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US F-15E Eagle crashes or shot down in Libya

TBF this was discussed by the BBC last night with an ex UKSF commander and he sand that the rescuers on the helos flying in wouldn't have been able to distinguish freeing from Froebel from in the air so seeing all these Libyans rushing towards the US pilots means they thought they were hostile. And there WERE armed mercenaries in the area which were taken out by Us CAS to the rescuers. The rescuers followed standard SOPs.
ok but if you didn't hear any shoot any fire , then you didn't wait for before shooting on people?
Well I don't think so ... It seems it is burned after crash as the debris is present in a close vicinity a little more space then an F-15 could take and not in a wider area which shows it has not been ripped apart in the air ... but a possibility of it has been hit is still their ...
Desert has many faces. Not all deserts are pure sand. N. Libya backs up to the Great Sahara Desert, and sand is air borne over all of Libya.

As I recall from my years stationed in Pakistan the Sind Desert is far from a pure sand desert. It is rough and scruffy with some wild growth...and with the rare rain the Sind near Tatta bloomed in a few hours with wild poinsettias...which appealed to me as a Christian as it was just after our Christian Christmas season.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: My Friend its Thatta not Tatta :no: and if you were in Pakistan then you must have known a little Urdu :lol:
Old F-15 are getting older by the day....China J-11B are so supperior...:china:

sigh...when will you chinese boys ever learn the value of humility? Granted, china is an economuc power and a rising military power as well. But please note the keyword here is "rising". The capabilities of almost all chinese jets are largely obscured and usually hyped up fanboy rants in the public domain. The united states, russia, etc have been developing aircrafts for ages....and at unimaginably high budgets. It will take time to get there. What china needs to do first is assert itself in the asian sector. Right now you have competition from japan, sk, israel and india. Even the middle eastern countries feild proven jets and systems that surpassess the chinese. Its commendable the nation is developing its own systems. But road ahead is quite long...
sigh...when will you chinese boys ever learn the value of humility? Granted, china is an economuc power and a rising military power as well. But please note the keyword here is "rising". The capabilities of almost all chinese jets are largely obscured and usually hyped up fanboy rants in the public domain. The united states, russia, etc have been developing aircrafts for ages....and at unimaginably high budgets. It will take time to get there. What china needs to do first is assert itself in the asian sector. Right now you have competition from japan, sk, israel and india. Even the middle eastern countries feild proven jets and systems that surpassess the chinese. Its commendable the nation is developing its own systems. But road ahead is quite long...

You are talking to a Pakistani. Feel smart now?

As for competition Neither Israel, SK, Japan, or India are capable even of independently producing 4th gen jets let alone fifth gen ones. Pretty poor competition if you ask me. Its not arrogance its just fact.
Old F-15 are getting older by the day....China J-11B are so supperior...:china:

The J-11B?

You mean the Chinese built ripoff copy of the Russian Sukhoi SU-27 which originally hit the skies in 1977?

Define, superior.....

Hell, I'd take an "old" SU-27 or F15E any day over that poor Chinese copy.
The J-11B?

You mean the Chinese built ripoff copy of the Russian Sukhoi SU-27 which originally hit the skies in 1977?

Define, superior.....

Hell, I'd take an "old" SU-27 or F15E any day over that poor Chinese copy.

Yes I suppose Indians would you false flagger.

At least you didn't put your location as Porkis**.
You are talking to a Pakistani. Feel smart now?

As for competition Neither Israel, SK, Japan, or India are capable even of independently producing 4th gen jets let alone fifth gen ones. Pretty poor competition if you ask me. Its not arrogance its just fact.

And you doubt the capabilities of these countries, especially Japan and Israel?
And you doubt the capabilities of these countries, especially Japan and Israel?

Yes I do.

Israel can make whatever plane America supplies them with. Their last attempt had pretty much all American components and was funded largely by America.

Japan makes overpriced planes like the F 2 with f 16C/D capabilities at 127 million a pop and still uses 40% American components. The Shin Shin would be no different unless they want to pay more than 400 million a copy.
Yes I do.

Israel can make whatever plane America supplies them with. Their last attempt had pretty much all American components and was funded largely by America.

Japan makes overpriced planes like the F 2 with f 16C/D capabilities at 127 million a pop and still uses 40% American components. The Shin Shin would be no different unless they want to pay more than 400 million a copy.

Is that so different to using Russian engines, components, designs etc.? How exactly can you claim that China is ahead of these countries when Chinese manufacturers employ a similar doctrine?
Is that so different to using Russian engines, components, designs etc.? How exactly can you claim that China is ahead of these countries when Chinese manufacturers employ a similar doctrine?

The difference is that China has an 5th gen plane flying with completely domestic designs and components already.

None of these other countries can even say that with an 4th gen plane. SK can't even say that with a 1st gen plane.
The difference is that China has an 5th gen plane flying with completely domestic designs and components already.

Last time I checked, the J-20 was still in it's prototype stage. And both Japan and Israel don't need to produce their own aircraft, they have America for that. Furthermore Israel have proved their technological savvy with radars and ABM systems which outstrip Chinese and and even Western tech. While China's indigenisation can be applauded, your claims of having overtaken these countries do come off as arrogance.
Last time I checked, the J-20 was still in it's prototype stage. And both Japan and Israel don't need to produce their own aircraft, they have America for that. Furthermore Israel have proved their technological savvy with radars and ABM systems which outstrip Chinese and and even Western tech. While China's indigenisation can be applauded, your claims of having overtaken these countries do come off as arrogance.

Israel technology is American given and its ABM systems are far inferior to the West and China. Israel has terminal ABM while US and China has Midcourse exo atmospheric KKV capable systems.

The original poster says we should be afraid of competition. We are with US and Russia as they do make 5th gen planes. Not the ones that simply buy them.

Its not arrogance when it is very obvious we are ahead of them.
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