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US DOD has approved a FMS for Pakistani F16s for Sniper pods & LANTIRN navigation pod

Good news, hopefully we may see an advanced F-16 variants or more 52 orders. But I doubt it.

I doubt it too, PAF too focused on getting bang per buck, if we are getting Erieyes at $50 million a piece, Sniper Pods at $2 million a piece and JF-17s at $20 million, then $80 million for a brand new F-16 is way too much.
LMTAS only producing V model now.

My guess is another 18 used F-16s that may already have MLU that PAF will then pay to slightky adapt them to PAF MLU standard. Plenty of used Dutch, Belgium and Danish F-16 MLUs coming online as these countries convert to F-35 in next couple of years. PAF must do it's best to get the best air frames from these countries. Then you may be looking at a second hand F-16 for $10 million. Something PAF will surely go for
I doubt it too, PAF too focused on getting bang per buck, if we are getting Erieyes at $50 million a piece, Sniper Pods at $2 million a piece and JF-17s at $20 million, then $80 million for a brand new F-16 is way too much.
LMTAS only producing V model now.

My guess is another 18 used F-16s that may already have MLU that PAF will then pay to slightky adapt them to PAF MLU standard. Plenty of used Dutch, Belgium and Danish F-16 MLUs coming online as these countries convert to F-35 in next couple of years. PAF must do it's best to get the best air frames from these countries. Then you may be looking at a second hand F-16 for $10 million. Something PAF will surely go for

That's a great idea and something the PAF has done. Used is a viable option for sure.
Don’t PAF F-16s already have these subsystems? What’s the point of ordering additional parts? Can someone shed light?

PAF F-16 Fleet is around 75 planes, total inventory of Sniper Pods is currently 37, so about half the fleet. I guess PAF is maybe looking at ensuring the entire fleet is equipped with a pod, which makes sense. The pod is not just for targeting but essentially gives the F-16 extra capability in air to air and ISR areas.

As well as laser designation it has HDTV quality video link, Nigh/Bad weather FLIR, advanced image processing that allows it to attack enemy defences out of their range (maybe not S-400 though).

It can also be used in air to air mode, and can identify target visually from stand off ranges, to the extent that the F-16 can turn off it's radar and use the pod to acquire and destroy another aircraft.
PAF F-16 Fleet is around 75 planes, total inventory of Sniper Pods is currently 37, so about half the fleet. I guess PAF is maybe looking at ensuring the entire fleet is equipped with a pod, which makes sense. The pod is not just for targeting but essentially gives the F-16 extra capability in air to air and ISR areas.

As well as laser designation it has HDTV quality video link, Nigh/Bad weather FLIR, advanced image processing that allows it to attack enemy defences out of their range (maybe not S-400 though).

It can also be used in air to air mode, and can identify target visually from stand off ranges, to the extent that the F-16 can turn off it's radar and use the pod to acquire and destroy another aircraft.

Through BVRs?

No you really need some sort of radar to still guide a BVR, what (in theory) could be possible is several F-16s with radars turned off launching AMRAAMs that can be cued by an Erieye, so well out of the range of an enemy fighter radar. All the enemy will track is the AMRAAM once it gets in close, by then often too late
I hope PAF has learnt a lesson from the past when they paid for F16's and
got soya beans instead. PAF was also made to pay the parking charges
of the F16's that were parked up in America.

If they get offered used F16's from European countries on the cheap
then go for it. Most money should be going into JF17 Block 3 plus AZM
Lockheed Martin has received a FMS for Pakistani F16s of Sniper, Infrared Search and Track (IRST); and Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night (LANTIRN) navigation pod (fixed wing) hardware production.
The total contract is worth $485 million which includes multiple US allies. Work will be performed in Orlando, Florida, and various locations to be identified at the order level. The work is expected to be completed by May 2025.

Thank you India. Keep delaying Afghan peace and Viper will come as well. :-)



:o: o_O :woot: :cheesy:
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