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US diplomatic iceberg spotted near China

I grew up here. been in America for over 30 years. I was here before Jayatl was born. I was a proud American when Iran release the 52 American hostages and still a major fan of Ronald Reagan. America need another Ronald Reagan.
I know you and Jayatl are here to undermine America. Can spot you guys miles away.

30 years and you became a proud american,yet you still hang taiwanese flag in the place of your country??? :rofl: we sure understand how proud you are..by the way,live 30 or for 300 years,americans will still despise you,just like other asians or africans..you should not become proud americans,who despise others...and apart from that,we barely see you cheer for anything that is in favour of america..we see you as a cheerleader of another country,which is neither america nor taiwan.. :rofl:

apart from that role,you're a self proclaimed expert of India.. :lol:

as far my role here,I want to annoy chinese trolls,nothing else.. :partay:
Respond only for India. Do not respond for a country that you live in but you have no love for. We Americans don't want immigrants that hate America and just spy against America for their native country.

LOL . You will never be american...come on now we know you get all mad when I speak up against your mother china! :lol:

My country likes India and wants to get closer to it. They are not flying bombers over their ' claimed' zones :lol:
you're totally wrong..India abandoned two blocks(Block 128 and 127) as there is no oil..but hey,we got 7 more....and these are close to Spartly. :rofl:

Vietnam offers India seven oil blocks for offshore exploration - The Times of India

so please cry that in some other thread...

:lol: there is oil. But even Indian media said they were abandoned because Indian company had financial constraints and lacked the technology to extract it.

These are just ego massaging political moves that gives no benefit. India won't extract any oil. Just don't have the capacity to do it.
there is oil. But even Indian media said they were abandoned because Indian company had financial constraints and lacked the technology to extract it.

show the report where they claim it...

These are just ego massaging political moves that gives no benefit. India won't extract any oil. Just don't have the capacity to do it.

okkk..we don't have capability.we don't have any machinery,we don't even know what oil is(India is operating like few dozens of offshore oil fields only in India)..but even then,why Vietnam will give us 7 more,if we don't know anything???they're not fool or something..and I think basing our naval assets will gather more prestige than oil exploration..LOL..
You can't reinvent " superpower" status even if you are fed that line by the CCP. USSR were nowhere close to be an economic force of the likes of americans, yet they were a superpower. To be Super vs regional power , you need a USSR/ NATO like alliance, bases around the world ... you cannot do it with fly zone over SCS.

Your financial portfolio depends on NATO countries( developed countries who ally with the US) and trade with them. You are not even a self sufficient economy where you not dependent on global markets, rather you are globally dependent economy. and dependent on those who most ally with the US.

face it - you will be a regional powerhouse surrounded on almost every side by us and those who despise you.

Like I said, your pals, not even allies, are 3rd world countries- that too a handful. Thus the US will always be the lone superpower!

What is worse is that Russia will not allow you even win allies because they play in the same playground. We don't have those issues...

Economic power is more important than military power. The USSR vs US rivalry is proof of this.

The reason US has many allies is because those countries heavily depended on American markets, investment, aid, technology and weapons.

As America lose that monopoly position to China, many countries have no need to go against China.

More countries trade with China than they do with America. Chinese direct investment is rising and Chinese aid is now playing a major part in developing countries.

China develops infrastructure, consumes foreign goods and services, Chinese tourists contribute to many economies, Chinese technology that we are self-sufficient in is being exported and technology transferred, weapons are being exported, etc.

Even among US allies, we are becoming far more important to them economically, financially, technologically than the US.

We don't even attach many strings to our aid.

America is now what the USSR was. A military power that is losing economic influence.

The American comparative advantage over China is in military power but you cannot use military power just like the USSR couldn't use their military power.

American economic power was responsible for winning allies. China is now the major economic power and you are seeing China slowly removing the need for all those countries to ally with the US.

It will accelerate as the RMB gets used more and Chinese capital markets become open to the world.

show the report where they claim it...

okkk..we don't have capability.we don't have any machinery,we don't even know what oil is(India is operating like few dozens of offshore oil fields only in India)..but even then,why Vietnam will give us 7 more,if we don't know anything???they're not fool or something..and I think basing our naval assets will gather more prestige than oil exploration..LOL..

