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US diplomatic iceberg spotted near China

You seem to spend your time here in the 3 or 4 threads related to the SCS happenings questioning someone's claim as an American but I do not see a peep from you in support of US while Americans of different heritage and background have been actively participating in these threads in support of US. Where does your loyalty lie?

My loyalty lie in America. There is no doubt about it. I would support basing of American troops in India. You should also as India prosper the most when foreign troops are in its soil.
My loyalty lie in America. There is no doubt about it. I would support basing of American troops in India. You should also as India prosper the most when foreign troops are in its soil.

Sigh. Now your famous cliche apart from the 2030 movie crap.
Sigh. Now your famous cliche apart from the 2030 movie crap.

Its true that American troops are needed to counter China. That is why many Asian nations want Americans there. If Indians are smart, they would invite Americans to station troops there for protection. You should read an article by the former premier of Singapore of this issue. He stated that in the near future, all Asian countries combined would not be able to counter China without US military intervention. India will for sure need US military protection in the future.

At the same time, I don't want America to station any more troops any where else. Asians should take care of their own issues without American intervention. America has enough of its own problems.
You said more countries trade with china than US. the above is which is the " bigger trading partner" as in - terms of 'revenue of trade between the countries... '. :lol:

you are still a 3rd country even with second highest GDP that still needs to feeds the billion mouths and soon to be majority of old mouths.

You will be a regional power and that is all...

Ahhhh I knew it :lol:

You got smacked haaard and now twisting it to save face. Typical Indian :lol:

Spin it how you want, the facts are there.

China has more countries that consider us their number 1 trading partner than they do US.

Not just that but China is now the worlds largest trading nation (exports + imports).

Give it up mate, you just prove to everyone the famous 82 :lol:

I'm not sure we even warn anymore because we have figured out that Indian incompetence will mean no oil is extracted :lol:
Its true that American troops are needed to counter China. That is why many Asian nations want Americans there. If Indians are smart, they would invite Americans to station troops there for protection. You should read an article by the former premier of Singapore of this issue. He stated that in the near future, all Asian countries combined would not be able to counter China without US military intervention. India will for sure need US military protection in the future.

At the same time, I don't want America to station any more troops any where else. Asians should take care of their own issues without American intervention. America has enough of its own problems.

You are contradicting yourself here. On one side you suggest U.S bases and on another side you do not want US intervention in Asia. And this is not the first time I am seeing your contradiction. Let me get it straight - in India and other countries related threads, you suggest U.S bases in those countries but in threads related to China, you advocate U.S staying out of Asia. First clear your thoughts then we can discuss further on this topic.

You need to get your priorities right before you take potshot at other American members here and question their loyalty to their nation.
You are contradicting yourself here. On one side you suggest U.S bases and on another side you do not want US intervention in Asia. And this is not the first time I am seeing your contradiction. Let me get it straight - in India and other countries related threads, you suggest U.S bases in those countries but in threads related to China, you advocate U.S staying out of Asia. First clear your thoughts then we can discuss further on this topic.

You need to get your priorities right before you take potshot at other American members here and question their loyalty to their nation.

For the other Asians, they would need America to counter China. That is becoming more real. But as an American, I'm against US interference in Asia. So my statement are consistent.
Ahhhh I knew it :lol:

You got smacked haaard and now twisting it to save face. Typical Indian :lol:

Spin it how you want, the facts are there.

China has more countries that consider us their number 1 trading partner than they do US.

Not just that but China is now the worlds largest trading nation (exports + imports).

Give it up mate, you just prove to everyone the famous 82 :lol:

I'm not sure we even warn anymore because we have figured out that Indian incompetence will mean no oil is extracted :lol:


:pleasantry: no more warnings…..:pleasantry:

pretty soon u will see other nations join Vietnam in asking India to explore oil in south china sea….
For the other Asians, they would need America to counter China. That is becoming more real. But as an American, I'm against US interference in Asia. So my statement are consistent.

Whether other Asians need US or not there are Asian countries with which U.S has security treaties like it has with Japan and they would need U.S. Also inorder to contain the not so peaceful rise of the commi Chinese and call their bluff like this SCS incident, U.S is needed in Asia. U.S is the only super power due to its ability to project power - both soft and hard across the globe with its numerous allies. Ditch one ally and the credibility of US is at stake. Asking U.S to stay away from Asia will only allow the dictatorial CCP to fill in the void though it would not be so easy for them as new alliances will formed to take on these arrogant dictators. You may disagree with me but lets not derail the thread further and focus on the issue here.
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