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US diplomatic iceberg spotted near China

Calm move? Sure whatever helps you sleep at night. Yesterday I heard excuses like China didn't want to waste fuel unnecessarily, China didn't have enough time to respond, China didn't need to respond as ADIZ is not ADZ. :o:

This is PDF fool.

Our military spokesperson was very calm in response.
why you are taking those self-loathed white wannabe indian so seriously`?```their inferiority together with grand delusion makes them the joke of our time:lol:

The only joke here is the Chinese, and unfortunately China brought it on itself. US called your bluff and exposed the Chinese.

Day 1: 8-)

China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

Day 2: :(

[url="https://defence.pk/threads/u-s-flies-b-52s-through-china%E2%80%99s-expanded-air-defense-zone.288867/"]U.S. Flies B-52s Through China’s Expanded Air Defense Zone[/URL]

Day 3: :mad:

US diplomatic iceberg spotted near China
Calm move? Sure whatever helps you sleep at night. Yesterday I heard excuses like China didn't want to waste fuel unnecessarily, China didn't have enough time to respond, China didn't need to respond as ADIZ is not ADZ. :o:
and i guess Indian's excuse for their primitiveness would be monsoon didnt come in time right?

The only joke here is the Chinese, and unfortunately China brought it on itself. US called your bluff and exposed the Chinese.

Day 1: 8-)

China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

Day 2: :(

U.S. Flies B-52s Through China’s Expanded Air Defense Zone

Day 3: :mad:

US diplomatic iceberg spotted near China
and i guess we setting up the zoon is for a 3-day play? lol primitive indian, no wonder everyone looks down on your race

p.s air defense zoon is not sovereign air space, a free tip to your utter ignorance
The only joke here is the Chinese, and unfortunately China brought it on itself. US called your bluff and exposed the Chinese.

Day 1: 8-)

China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

Day 2: :(


Day 3: :mad:

US diplomatic iceberg spotted near China

Just like earlier this year when discussing the 50th anniversary of the 1962 war and how the Indian military, media and every Indian was now ready to stand upto China.

But when our army invaded your sovereignty, not just an ADIZ, but actually invaded Indian sovereignty, where was all the talk of standing up to China?
and i guess Indian's excuse for their primitiveness would be monsoon didnt come in time right?

and i guess we setting up the zoon is for a 3-day play? lol primitive indian, no wonder everyone looks down on your race

Ahahaha a Chinese being racist.

I can understand your frustration, anyone would feel frustrated when they are made to look ball less, kinda like the author of this article (rant).

Ahahaha a Chinese being racist.

I can understand your frustration, anyone would feel frustrated when they are made to look ball less, kinda like the author of this article (rant).

i just merely spoke the truth of being an Indian``which is full of jokes``and disrespected everywhere``no?
i just merely spoke the truth of being an Indian``which is full of jokes``and disrespected everywhere``no?

Lets focus on the China's "loss of face" shall we? And don't get me started on the Chinese, there are prolly a million racist chinese stereotypes that I can throw back at you, but that would be off topic. So focus :azn:
Let me remind u!!!!!

Indian OIL companies are digging for oil in "south china sea".:big_boss::big_boss::big_boss:
'We' :lol:

We have overtaken America in many economic indicators. Our growth is now the number 1 contributor to the global economy.

With our economic growth, our military get more money and the technology gap closes.

You know it, I know it and your master knows it too :coffee:

:lol: you are still an underdeveloped country. You may have overtaken us in some indicators because of your market size in china, but even a teenager flipping hamburgers in the US as a part time job. makes more than 90% of your countries factory workers, in a month.

Your military spending will increase but your quality is 2 decades behind us. even with stealing our tech.:coffee:

that still does not make you any super power. You don't have the size of our military, you don't have worldwide bases, you have no NATO like alliance. You will be a regional power always. You know it , I know it and your master CCP knows it.
:lol: you are still an underdeveloped country. You may have overtaken us in some indicators because of your market size in china, but even a teenager flipping hamburgers in the US as a part time job. makes more than 90% of your countries factory workers, in a month.

Your military spending will increase but your quality is 2 decades behind us. even with stealing our tech.:coffee:

that still does not make you any super power. You don't have the size of our military, you don't have worldwide bases, you have no NATO like alliance. You will be a regional power always. You know it , I know it and your master CCP knows it.

Being a so called superpower means more than just military power.

It means power of various means such as:

1) Economic (export goods & services, market size, direct investment, lending).

2) Financial (portfolio investment, currency usage).

3) Technological (provider of high-tech goods in various industries).

4) Military (weapons development, weapons exports).

5) Political (aid, UNSC veto power, World Bank voting share, IMF voting share, UN funding budget).

6) Infomation (globally influential news agencies, tv news, newspapers, business news, magazines).

7) Culture (movies, music, brands, tv channels, sports leagues).

China still has a long way to go but we are advancing very fast and we have the US worried. If we are nothing, then we would be ignored, but nearly every story in global media talks about us in whatever way, shape or form. We are ALREADY too powerful and influential to ignore.

Within 20 years, China will be very close to American power.

Let me remind u!!!!!

Indian OIL companies are digging for oil in "south china sea".:big_boss::big_boss::big_boss:

But Indian oil companies abandoned two of the blocks because India didn't have the financial resources and the technology to extract the oil.

But I don't need to remind you about our influence in South Asia and our relationships with Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives.
Being a so called superpower means more than just military power.

It means power of various means such as:

1) Economic (export goods & services, market size, direct investment, lending).

2) Financial (portfolio investment, currency usage).

3) Technological (provider of high-tech goods in various industries).

4) Military (weapons development, weapons exports).

5) Political (aid, UNSC veto power, World Bank voting share, IMF voting share, UN funding budget).

6) Infomation (globally influential news agencies, tv news, newspapers, business news, magazines).

7) Culture (movies, music, brands, tv channels, sports leagues).

China still has a long way to go but we are advancing very fast and we have the US worried. If we are nothing, then we would be ignored, but nearly every story in global media talks about us in whatever way, shape or form. We are ALREADY too powerful and influential to ignore.

Within 20 years, China will be very close to American power.


You can't reinvent " superpower" status even if you are fed that line by the CCP. USSR were nowhere close to be an economic force of the likes of americans, yet they were a superpower. To be Super vs regional power , you need a USSR/ NATO like alliance, bases around the world ... you cannot do it with fly zone over SCS.

Your financial portfolio depends on NATO countries( developed countries who ally with the US) and trade with them. You are not even a self sufficient economy where you not dependent on global markets, rather you are globally dependent economy. and dependent on those who most ally with the US.

face it - you will be a regional powerhouse surrounded on almost every side by us and those who despise you.

Like I said, your pals, not even allies, are 3rd world countries- that too a handful. Thus the US will always be the lone superpower!

What is worse is that Russia will not allow you even win allies because they play in the same playground. We don't have those issues...
Build up? Build up to what... you will never be a superpower ever... we are bigger , better and have bases all over the world and NATO. What do you have, Iran, Sudan, Pakistan...who among those is going to be your version of NATO?

I see that you managed to get " control" over Taiwan :lol:

Respond only for India. Do not respond for a country that you live in but you have no love for. We Americans don't want immigrants that hate America and just spy against America for their native country.
that doesn't include you..actually,the post makes more sense against you than Jayatl..

I grew up here. been in America for over 30 years. I was here before Jayatl was born. I was a proud American when Iran release the 52 American hostages and still a major fan of Ronald Reagan. America need another Ronald Reagan.

I know you and Jayatl are here to undermine America. Can spot you guys miles away.

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