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US F-15E Eagle crashes or shot down in Libya

These are the time to test your weapons... I think India should sell weapons to these countries,... What good that this for field testing??? India should have sold Akash sam to Libya .... Even Brahmos could also be tested .....

We need our product to be war proven.. :P

PS: I am not against USA, I am just looking at interest of My Country....
These are the time to test your weapons... I think India should sell weapons to these countries,... What good that this for field testing??? India should have sold Akash sam to Libya .... Even Brahmos could also be tested .....

We need our product to be war proven.. :P

PS: I am not against USA, I am just looking at interest of My Country....

Supplying arms to the Ghaddafi loyalists?
India will be branded a rogue state immediately.
Dust into the engine air intakes for both jets and propeller engines (helicopters) is a perpetual problem, there is no simple remedy for such.

Remember, except for Qatar Air Force all other Air Forces are not experienced with flight over the Sahara Desert.

President Carter's failed rescue attempt at the beginning of the 1978 Iranian Hostage Crisis was due in part to desert sand and dust clogging engines of C-130s and helicopters, again, with pilots and flight crews unused to flying under desert, windy desert in that case with air borne dust particles, situations.
why the hell is denmark involved in the coalition???.....a BBC reporter said that it would be hugely embarassing for the US authorities that their F 15 has been shot down after four days of operation when on the 3rd day all defences were crippled....i can see a shooting down in this.
President Carter's failed rescue attempt at the beginning of the 1979 Iranian Hostage Crisis was due in part to desert sand and dust clogging engines of C-130s and helicopters, again, with pilots and flight crews unused to flying under desert, windy desert in that case with air borne dust particles, situations.

And it was a retarded idea in the first place. To think that a group of American commandos can make their way thorough the most populous city in Iran James Bond style without anyone noticing? Gimme a break.

Oh and the helicopter crashed into the C-130 not because of mechanical failure but because the pilot got disoriented in a sand storm.
Gotta toe that line right? Gaddafi is a scumbag though.

Kinda ironical ,that Ghaddafi's regime was known for supplying arms to separatist groups worldwide like IRA,Moro rebels and today his regime will need arms and nobody will come forward.
Missile not necessarily especially the not so efficient stingers don't RIP APART the plane. They merely CAN damage a rudder alone!!

This pic tells everything one needs to know about Lybian "air defence".

Libya has S-75 Dvina(SA-2), USSR made SAM system which is very potent against low flying strike air crafts.

It was used to shoot down Russian Su-27 in Georgian war.
:disagree: Georgia did not use SA-2 and Russia did not lose Su-27.

Not shot down, crashed due to mechanical failure, most likely desert dust into engine intake would be my guess.
Its mechanical failure but not dust. First of all jets are flying at high altitudes there. Secondly here F-15s perform low level flights over desert all the time without any problem. Thirdly F-15 has two engines. Its very unlikely that both engines fail due to dust.
Kinda ironical ,that Ghaddafi's regime was known for supplying arms to separatist groups worldwide like IRA,Moro rebels and today his regime will need arms and nobody will come forward.

He's tried on many many idealogical shoes, none of them fit, so I don't see why they owe him anything.

He tried to be pan-Arab. The other Arabs thought he was a wack job and never told him nuthin’. He went off in a huff and said he’d realized he wasn’t Arab, he was African. That ended even worse, when he was beaten up by Chad. Not the guy, the country, but then the country Chad isn’t much scarier than most guys named Chad, so it comes to the same shameful thing. He tried to be a socialist revolutionary and a bunch of little liberation armies pretended to go along, then ditched him once he’d delivered the semtex.

Qaddafi has always been the dumped slut of the ideological world

War Nerd : Day One, Year Zero

A US F-15 jet crashed in Libya late on Monday, reportedly due to a technical fault during a raid against anti-aircraft defences in the northeast. Both its crew ejected safely, the US Africa command said Tuesday.

Al Jazeera's Andrew Simmons is onboard the USS Kearsarge, just off the Libyan coast, which was involved in the recovery of the crew of the F-15.

"We're told two aircraft were involved in the recovery operation," he said.

"The two pilots are in good condition. They are expected to be heading possibly to his ship which has excellent medical facilities on board.

"They were over flying northeast Libya on mission. It is not known exactly what they were engaged in."


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