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US Drone Strikes In Pakistan

Amazing that there is no comment from my fellow PDF posters from Pakistan about another drone strike. It must be that it is no longer a "big deal", worthy of comment. I guess it is now "old news" and the PDF folks here agree that smoking the jihadi bad guys is not so bad after all. N'est ce pas? :usflag:
From the long War journal:

US Predator strikes in North Waziristan

By Bill Roggio
December 15, 2008 1:22 PM

The US has attacked a Taliban safe house in the lawless tribal agency of North Waziristan, killing two people, according to reports from the region.

An unmanned Predator aircraft fired at least one Hellfire missile at a Taliban safe house in the Tapi Tool region near Miramshah, the main town in the Taliban-controlled tribal agency, Geo News reported.

No senior leaders have been reported killed in the strike.

Another drone hit. This makes ~ 27 in 2008.
Drone strikes are happening with the full connivance of our leaders, a sort of "bhent" of FATA people at the altar of Kali mata. They need Kali Mata's blessings to stay in power.

The most hnious aspect of this crime is that they may be actually operating from Pakistani bases? This disgraceful episode can stop if PAF is allowed to act.
Drone strikes are happening with the full connivance of our leaders, a sort of "bhent" of FATA people at the altar of Kali mata. They need Kali Mata's blessings to stay in power.

The most hnious aspect of this crime is that they may be actually operating from Pakistani bases? This disgraceful episode can stop if PAF is allowed to act.

Actually this 'disgraceful episode' can stop if the Taliban disarm.

The GoP's offer is still on the table.
The amusing part is the US obsession with the few targets of opportunity that a few small time Taleban present in FATA. In their eagerness to score against a few houses the US has lost semblance control over major swaths of Afghan countryside.

A galring example of cowardice and incompetence was the escape of OBL in 2001 facilitated by US subcontractors commander Hazrat Ali et al
Amazing that there is no comment from my fellow PDF posters from Pakistan about another drone strike. It must be that it is no longer a "big deal", worthy of comment. I guess it is now "old news" and the PDF folks here agree that smoking the jihadi bad guys is not so bad after all. N'est ce pas? :usflag:

If you only knew how much I, and the rest of the Pakistani people disgust these drone attacks inside Pakistan, and the **** reaction from our government.
These attacks CAN be stopped, but our government is too afraid of the consequenses if they pressurize the Americans over it to make them stop it.
It's all talk but no action..:tsk:
Drone strikes are happening with the full connivance of our leaders, a sort of "bhent" of FATA people at the altar of Kali mata. They need Kali Mata's blessings to stay in power.

The most hnious aspect of this crime is that they may be actually operating from Pakistani bases? This disgraceful episode can stop if PAF is allowed to act.

You're right but Mr. 10 % won't allow it. Anyway, the army is on fire because of the Drone attacks. It's the only thing Pakistanis can trust. We have the worst leader for the worst time.
If you only knew how much I, and the rest of the Pakistani people disgust these drone attacks inside Pakistan, and the **** reaction from our government.
These attacks CAN be stopped, but our government is too afraid of the consequenses if they pressurize the Americans over it to make them stop it.
It's all talk but no action..:tsk:

The GoP and military have both accepted that the Taliban groups being attacked through the drones are carrying out cross border attacks. Even the Taliban groups have admitted that.

So, Pakistan would then have to take on the responsibility for targeting these groups (the current GoP has reportedly asked for the capability to carry out these strikes herself), would you be in favor of that?
This little Hummingbird may show up over Sirij Haqqani's house soon:

The GoP and military have both accepted that the Taliban groups being attacked through the drones are carrying out cross border attacks. Even the Taliban groups have admitted that.

So, Pakistan would then have to take on the responsibility for targeting these groups (the current GoP has reportedly asked for the capability to carry out these strikes herself), would you be in favor of that?
I would most definitely be in favor of drone attacks, if they were carried out by our own army.
We are Americas most important partner in the war against terror, therefor should receive the equipment aswell as the sensitive technology in order to progress in this war against militants.
However, the U.S. wishes to perform these attacks on her own, thus leading to anger among the Pakistani people, and this will definitely not help the Pakistani government aswell as the Americans in their battle against these terrorists.
I would most definitely be in favor of drone attacks, if they were carried out by our own army.
We are Americas most important partner in the war against terror, therefor should receive the equipment aswell as the sensitive technology so we can take on the militants by ourself.
However, the U.S. wishes to perform these attacks on her own, thus leading to anger among the Pakistani people, and this will definitely not help the Pakistani government aswell as the Americans in their battle against these terrorism.

