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US Deploys F-22's to base near Iran

F-22 raptor isnt combat proven yet.
bombing donkeys and mules in afghanistan or some kalashinkov weilding youths in Iraq proves nothing.
These are probably deployed in some middle eastern country.. I hope someone rigs these planes to blow up upon take off.
Guys Relax, the F-22 are on a standard base orientation.

The majority of F-22 Raptors are stationed in Hawaii and Guam. They are just completing their regularly scheduled global orientation so all ground crews at various US bases around the world can work with these planes and know how to service them should hostilities break out, and for the F-22 Pilots, knowing how to operate in different terrains and environments. Its standard practice.

After UAE, these F-22 will probably fly to Europe and from there back to USA and from there back to Pacific.

Its like US Carrier battle groups who regularly go to different ports.
F-22 is the best air superiority fighter jet which usa possess. F22 tactics is "first look first kill" within an hour USAF will destroy all air threat from iran that include air defenses such as s-200 ,buk, hawk missiles redars runways and aircraft which IRAF possess. After the first waves of attack USA will use destroyers with cruise missiles and bomers with bunker buster bombs.

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persians already have around 2 dozen dirty bombs in south of lebanon....do u want another 6 million jews dead?

Seriously, Are you stupid or something?
There will be no 3rd world war, Iran has been sanctioned by the United Nations to cease nuclear procurement activities, still they have relinquished. If it will not heed international demands, then, it must be contained, if it is necessitated for regional stability.

These F-22s would be capable in committing surgical strikes on any known nuclear sites as well as in effectively neutralizing all known Iranian surface to air systems.

This is best example of big BS. Heck that only US responsible for regional stability and all other NPT signatories have damn care about Iran but for formalities came to UN and signed some papers.

Dude, try to think before commenting.
i am not stupid son....they are already enriching uranium.....what makes u think that they wont tie 1kg of enriched uranium with every katyusha rocket they fire into israel from southern lebanon?

First of all i am not your son.

They enrich uranium to 20%. And even if they possess nucler bomb katyusha cant cary nuclear warhead it is not accurate wepon.
Not to mention nucler attack on israel will hurt lebanone
so stop asking 3 years old questions....
F-22 is the best air superiority fighter jet which usa possess. F22 tactics is "first look first kill" within an hour USAF will destroy all air threat from iran that include air defenses such as s-200 ,buk, hawk missiles redars runways and aircraft which IRAF possess. After the first waves of attack USA will use destroyers with cruise missiles and bomers with bunker buster bombs.


I'm confused, the name of the aircraft is F-22 "Raptor" but the profile of that logo is a Falcon?

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F-22 is the best air superiority fighter jet which usa possess. F22 tactics is "first look first kill" within an hour USAF will destroy all air threat from iran that include air defenses such as s-200 ,buk, hawk missiles redars runways and aircraft which IRAF possess. After the first waves of attack USA will use destroyers with cruise missiles and bomers with bunker buster bombs.


Sad how happy you are.

The usa will do your job for you.You're pathetic.

The blood of usa soldiers will be on your peoples hands.
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Sad how happy you are.

The usa will do your job for you.You're pathetic.

The blood of usa soldiers will be on your peoples hands.
Iran threatens and has threatened the US a hundred times, they have already killed American citizens by their acts of terrorism through their proxies all around the world. Do yourself a favor and use that British education system.
why dont u attack iran first and ask america to join in later.....why do u want americans to attack iran first?.......what has american taxpayer done?....why do you want the american taxpayer and irani taxpayer to become enemies for israeli taxpayer?:undecided:
It is the American administration that does everything possible to deter an attack on Iran, they prefer to let sanctions work.
I'm sorry, I'm normally pro-US but I am really getting sick of this war-mongering and hypocrasy. It is so blatant what the US is trying to do, why don't they put this much effort into solving the humanitarian crisis in Syria? Why don't they sort out NK and Pakistan with terrible nuclear prolification records? Why do they create illogical wars all over the place instead of going where they should be going. Difference between Iran and NK? One has nukes(NK) but the other has OIL!! Difference between Pakistan and Iran one has nukes and is an actual exporter of terrorism and has a direct hand in killing US soldiers (Pakistan) the other has OIL (Iran). If it's about the oil just say so but don't come up with all the moral justifications that are flawed and only damage the US image further.

I mean Pakistan and NK have nukes TODAY unlike Iran that is 10-15 years away from this (at best) yet IRAN is the biggest threat to the world?!! And then such big noise is made when Iran makes "threatening" postures to West, well if your constantly saying Iran is a threat and you may need to take action against them of course they are going to respond and show they won't invite you into their nation without a fight. US needs to get a grip and the US public need to stop buying whatever crap the Politicansd and ingorant media try to force down their necks.

But you know what they say- "nothing helps an ailing economy quite like a good old war!!"
Damn their media is really working up some serious mojo on these adolescent minds.
Exporter of terrorism?Ask the Iraqis and Afghanis,who terrorizes them more the highly projected Al-Qaeda or the red neck soldiers sexually assaulting their women and brutally beating and pissing over corpses of men?You are invading their land and now you are trying to do the same with Pakistan and you don't expect them to retaliate?For me the intruder is the threat and I (the owner of the house) create terror in the intruders heart so yeah that's how i call myself a terrorist.
Nuclear proliferation my arse!We make whatever we want, so much for the Leaders of the FREE world!
You people do not understand, Iran has already made her mind, global coalition air forces does not and would not matter, the plan they would swiftly be implement upon first Raid would be target all US bases in the gulf-afghanistan and Pre to it a large scale ballistic-missile targeted at israel with chemical-biological agents. Pray Tell what plan does US-Coalition has to secure-safe-guard israel, how many missiles would be countered what is the probability and success rate with missiles coming in numbers spreaded over designated coordinates Areas of interest across israel and possibly gulf participating nations.

Thomas, There were no WMDs in Iraq were there? where are they? so you attack a country based on a feeling that HE-SHE is hiding something from u s of a, obviously you are forgetting Iran is not ill equip unlike iraq and the most organized Armed Forces.

Have your say let me explain hezbollah would fiddle from there side with israel, syrians could possibly take a part, here iranians would use at their disposal all weapons out against israel, what objectives would US achieve when israel is at the receiving end with heavy casualties and infra structure damages, one would go back in stone age but it would take the other along with him. The small arms weapons are three timed the number in afghanistan urban warfare would cost US a complete bankruptcy and a long economic depression.
Excellent news! So Alhamdolillah! we gonna get rid of the evil powerzof the world at last.......:smokin:

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