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US Demonstrates Air Power in the Indo-Pacific Region

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you know the shit i dont understand with dimwits here is the fact that US navy is just sitting aloof that their carriers could be targeted and they dont have any defence or counter measures. The fact that US has pointed its weapon at chinas at their home and constantly patrol south china while china claims its theirs and cant do a damn thing about it is a clear proof who has the msucle.

If china lays claims to south china sea then US patrolling it openly is an invasion in which case there isnt a bigger pussy than china that were invading and they cant do damn thing about it
easy with your blazing butthurt there buddy...usn hasn't been able to stop China from building artificial islands sending PLAN warships there either. it's a very dull stalemate right now at best if anything, the us finds itself in between a rock & a hard place cuz it's bitten off more than it could chew... can't move forward, will loose face if it moves backwards. China is playing on its home turf with time technology & industry on its side giving it a virtually unlimited supply of high tech long range weapons while the usn is far from home with a very VERY limited supply of high tech long range weapons as compared to China. if you stop foaming at the mouth and analyze the situation carefully, you will realize that this is less of a staring contest between Beijing & washington & more of a "you first" contest between the u.s. and her so called allies like japan & australia where the allies want the u.s. to spearhead & lead an attack against China while they play a supportive role while the u.s. wants them to play the cannon fodder against China while the u.s. plays a supportive role. the assrape america's new sweetheart india has been suffering for the last few months with the u.s. being suspiciously absent from the scene in spite of being a supposed strategic ally of india doesn't make the allies of america feel all too comfortable going against China head first.
easy with your blazing butthurt there buddy...usn hasn't been able to stop China from building artificial islands sending PLAN warships there either. it's a very dull stalemate right now. if anything, the us finds itself in between a rock & a hard place cuz it's been more than it could chew... can't move forward, will loose face if it moves backwards. China is playing on its home turf with time technology & industry on its side giving it a virtually unlimited supply of high tech long range weapons while the usn is far from home with a very VERY limited supply of high tech long range weapons as compared to China. if you stop foaming at the mouth and analyze the situation carefully, you will realize that this is less of a staring contest between Beijing & washington & more of a "you first" contest between the u.s. and her so called allies like japan & australia where the allies want the u.s. to spearhead & lead an attack against China while they play a supportive role while the u.s. wants them to play the cannon fodder against China while the u.s. plays a supportive role. the assrape america's new sweetheart india has been suffering for the last few months with the u.s. being suspiciously absent from the scene in spite of being a supposed strategic ally of india doesn't make the allies of america feel all too comfortable going against China has first.

i am not butt hurt just odd that some dimwit in some 3rd world country who should be thinking about helping his country stop begging t the IMF starts acting like some defence generals and gives such obvious reasoning.

The fact of the matter is US got its guns at the borders of china they couldn't do anything. US got into the territory that china claims its their. i mean think about that your claiming something is mine and someone gets in their with their guns and you're just shut silent . china can only play in its home turf becasue thats all it can do it can defend . But US has the power and the military to been offensive.
You cant even think a thought that china take ever take its military close to US's house because to be an offensive your military might and resources has to be very very high.

US isnt interested in chinas island its international water. they're only interested in saying this sea belongs to no one else. what US is interested in they are doing an executing
- they detained and extradited huawei's CFO anddespite china doing everything it could even detaining canadians they couldnt do a damn thing about it
- US gutted huaweii to the tune that they are hemorrhaging money china and moving away from 5G
- US effectively stopped majority of the world from installing its 5G network

What the hell has china ever done? it just sits there and takes it like a little dog it is
whats funny is after we beat the hell out of it it still wants to trade with us. wants our companys to keep manufacturing there. wants our money.

I mean someone is pointing their guns at you, sanction ur companies. and instead of boycotting youre just like eh its all ok as long you keep trading with us. no nation should be that money hungry
why ask them when you can see for yourself...even China's arch rivals admit that they have indeed created a system that works. in contrast, when one takes a look at dismal state india is in which is the biggest democracy in the world, the case against democracy becomes that much stronger. and there is no concept of a prophet in buddhism.
Ok your wish ,then I hope you live under the system like China ,don't cry if you find yourself in reeducation camps then.
Ok your wish ,then I hope you live under the system like China ,don't cry if you find yourself in reeducation camps then.