Glad to know you agree with the necessity of attacking these groups.

Now the question is one of whether we can divert resources to the West and leave ourselves vulnerable on the East.

Or, we need to accelerate the COIN equipment acquisitions (Cobra's, NVG's, targeting pods for PAF fighters etc.) and the capacity building of the FC, along with an increase in the size of the force.

In either case, there are no easy and quick solutions.
Glad to know you agree with the necessity of attacking these groups.

Now the question is one of whether we can divert resources to the West and leave ourselves vulnerable on the East.

Or, we need to accelerate the COIN equipment acquisitions (Cobra's, NVG's, targeting pods for PAF fighters etc.) and the capacity building of the FC, along with an increase in the size of the force.

In either case, there are no easy and quick solutions.

That's a question I cannot answer.
However, are you saying now that we have no choice but to wait untill we are able to manage it on our own?
These U.S. drone strikes aren't a solution either IMO.
The acceleration of acquiring more COIN equipment should be done with immediate American assistance and funds.
But I guess that's just easy thinking from my side.
US strikes in two villages in South Waziristan

By Bill Roggio, the Long War Journal
December 22, 2008 1:13 AM

US unmanned Predator strike aircraft fired missiles at Taliban safe houses in two villages in South Waziristan, according to reports from the region.

At least eight people were killed in attacks on the villages of Karikot and Shin Warsak near Wana, AFP reported. "It was not immediately clear if the twin strikes, only minutes apart, targeted any senior Taliban or Al-Qaeda fugitives," a senior Pakistani security official told the news agency.

The Wana region is a stronghold of Mullah Nazir, a Taliban chieftain and rival of Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud. The US targeted Nazir and Tahir Yuldashev, the leader of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, in a strike near Wana on Nov. 7. Nazir was wounded in the attack. Yuldashev's status is still unknown.

There have been 36 recorded cross-border attacks and attempts in Pakistan this year, according to numbers compiled by The Long War Journal. Twenty-nine of these attacks took place since Aug. 31. There were only 10 recorded strikes during 2006 and 2007 combined.
Lessons for NATO

Written by moinansari on Nov-12-08 3:19am
From: defensebriefs.livejournal.com
World Politics...e runs through - Zimbio Search

There are some unspoken rules of engagement. Let us try to enumerate them so that they make Dollars and Sense to some.

Lesson Number One: Africa is not a country. South Africa is a country. Noruth America includes Canada, US and Mexico. These were the lessons that the Republicans failed to grasp and lost an election.

Lesson Number Two: Afghanistan is a landlocked country. Karachi is the Pakistan port throught which 80% of the arms and food itemsto Afghanistan flow. All supply lines to Afghanistan run through Pakistan.

Lesson Number Three: Blaming Pakistan won’t help the war on terror.. If you continue to kill Pakistanis, the nation cannot support the US war in Afghanistan. Pakistan Assembly: War not in its interest-Want it stopped!

Lesson Number Four: No pay. No Play.

There has been a big spike in US attacks on Pakistan. This creates huge problems for Pakistan and peace loving peoples of the region. Most of the drone attacks are proverbially inaccurate and have bombed innocent civilians. US attacks on Pakistan since 2004 fueled Afghan insurgency

According to the DOD, Pakistan suffered a loss of $20 Billion per annum as a result of the US attack on Afghanistan. Afghanistan received $15 Billion in aid in the past few years--most of is wasted on arms. Pakistan wanted a Free Trade Agreement with the US which would have propelled its exports to America to $15 Billion. Pakistan wanted Reconstruction Opportunity Zones (ROZs) in FATA, NWFP and Baluchistan.

The $650 million per annum never quite made it to Pakistan. None of these materialized. By law half of the US is spent in America. 25% of the rest is "spent" on administrative and logistical expenses. The remaining 25% is given to the US Ambassador's favorite US based NGO deposited back to the States. Almost none makes it to the poor Pakistanis. Pakistan has been caught in the midst of the global financial crisis and spiraling inflation fueled by rising gasoline prices.
i know Mr.Zardari has went from Mr.10 % to Mr.100% Pakistan is well off on military dictatorship.If a small country like North Korea can defend itself why not Pakistan ? 6th largest army in the world..Pakistan is in very crooks hands perhaps i should say may Allah save us

Pakistan Zindabaad :pakistan:
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