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US F-15E Eagle crashes or shot down in Libya

Israel technology is American given and its ABM systems are far inferior to the West and China. Israel has terminal ABM while US and China has Midcourse exo atmospheric KKV capable systems.

The original poster says we should be afraid of competition. We are with US and Russia as they do make 5th gen planes. Not the ones that simply buy them.

Its not arrogance when it is very obvious we are ahead of them.

Everything China does is arrogant to them, mate. 'Chinese arrogance' is a well established story line in the Indian media. He's just parroting stories like this

'Arrogant' China oversteps, shoots itself in the foot

and this

The new China: Arrogant and Confident

and this

Answer befittingly to the Chinese arrogance, ask them about Tibet and Xinxiang : BJP

Again all part of the collective emotion and psychological hangups they have about China. Articles like these make them feel good, and gives them hope that one day "China will get it's comeuppance" and India will be there to gloat.
What he said was India can defend itself against a two front war.

Its futile mate. You are dealing with fanbois for whom simple English comprehension is far beyond their capabilities and often tend to take phrases and sentences completely out of context to suit their agendas.
Thats not arrogance. India can obviously crush Pakistan and China in only 12 hours. They were being humble with the with the other figure.

That statement was issued as assurance of India's defence capabilities to the Indian people in case of an arrogant China and an over ambitious Pakistan. But yeah, you can morph that into anything you want.
Its futile mate. You are dealing with fanbois for whom simple English comprehension is far beyond their capabilities and often tend to take phrases and sentences completely out of context to suit their agendas.

Character assassination is so simple nowadays...
Its futile mate. You are dealing with fanbois for whom simple English comprehension is far beyond their capabilities and often tend to take phrases and sentences completely out of context to suit their agendas.

You're right. China and Pakistan are all knowing saintly entities. Talking sense is pointless. How this thread about US F-15s over Libya turned into this amazes me.

I'll let the fanboys have their fun.
Israel technology is American given and its ABM systems are far inferior to the West and China. Israel has terminal ABM while US and China has Midcourse exo atmospheric KKV capable systems.

You do realize that Israel has to deal with Katyushas and other home made projectiles carrying explosives, lobbed by Hamas and Hezbollah across the borders. The same katyushas and projectiles which do NOT have any guidance systems and are at the mercy of the wind?

Now, you also realize how difficult it would be to hit such projectiles whose trajectories are totally unpredictable as opposed to those ICBMs or IRBMs which have definite trajectories atleast in their initial stages.

Now what would demand a much advanced/finer technology? Hitting missiles whose trajectory can be calculated once they are launched and intercepted outside the atmosphere or when they are still climbing or those projectiles whose trajectories are unpredictable?

---------- Post added at 03:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:57 PM ----------

Character assassination is so simple nowadays...

Yes. When one repeatedly exposes their shortcomings and refuses to accept them.
Alright, maybe everyone(me included) should be back on topic.

edit: what are the shortcomings?
Yes my English comprehension is terrible. Guess thats why I got a 760 on my English SATs instead of 800:cry:

My God, how are you even sentient? I'm surprised your keyboard hasn't shorted out from the copious amounts of drool that gets slobbered on it everyday.
lol, everyone is overtaking me in post numbers, and I thought I was pro-active.
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