Measured Chinese response to India-Vietnam South China Sea oil deals - The Hindu: Mobile Edition
China had mounted a far stronger response to India's deals on blocks 127 and 128, issuing formal protests. India has since returned the first block as explorations did not yield significant finds, while the second block has reportedly stalled on account of financial and technical difficulties. :lol:

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Economic power is more important than military power. The USSR vs US rivalry is proof of this.

The reason US has many allies is because those countries heavily depended on American markets, investment, aid, technology and weapons.

As America lose that monopoly position to China, many countries have no need to go against China.

More countries trade with China than they do with America. Chinese direct investment is rising and Chinese aid is now playing a major part in developing countries.

China develops infrastructure, consumes foreign goods and services, Chinese tourists contribute to many economies, Chinese technology that we are self-sufficient in is being exported and technology transferred, weapons are being exported, etc.

Even among US allies, we are becoming far more important to them economically, financially, technologically than the US.

We don't even attach many strings to our aid.

America is now what the USSR was. A military power that is losing economic influence.

The American comparative advantage over China is in military power but you cannot use military power just like the USSR couldn't use their military power.

American economic power was responsible for winning allies. China is now the major economic power and you are seeing China slowly removing the need for all those countries to ally with the US.

It will accelerate as the RMB gets used more and Chinese capital markets become open to the world.

LOL. You guys get brainwashed darn well. bro

You claim- "More countries trade with China than they do with America."
really? is that what CCP told you?

Your Aid even to your best pals is pittance. You don't do aid , you do loans w/ devious strings attached. Loan shark rates.

And when you do such deals like w/ pakistan. You completely one side it. strings were- Your workers, you ban any pakistani companies from bidding, all chinese companies and hire only low wage skills from the host company.

Then charge the highest interest...and then to add salt to the wound- tell Pakistan/ so called all allies that they would have to pay you royalty fees for decades on top of that high interest.

You claim- we are losing economic influence?
ROFL, is that why your govt. invested and continues to invest in our treasury bonds at a LOSS when we give them piss poor under 2% ROI rate on it!

You claim- to be an economic power?
being still underdeveloped?? haha

You claim- China is removing the need to ally with america?

... :rofl: is this what they feed you with over there?

psst o ye of great power, how many countries fly their bombers over our ' claimed' zones ;)
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China had mounted a far stronger response to India's deals on blocks 127 and 128, issuing formal protests. India has since returned the first block as explorations did not yield significant finds, while the second block has reportedly stalled on account of financial and technical difficulties.

Hard Sea bed,not much of oil against the cost implemented and Chinese malintention.....

ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL) had earlier indicated to the Vietnamese authorities its plans to terminate operations in the 128 block as it could not begin oil exploration due to hard sea bed and wanted quit for "techno commercial" reasons.

The standoff in the region intensified earlier this month after China's state-owned oil firm China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) called for bids from foreign companies offering exploration of oil in nine blocks in the South China Sea, sparking off protests in Hanoi.

Sources here said part of the oil block number 128, which was contracted to ONGC also fell under the blocks that CNOOC put up for bidding. Vietnam said the oil blocks belong to its exclusive economic zone.

Vietnamese authorities and Petro Vietnam with which OVL had struck a deal took up the issue with Indian Government insisting it should not withdraw from the block. The officials said ONGC preferred to withdraw operation than paying penalty for not being able to start exploration of hydrocarbons with a deadline set earlier by Vietnamese authorities.

Vietnam extends contract, wants India's presence in 128 block - Indian Express

understand the meaning of words,just don't quote it...it says that as sea bed is hard,ONGC is finding it hard to start the work within the fixed time frame.along with China is trying to dig the same block,future of this block is uncertain.also,the probability of oil found may not be much against the money invested.thats why they wants to withdraw,else they might get some penalty for not start working before the time frame..and also,"Techno Commercial" doesn't mean technical inability.it means that both party couldn't find a single term to agree upon.

formal definition------

Techno-commercial interactions connect the value addition by participants in all sectors included in the sections of the ISIC classification in activities covered by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev.4, in accordance with contracts that comply to national trade regulations, international trade agreements, and terms agreed by contractants (for instance Incoterms).

you know,some knowledge in english is really needed if you want to read an English newspaper..Chinese translation simply don't work..
LOL. You guys get brainwashed darn well. bro

"More countries trade with China than they do with America."
really? is that what CCP told you?

