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US fighter jets intrude into Sri Lanka Air space: Breaking News

I am with you on this one.
Sadly, it is the truth.

Infact, None of Asian country want to be part of Sino-American conflict...

USA and Lanka are not enemy country... SO if such kind of Incursion happen, resolve it diplomatically. There could be many reason of these kind of incursion .. But as far my understanding, It was not offensive one, so not a threat to Lanka...

SriLanka has recently came out of worst civil war, This is the time they should follow non-alignment and befreind every one so that they can develop there economy.. Romancing with china Pakistan or USA will be like kicking the hornet nest (No need to repeat mistake of past), which India will definitely not like..
State of the art heli? It has been around since the 1960's, and it is a transport, comparing it to a fighter is like comparing a truck to a race car, genius. We took down a Chinese fighter with a prop plane, remember?

We also took down a F-4 with our J-6 in Vietnam without firing a single shot by making your F-4 shoot itself =)
Infact, None of Asian country want to be part of Sino-American conflict...

USA and Lanka are not enemy country... SO if such kind of Incursion happen, resolve it diplomatically. There could be many reason of these kind of incursion .. But as far my understanding, It was not offensive one, so not a threat to Lanka...

SriLanka has recently came out of worst civil war, This is the time they should follow non-alignment and befreind every one so that they can develop there economy.. Romancing with china Pakistan or USA will be like kicking the hornet nest (No need to repeat mistake of past), which India will definitely not like..

In fact, there is no Sino-American conflict. :no:
We also took down a F-4 with our J-6 in Vietnam without firing a single shot by making your F-4 shoot itself =)

Serious? I don't actually doubt it. Post a link please, this should go in the air-tactics sections Antibody is always running.
Not exactly. All Countries means China + Pakistan + NK + Iran. Add SL and Bangladesh, if you want. That's it. This is not even 10% of the world.

Whole Europe, Africa, 75% Middle-East, South America, Australasia are still US supporter. Not to forget 50% Asian countries like Japan, SK, India, Taiwan, Vietnam and so on.....90% countries are still with US or Neutral to US.

not really,China can giver cheaper equipment to all countries which drags them closer to China and they become more dependent on China. Plus, nobody liked USA interfering in all other countries for no reason, China doesn't do that and that is the reason why other countries like them,

look this is what usa mostly does
sanctions (like Iran)
threatening other countries
war in Libya
some other wars

that is not good for them.
not really,China can giver cheaper equipment to all countries which drags them closer to China and they become more dependent on China. Plus, nobody liked USA interfering in all other countries for no reason, China doesn't do that and that is the reason why other countries like them,

look this is what usa mostly does
sanctions (like Iran)
threatening other countries
war in Libya
some other wars

that is not good for them.

They already does. If you look at Gulf markets, its flooded with either Chinese or made in China materials, but did that made them ditch US in favor of China, adopt Yuan as the trading currency or allow Chinese bases...No. US is the kingpin of international finance and commerce and as long as they remain so most of the countries in the world will remain either pro or neutral to US.
at least India is still SL's neighbor. talking about being a leader in the region, I though indians should at least side by Lanka.

this is the india Nehru had dreamed of?

Young Indians are totally lost. For you own good, don't act like zombies orchestrated by the US everything.
I am sure it was a training flight, but why chose to incur into Sri Langka's air space. Try to convey some message?

Single incident of incursion is excusable, periodic occurance and by a squadron is not accidental.
You're angry with me when I said US will have some plot in Thaland, right, so now, can you understand what I said or not ??Face the Trust bro, that how USA control the World.
lcloo said:
You make CIA sound like international mafia gangster. That is really bad for CIA and USA image. I wonder the patriotic American of Viet origin will bash you or keep quiet.
What type of help did you ask for ?
Original Post By Markus

Simple, to intercept them.... (To get them out from our air space)

Sadly no help, so they roamed freely...........

