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US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan

US have fought a war with British Empire, Spanish Empire, Japan (Imperial), Germany (Nazi) and China.

They choked Russian economy for its intervention in Ukraine in 2014 and attacked a Syrian airbase in 2017 to send a message. Russian sources admit that relations between US and Russia are at an all-time low in current times.

I am not sure what you want US to do. Destroy the world?
I never said I wanted US to do anything. I'm just saying that they don't have the balls to drop MOAB in NK.
May I suggest to lay off the shit that you are smoking and focus on topic. Such idiotic remarks should at best left unsaid.
Then maybe the others shouldn't prompt me to say such things.
AFAIK it sucks up all the oxygen in the area because of the explosion. Probably burns your lungs to a crisp when you try to breath.
Wouldn't that be a thermobaric bomb that sucks up all the oxygen?

MOAB(US) is a just a massive conventional bomb. The FOAB(Russian) however is a thermobaric bomb.

If Pakistan launches nukes on India, India will launch its nukes on Pakistan, and both of you will die and the world wont go apesh*t and ensure its own destruction because of it, because you both will be dead, nothing we could change.
U take an exchange of nukes rather lightly. It doesn't matter if they r launched far away from u. Millions will die but if that doesn't phase u consider the environmental effects and famines that will follow. There was a study done specifically on a Pak/India nuclear exchange(I'm too lazy to look it up and post a link), which showed that it would affect the rest of the world adversely as well. So it's in everyone's(including u) best interest to avoid war and promote a peaceful existence.

When you see them carrying AK-47s in areas that the Afghan army isn't at.
By the way, they wouldn't use a MOAB on a guy on a horse.
Carrying weapons like AK47 is part of much of the Afghan tribal culture. U will find many civilians carrying those and this cultural trend existed before the existence of ISIS/Taliban/etc.
Trump Administration has sent another message with this bomb. After Syrian missiles salvo..

Rather an over kill for those sicko-terrorists. Other more efficient methods could have been more effective.

The audience is obviously Russia, Iran, Pak and China... NK is just a sideshow.

The current status quo suits all US and her allies. NK with fat Kim is the useful idiot for East China Sea, South China Sea and keeping the China containment party going.

Let us see whether the audience has noticed this demonstration of power.

If these states shrug it off then Mr. Trump will be forced to use more firepower to convey his message again.

The best option is to destroy the terror factories in AF with collaboration of regional powers i.e. Pak, Iran, China and Russia along with NATO.

Pak must take the lead to bring all these powers to the table in Islamabad.

Let us hope the great war can be avoided.
After watching the video I must say I am biggest fan of Trump now. The impact clearly suggests that the warhead was not even 10 percent of total capacity of what this bomb can carry other bombs fully loaded could have done bigger damage but just to create news and scare his enemies and show How strong he is against ISIS he uses most expensive bomb and also the most powerful which in this case wasn't. So Mr President you just got a new fan

@Path-Finder @Arsalan @Horus
On the contrary this is centered between good&bad. Trump destroyed ISIS infrastructure in afghanistan which Pakistan has been advocating, the use of such ordinance is more symbolic than anything! the US is sick of the war in afghanistan it just wont finish and using this bomb could be showing the ever growing frustration.

I will say that the indians are not pleased and they shouldn't be as afghan taliban are now becoming increasingly instrumental for the afghan future that does NOT sit well with india especially as Russia China and Iran have now hosted afghan taliban. indian allies in kabul were not consulted and their asset on ground received a MOAB!
where are those anti Pakistani realist....? where are those so called Afghan leader who 24/7 bark against Pakistan....? no more marg ba amerika? no single words against mighty usa???
Absolutely right! So no one will teach us some democracy!
You seem to be proud of that?

I much doubt development and use of MOP, MOAB, and FOAB has anything to do at all with democracy, let alone teaching it. Bombing ISIS - which is what USSR, sorry, I mean FRS is also doing, is not about "teaching democracy", obviously. So, what you posted is completely irrelevant and unrelated. In that sense, I consider your post inappropiate and off-topic, if not intended as flame.

Why was it again that USSR invaded Afghanistan in 1979?
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