but SLAF only communicated to them to leave the air space.
Sri Lanka Air force detected US jets when they intrude into Sri Lanka Air space. if SLAF activated HQ-9 sam, then surely US jets may had a hard time but SLAF only communicated to them to leave the air space.

It was a wise course of action they took. Even a missile lock on a US jet would have been very dangerous for SL.

You know, it was funny that the Pakistanis literally just sat there while Navy Seals just barged into their territory and killed OBL. Bottom line was that they couldn't shoot at the US choppers not because they were stealth, but because they were American.

Yes, they can really f*ck you up...
hmmm very bad, i reported 1hr back upto now mods didnt take any actions.......
Why don't you guys approach China and get yourself a set of J-10B's for dealing with any future surprise incursions like these?

Last time I checked Sri Lanka was a SOVEREIGN state and not Pakistan's Province. So keep your 'suggestion' in your nickers ****!
We requested external help from a country, sadly no response received….. :help:

Think about JF-17...less price more Fighter Aircraft...it will help your country to grow strong relationship with China and Pakistan...A Strategic decision...Don you think so...??
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