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US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

Drone strike kills 7 in North Waziristan

10 Oct 10 02:37 PM

MIRANSHAH: A suspected drone hit two militant compounds in North Waziristan's tribal region on Sunday, killing at least seven people and injuring five others.

Unmanned US aircrafts have significantly stepped up attacks on Taliban and Al Qaeda linked operatives in the semi-autonomous region this month.

Sunday's attack took place in Shawa village east of Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan, the tribal district that has been the focus of this covert drone campaign as a Taliban and Al Qaeda stronghold.

A security official confirmed the attack and death toll.

.:: SAMAA - Drone strike kills 7 in North Waziristan
MIRANSHAH, Pakistan, Oct 13, 2010 (AFP) - A US drone attack on a compound in Pakistan's northwestern tribal belt on Wednesday killed at least four militants, local security officials said.

The target of the drone strike was a house in Inzarkas village in Dattakhel area, some 35 kilometres (20 miles) west of Miranshah, the main town of North Waziristan.

"The drone fired two missiles on a house, at least four militants have been killed," an intelligence official in Miranshah told AFP.

A security official in Peshawar also confirmed the attack and the death toll.
MIRAMSHAH: A US drone attack on a compound in Pakistan's northwestern tribal belt on Wednesday killed at least four militants, local security officials said.

The target of the drone strike was a house in Inzarkas village in Dattakhel area, some 35 kilometres (20 miles) west of Miramshah, the main town of North Waziristan.

“The drone fired two missiles on a house, at least four militants have been killed,” an intelligence official in Miranshah told AFP.

A security official in Peshawar also confirmed the attack and the death toll.

DAWN.COM | Provinces | US drone attack kills four militants in North Waziristan

Eight causalities have so far been claimed by various news channels
Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:37PM

Another non-UN-sanctioned US drone attack in Pakistan has killed at least five people and wounded several others in the troubled northwestern parts of the country.

Pakistani security officials said an unmanned US plane fired two missiles at a house in North Waziristan.

The death toll is expected to rise as some of those injured are reportedly in critical condition.

The US has stepped up its drone strikes in Pakistan, launching attacks on an almost daily basis. While Washington claims that it targets militants, it is mostly the country's civilians who bare the brunt of such strikes.

The US has intensified its drone attacks on Pakistan's tribal areas in recent months. Some 160 people, most of them civilians, have been killed in such strikes since September.

Senior political and military officials in Islamabad have called on Washington to reconsider its policy, repeatedly condemning the attacks as a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty.

"We believe that they are counter-productive and also a violation of our sovereignty," Pakistan's Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Basit said last week.
When was the last time UN even sanctioned Iraq or Afghanistan invasion in true words
i read another NATO plane crossed pakistans border yesterday n came upto 200 m..
Pakistan should take strict actions against this...killing of civilians in that region in this kind of attacks are being heard too often now.
Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:37PM

"We believe that they are counter-productive and also a violation of our sovereignty," Pakistan's Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Basit said last week.
thankyou so much for this amazing n informative piece mr basit..thx mr zor-dari for ur utmost concern for innocent pakistanis..:hitwall:
Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:37PM

The US has intensified its drone attacks on Pakistan's tribal areas in recent months. Some 160 people, most of them civilians, have been killed in such strikes since September.

what do u think about the relatives of these innocent died peoples ?
aren't this policy encouraging them to be militants ????
what do u think about the relatives of these innocent died peoples ?
aren't this policy encouraging them to be militants ????

Unfortunatley, if a innocent man is killed by these attacks, his brother or his son would never think about the policy or they never sell the CHANAS on the road.....
they definitley goind to be a militant
i know i'm goin to be mullered for this when i ask what happened to those SAMS moved to the border only last week? i think GOP just put up a fake protest when they blocked nato supply line & moved anti aircraft missile systems to fata border. after convincing US & NATO to appologise, business is as usual now!!
According to intelligence, there are 11 in total, and all were "militants"

DAWN.COM | Provinces | US missiles strikes kill 11 in Pakistan

DERA ISMAIL KHAN: Intelligence officials say four suspected US missiles strikes have killed 11 militants in northwestern Pakistan near the Afghan border.

The officials say the strikes occurred Wednesday in the Datta Khel area of North Waziristan tribal region.

The first attack targeted a house in Lataka village, killing four militants. Minutes later, a drone attacked a vehicle nearby, killing two foreign militants.

Another attack 15 minutes later against a second vehicle killed three militants.

The final attack occurred a half-hour later and targeted militants collecting bodies from the house destroyed in the first strike. The attack killed two militants.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to talk to media.—AP
i know i'm goin to be mullered for this when i ask what happened to those SAMS moved to the border only last week? i think GOP just put up a fake protest when they blocked nato supply line & moved anti aircraft missile systems to fata border. after convincing US & NATO to appologise, business is as usual now!!

the news of moving the SAMs to the border itself sounded like a gimmick...any sensible force would not risk that...attacking a US machine would result in fatal consequences for themselves.
How long can Pakistan go on like this. The Pakistani government and military is making a mockery out of Pakistan.
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