Does Sri Lanka have an air force? I'd imagine it is small and limited like my country's :P

You know, not even India or Pakistan would dare go head to head with the US Navy (yes, just one out of 4 branches). Let alone intercepting them. Yes, even if both of them combine forces (sorry if this offends anyone :P).

Russia and probably China are the only countries that can confront the US to some extent. It's fair to assume that Russia is the only country that can give a decent fight against the USA, and hold on its own.
at least India is still SL's neighbor. talking about being a leader in the region, I though indians should at least side by Lanka.

this is the india Nehru had dreamed of?

Young Indians are totally lost. For you own good, don't act like zombies orchestrated by the US everything.

Jinnah dreamed of a Pakistan which is progressive, modern and giving equal rights to minorities. Some even say that he created Pakistan as a home for Indian Muslims and not as a Muslim state or in other words a secular state.But is the present Pakistan Jinnah had dreamed of?

Preach what you can practice and as far as US is concerned you are still in US camp.
at least India is still SL's neighbor. talking about being a leader in the region, I though indians should at least side by Lanka.

this is the india Nehru had dreamed of?

Young Indians are totally lost. For you own good, don't act like zombies orchestrated by the US everything.

Jinnah dreamed of a Pakistan which is progressive, modern and giving equal rights to minorities. Some even say that he created Pakistan as a home for Indian Muslims and not as a Muslim state or in other words a secular state.But is the present Pakistan Jinnah had dreamed of?

Preach what you can practice and as far as US is concerned you are still in US camp.
Does Sri Lanka have an air force? I'd imagine it is small and limited like my country's :P

You know, not even India or Pakistan would dare go head to head with the US Navy (yes, just one out of 4 branches). Let alone intercepting them. Yes, even if both of them combine forces (sorry if this offends anyone :P).

Russia and probably China are the only countries that can confront the US to some extent. It's fair to assume that Russia is the only country that can give a decent fight against the USA, and hold on its own.

No buddy, your assumption is wrong, Vietnam fought US with honor till they exited. so any nation with a unity can fight any super power. All you need is a war cry with a nationlism.
As far as the US Fighter entering SL airspace, they just took pictures of the Killing fields as in the movie "Behind Enemy Lines"
Attack a country who has done nothing wrong, yeah the international community is gonna do something about it.
Like the International Community did about any country that has been attacked under the banner of the WOT? Stop fooling yourself.

If america won the war how come their soldiers are still dying or getting killed by the taliban
Afghanistan is a different game. It is termed as 'graveyard of empires' for a reason.

However, consider the case of Iraq - a country much larger and stronger then Sri Lanka. That is clear cut US victory.

America owes $14 trillion debts to other countries and their economy is not picking up
Not true.

US owes majority of its debt to its internal population. External stakeholders do not hold much.
Does Sri Lanka have an air force? I'd imagine it is small and limited like my country's :P

You know, not even India or Pakistan would dare go head to head with the US Navy (yes, just one out of 4 branches). Let alone intercepting them. Yes, even if both of them combine forces (sorry if this offends anyone :P).

Russia and probably China are the only countries that can confront the US to some extent. It's fair to assume that Russia is the only country that can give a decent fight against the USA, and hold on its own.

nope, China is the only country that can sustain a full scale war against the US and finally defeat the US possibly.

Russia has current storage of arsenals that could better retaliate in the first stage of the war.(well even this is not sure as Russian military lack proper care and their tech are outdated seeming to me)
Does Sri Lanka have an air force? I'd imagine it is small and limited like my country's :P

You know, not even India or Pakistan would dare go head to head with the US Navy (yes, just one out of 4 branches). Let alone intercepting them. Yes, even if both of them combine forces (sorry if this offends anyone :P).

Russia and probably China are the only countries that can confront the US to some extent. It's fair to assume that Russia is the only country that can give a decent fight against the USA, and hold on its own.

nope, China is the only country that can sustain a full scale war against the US and finally defeat the US possibly.

Russia has current storage of arsenals that could better retaliate in the first stage of the war.(well even this is not sure as Russian military lack proper care and their tech are outdated seeming to me)
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