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US diplomat involved in road accident to leave after judicial proceedings: report

That was expected by the way is there a way by law a diplomat can be jailed? Is it possible from legal viewpoint?

Secondly it was going to happen our political as well military bureaucracy r sold out to americans. i wrote abt it today already

col joseph and shakil afradi both gone on same plane?
my faith on pakistan is lost, if we continue we might become a puppet
This was expected. If raymond davis after delibrately shooting can get away. Salala happens. Then this poor guy was involved in an accident only!!
All those abusing & accusing here... need to read the international law with regards to people with diplomatic status... unless & until the country of the diplomat takes away the diplomatic status from his citizen the host country is bound to follow the international law applicable to staff with diplomatic immunity ,,, him leaving Pakistan was always on the cards..... him facing trial in Pakistan also depended on the accused country approval.... another law states the country of the accused can try him in his own country under their own law.. thats the law .......
All those abusing & accusing here... need to read the international law with regards to people with diplomatic status... unless & until the country of the diplomat take away the diplomatic status away from his citizen the host country is bound to follow the international law applicable to staff with diplomatic immunity ,,, him leaving Pakistan was always on the cards..... another law states the country of the accused can try him in his own country.. thats the law.......
If thats the case, then how do you explain the order passed by the Islamabad high Court? But, now some justification is needed isnt it....
If thats the case, then how do you explain the order passed by the Islamabad high Court? But, now some justification is needed isnt it....

The Islamabad High Court had also heard a petition by Ateeq’s father seeking the placement of the diplomat’s name on the Exit Control List (ECL). It had subsequently asked the government to decide within two weeks whether or not Col Hall should be placed on the ECL.

The judge had noted that the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations provides immunity from arrest and detention to diplomats.
All those abusing & accusing here... need to read the international law with regards to people with diplomatic status... unless & until the country of the diplomat takes away the diplomatic status from his citizen the host country is bound to follow the international law applicable to staff with diplomatic immunity ,,, him leaving Pakistan was always on the cards..... him facing trial in Pakistan also depended on the accused country approval.... another law states the country of the accused can try him in his own country under their own law.. thats the law .......

Too shortsighted. The damage for the Americans has been completed. This has dragged on for weeks now and the people of Pakistan won't forget this tragedy.

America is a disrespectful nation that loves to kill the citizens of other nations. It has no regard for the rule of law.

So what if the Americans managed to flee with their killer? You define this as a victory or success? This not how nations who seek favors and cooperation behave with other nations. The Americans have only harmed their interests and reputation among Pakistanis.

They might have rescued their killer under the garb of immunity, but the diplomatic harm and fallout is immense. This is something which cannot be repaired in years let alone months. There is going to be a massive backlash. Anti-American sentiments will rise.

The Americans seek a lot of cooperation from Pakistan. You can be rest assured that the Americans will only find more obstacles. The Americans are the biggest losers in this whole affair.
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The Islamabad High Court had also heard a petition by Ateeq’s father seeking the placement of the diplomat’s name on the Exit Control List (ECL). It had subsequently asked the government to decide within two weeks whether or not Col Hall should be placed on the ECL.

The judge had noted that the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations provides immunity from arrest and detention to diplomats.

US diplomat doesn’t enjoy ‘absolute’ immunity: IHC

A single bench of IHC comprising Justice Aamer Farooq announced the verdict which he had reserved after hearing arguments of both the sides and ruled that the US diplomat does not enjoy “absolute” immunity.


What the IHC actually ruled. None the less some justification will be provided now.

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