Your Aid even to your best pals is pittance. You don't do aid , you do loans w/ devious strings attached. Loan shark rates.

and when you do such deals like w/ pakistan. You completely one side it. Your workers, you ban any pakistani companies from bidding, all chinese companies and hire only low age skills from the host company, then charge the highest interest and then to add salt to the would- tell they they would have to pay you royalty fees for decades on top of that high interest.

we losing economic influence?
ROFL, is that why your govt invested and continues to invest in our treasury bonds at a LOSS!

you an economic power being still underdeveloped?? haha and China is removing the need to ally with america?

... :rofl: is this what they feed you with over there?

psst great power, how many countries fly their bombers over our ' claimed' zones ;)

In just five years, China has surpassed the United States as a trading partner for much of the world, including U.S. allies such as South Korea and Australia, according to an Associated Press analysis of trade data. As recently as 2006, the U.S. was the larger trading partner for 127 countries, versus just 70 for China. By last year the two had clearly traded places: 124 countries for China, 76 for the U.S.

China overtaking US as global trader

Btw Russian bombers routinely fly bombers over US ADIZ :lol:

Hard Sea bed,not much of oil against the cost implemented and Chinese malintention.....

Vietnam extends contract, wants India's presence in 128 block - Indian Express

understand the meaning of words,just don't quote it...it says that as sea bed is hard,ONGC is finding it hard to start the work within the fixed time frame.along with China is trying to dig the same block,future of this block is uncertain.also,the probability of oil found may not be much against the money invested.thats why they wants to withdraw,else they might get some penalty for not start working before the time frame..and also,"Techno Commercial" doesn't mean technical inability.it means that both party couldn't find a single term to agree upon.

formal definition------

Techno-commercial interactions connect the value addition by participants in all sectors included in the sections of the ISIC classification in activities covered by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev.4, in accordance with contracts that comply to national trade regulations, international trade agreements, and terms agreed by contractants (for instance Incoterms).

you know,some knowledge in english is really needed if you want to read an English newspaper..Chinese translation simply don't work..

Excuses excuses excuses.

India has no money and definitely no technical expertise and technology necessary to extract oil.

All these oil blocks will be abandoned after they realise they can't extract the black gold.

Dream on.
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Excuses excuses excuses.
India has no money and definitely no technical expertise and technology necessary to extract oil.
All these oil blocks will be abandoned after they realise they can't extract the black gold.
Dream on.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I've expected that from you..

after all,wage comes only after hard work.. :lol:

work harder..
Respond only for India. Do not respond for a country that you live in but you have no love for. We Americans don't want immigrants that hate America and just spy against America for their native country.

You seem to spend your time here in the 3 or 4 threads related to the SCS happenings questioning someone's claim as an American but I do not see a peep from you in support of US while Americans of different heritage and background have been actively participating in these threads in support of US. Where does your loyalty lie?
childish move. looks good for short term only.
today china only has few nukes and no “no first use” nuclear policy. this could change..
oh.. they have their north korea dog to play too.
In just five years, China has surpassed the United States as a trading partner for much of the world, including U.S. allies such as South Korea and Australia, according to an Associated Press analysis of trade data. As recently as 2006, the U.S. was the larger trading partner for 127 countries, versus just 70 for China. By last year the two had clearly traded places: 124 countries for China, 76 for the U.S.

China overtaking US as global trader

Btw Russian bombers routinely fly bombers over US ADIZ :lol:

You said more countries trade with china than US. the above is which is the " bigger trading partner" as in - terms of 'revenue of trade between the countries... '. :lol:

you are still a 3rd country even with second highest GDP that still needs to feeds the billion mouths and soon to be majority of old mouths.

You will be a regional power and that is all...
Being a so called superpower means more than just military power.
But Indian oil companies abandoned two of the blocks because India didn't have the financial resources and the technology to extract the oil.

But I don't need to remind you about our influence in South Asia and our relationships with Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives.

ONGC to Continue Exploration in South China Sea - WSJ.com

Just a day ago…..:woot:
ONGC Videsh eyes Chevron gas block in Vietnam - Business Today - Business News….

we are still there, digging, even after so many warnings
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