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US fighter jets intrude into Sri Lanka Air space: Breaking News

Why don't you guys approach China and get yourself a set of J-10B's for dealing with any future surprise incursions like these?

I'm sure the Chinese don't want the J10's to get blasted from the sky till they can sell more.
all countries are actually getting closer to China because usa is acting like a thug tht will get beat badly by someone.

Not exactly. All Countries means China + Pakistan + NK + Iran. Add SL and Bangladesh, if you want. That's it. This is not even 10% of the world.

Whole Europe, Africa, 75% Middle-East, South America, Australasia are still US supporter. Not to forget 50% Asian countries like Japan, SK, India, Taiwan, Vietnam and so on.....90% countries are still with US or Neutral to US.
Not exactly. All Countries means China + Pakistan + NK + Iran. Add SL and Bangladesh, if you want. That's it. This is not even 10% of the world.

Whole Europe, Africa, 75% Middle-East, South America, Australasia are still US supporter. Not to forget 50% Asian countries like Japan, SK, India, Taiwan, Vietnam and so on.....90% countries are still with US or Neutral to US.

You need to be concise and not get yourself mixed up here:

1) Africa, Middle-East and South America are not entirely Pro America and cannot be looked at as a whole. There are many China supporters and neutrals in those region and continents.

2) I don't know where you get the ratio of 50% Asian countries from, but from the short list provided by yourself, I'd advise you take out South Korea as they are neutral and is getting closer to China because they know we are the only one who can help them resolve issues with its neighbour NK.

3) Taiwan is not a country. They also have a pro China government and is also getting closer with China due to our bilateral trades and recent changes in policies.

4) Respect4Respect01 has a point, countries around the world are getting closer, if not done so already, with China because that's where money is at.
China actions a different foreign policy, preferring to stay away from other countries internal affairs, we command more respect than the U.S. in this regard.

5) 90% countries are still neutral or friendly with the U.S.? are you sure? care to link your sources?
Which country did u ask for help???

Is it possible US is trying to appease india, so that india will behave like their pet dog even more so...!!!

Remember yesterday ur so-called state-of-the-art heli got blew up with an RPG by Talibaan,,,

State of the art heli? It has been around since the 1960's, and it is a transport, comparing it to a fighter is like comparing a truck to a race car, genius. We took down a Chinese fighter with a prop plane, remember?
I'm sure the Chinese don't want the J10's to get blasted from the sky till they can sell more.

Ah! Spoken like a typical YANK!

Blasted out of sky by what? Your Hornets? Poor birds are as agile in the air as a 400lbs Sumo Wrestler in a Swimming Pool!! In a typical air combat (non-BVR) I'd put my money on the J-10B's hands down!

Oh Yeah and just for the sake of the record, was it not a low cost Russian or Chinese RPG that toasted your multi-million dollar upgraded Chinook along with multi-million dollar SEALS in it? Yep! you YANKS sure know how to fly 'em!
Ah! Spoken like a typical YANK!

Blasted out of sky by what? Your Hornets? Poor birds are as agile in the air as a 400lbs Sumo Wrestler in a Swimming Pool!! In a typical air combat (non-BVR) I'd put my money on the J-10B's hands down!

Oh Yeah and just for the sake of the record, was it not a low cost Russian or Chinese RPG that toasted your multi-million dollar upgraded Chinook along with multi-million dollar SEALS in it? Yep! you YANKS sure know how to fly 'em!

That is what gets said about every aircraft till it faces the US, then it is proven to be trash. As far as chinooks...did you not read the earlier post? It's a damned 50 year old transport. In Pakistani minds that may mean fighter...to Americans it means 50 year old transport...like an old lorry if you will. The fact we lose so few show how bad the Taliban suck.
Maybe they are afraid Sri Lanka will want to join Malaysia in ASEAN to build military equipment and not buy from US contractors.
Most likely an accident, or they just don't care.
USA and Lanka are not enemy country... SO if such kind of Incursion happen, resolve it diplomatically. There could be many reason of these kind of incursion .. But as far my understanding, It was not offensive one, so not a threat to Lanka...

SriLanka has recently came out of worst civil war, This is the time they should follow non-alignment and befreind every one so that they can develop there economy.. Romancing with china Pakistan or USA will be like kicking the hornet nest (No need to repeat mistake of past), which India will definitely not like..

The US never apologise.

That is the Gospel Truth.

Apologise for what?

They did not apologise for violating Pakistan airspace and carrying out a raid on Pakistani soil and you expect the US to apologise for merely flying over?

Don't hold your breath!
The US never apologise.

That is the Gospel Truth.

Apologise for what?

They did not apologise for violating Pakistan airspace and carrying out a raid on Pakistani soil and you expect the US to apologise for merely flying over?

Don't hold your breath!

I am with you on this one.
Sadly, it is the truth.
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