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US F-15E Eagle crashes or shot down in Libya

F-15 for what? it is basically a air superiority fighter not for 'strike'?

May be escorting other bombers..
F-15E Strike Eagle, highly capable strike/fighter.
US is dragging UK and France unnecessarily into yet another pursuit of Cheap Oil in the disguise of Democracy..

france had some issues in past with Qaddafi and france is more willing to attack on libya than usa .......... but uk is surely dragged by usa but uk withdraw today good for them
france leaded the war actually, coz traditionally north africa was supposed to be french influential teritory.
That thing looks ripped apart before it hit the ground. Notice the wedge between the cockpit and the rest of the plane.

20 bucks says it was shot down
S-300 in Libya...... Friend are u joking?

Ok now just assume Libya didn't have S-300 and is able to shoot down a US war plane....what does this mean ? It means that the US war plane was nothing but junk and even ordinary citizen could shoot it down with a shoulder stinger
Coalition forces

US: B-2 stealth bombers; EA-18G Growler and AV-8B Harrier strike aircraft; destroyers USS Barry and USS Stout firing Tomahawk cruise missiles; amphibious assault ship USS Kearsage; command and control vessel USS Mount Whitney; submarines
France: Rafale and Mirage strike aircraft; refuelling and surveillance aircraft; aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and escort ships
UK: Typhoon and Tornado strike aircraft; refuelling and surveillance aircraft; Trafalgar-class submarine firing Tomahawk cruise missiles; frigates HMS Westminster and HMS Cumberland
Italy: Tornado aircraft; providing military bases
Canada: CF-18 strike aircraft; frigate HMCS Charlottetown
Spain: F-18 strike aircraft; refuelling and surveillance aircraft; frigate and submarine; military bases
Denmark: F-16 strike aircraft
Belgium: F-16 aircraft
That thing looks ripped apart before it hit the ground. Notice the wedge between the cockpit and the rest of the plane.

20 bucks says it was shot down
If it was ripped apart like this by missile, pilots would not eject.
It means that even a fluke of a shell at altitude can be dangerous for a jet..
Although this might simply be a mechanical fault.


Main bases

Libya's air force is headquartered at Okba Ben Nafi Air Base (formerly Methega, and Wheelus AFB) located 7 miles due east of Tripoli. This is a well-equipped air base that has been developed with Russian assistance to support and maintain a full air force of over 200 combat aircraft. Another large air base is located at Benghazi and a third, Gamal Abdul Nasser Air Base, is situated a few miles southwest of Tobruk. Two other air bases are located near the Egyptian border -- at Al Kufrah Oasis and at Jabal al Uwaynat in the far south.

Air Defense

Libya deploys the SA-2, SA-3, and Crotale missiles. At least one battery of each of these types have been spotted at each of Libya's three main air bases (Okba Ben Nafi, Benghazi and Gamal Abdul Nassar). One battery of Crotale sites have been detected at each of the two smaller bases in the southeast. The Libyan Army also operates three SA-5 batteries which are currently at undisclosed locations (probably in storage.)

The Libyan air force is believed to consist of over 500 combat aircraft, with some reports suggesting the number is as high as 700. These aircraft include MiG-23s, MiG-25s, Su-24, Fencer 'D's, Su-27s and Mirage F.1EDs. At least one squadron of Tu-22 bombers are known to be located at Okba Ben Nafi AB.


Libya's air force is organized into one medium bomber squadron, three fighter interceptor squadrons, five forward ground attack squadrons, one counterinsurgency squadron, nine helicopter squadrons, and three air defense brigades. Exact distribution and numbers of each squadron are unknown at this time. According to French intelligence, however, we know that there are no more than 60 or 70 Mirage aircraft, which are believed to be poorly maintained due to the lack of French technical support. Those Mirage aircraft that are in service are believed to be located at Gamal Abdul Nasser Air Base.


The number of well-trained pilots is nowhere near the number of planes in its inventory, a situation that Libya is apparently seeking to change through heavy recruitment efforts in recent years. While Libyan pilots are somewhat proficient in ground attack and to a lesser degree, maritime attack, they are particularly weak at air-to-air combat. As a whole, the Libyan air force is not very impressive in its response time, either, with a 20-to-30-minute reaction time noted during exercises in the Mediterranean back in 2005. It is unknown whether Libya has improved their proficiency in this areas since then

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