These pakistani people are wack. theyll side with whoever is feeding them bread at the time. In 1965 we gave our weapons and we were the cream of the crop with them. Now china is so there with them . Never-mind the fact that they talk about destroying israel for tormenting palestinian muslims. but if china is tormenting uighur muslims its all fine and good
Ok your wish ,then I hope you live under the system like China ,don't cry if you find yourself in reeducation camps then.
uhm, you do realize that there are a number of Chinese from various religious backgrounds living IN CHINA here on this very forum whose responses of no such problem facing them that you read while sitting in a so called "democratic" india where minorities are being raped, pillaged and persecuted for not being hindus, right?
uhm, you do realize that there are a number of Chinese from various religious backgrounds living IN CHINA here on this very forum whose responses of no such problem facing them that you read while sitting in a so called "democratic" india where minorities are being raped, pillaged and persecuted for not being hindus, right?
You don't see what Chinese are doing to Muslims but worried about persecuted minorities in India who actually out number you.they outnumbered you because we persecuted them ,logic
every single one of these american aircrafts can be really shot down with HQ9 SAM missiles with the exception of "maybe" the f35 and even that's doubtful. being far away from home in front of an enemy that is playing on home turf has some severe disadvantages.
These bombers r equipped with latest ew suite.and.other spoofing systems so shooting one down ain't easy
i am not butt hurt just odd that some dimwit in some 3rd world country who should be thinking about helping his country stop begging t the IMF starts acting like some defence generals and gives such obvious reasoning.

The fact of the matter is US got its guns at the borders of china they couldn't do anything. US got into the territory that china claims its their. i mean think about that your claiming something is mine and someone gets in their with their guns and you're just shut silent . china can only play in its home turf becasue thats all it can do it can defend . But US has the power and the military to been offensive.
You cant even think a thought that china take ever take its military close to US's house because to be an offensive your military might and resources has to be very very high.

US isnt interested in chinas island its international water. they're only interested in saying this sea belongs to no one else. what US is interested in they are doing an executing
- they detained and extradited huawei's CFO anddespite china doing everything it could even detaining canadians they couldnt do a damn thing about it
- US gutted huaweii to the tune that they are hemorrhaging money china and moving away from 5G
- US effectively stopped majority of the world from installing its 5G network

What the hell has china ever done? it just sits there and takes it like a little dog it is
pray tell what territory of China has the u.s. taken and claimed as there's? :lol: and never mind being from a 3rd world country & if, the u.s. itself has been flat lining at a gap of 1% growth while being a nation with the highest debt & a massive rise in both crimes & homelessness. I know cuz I live here and witness the massive deterioration on a daily basis. but then again, you are either trump's trumpet with beer belly & a chronic alcoholic or bhakturd putting up a front of being an american. regardless, doesn't change a thing about the dismal state of this stalemate.
You don't see what Chinese are doing to Muslims but worried about persecuted minorities in India who actually out number you.they outnumbered you because we persecuted them ,logic
so says the same western media that cried bloody murder about the Iraqi WMDs. fell free to believe them...I never believed em before, won't believe me now. as for the indian minorities, heck, the the sanghi bhakturds that now occupy goi themselves claim that they will persecute minorities & force convert them to hinduism. no denying that. ;)
pray tell what territory of China has the u.s. taken and claimed as there's? :lol: and never mind being from a 3rd world country & if, the u.s. itself has been flat lining at a gap of 1% growth while being a nation with the highest debt & a massive rise in both crimes & homelessness. I know cuz I live here and witness the massive deterioration on a daily basis. but then again, you are either trump's trumpet with beer belly & a chronic alcoholic or bhakturd putting up a front of being an american. regardless, doesn't change a thing about the dismal state of this stalemate.

ummm.... none? has the discussion been that territorial changes were done. its the fact that oh US carriers and their generals are so stupid they don't realize that chinese has this missile and theyre just gona barge right on the coast.... and they shouldve consulted from some tweed on some rinky dinky form to avoid that catastrophe.. now youre ping ponging around the discussion to make yourself feel better. i didnt even discuss with you whether or not a stalemate exists

and if you know some math the relevant indicator id debt/GDP ratio. which my friend you ought to check again and that verified me that you do live in some 3rd world countries if what you have to show for an argument are anecdotes and irrelevant facts

Also for your correction there cannot be a stalemate because has been no declaration of war. what you see is a build-up of military in a potential conflict and both parties gathering their power to outgun each other... and i am supposed to the "trumpet"?
yeah spoke like a true indian...:lol:! now I know your a bhakturd! :lol:

anyways...nice try in trying change facts...the reality is that the usn tried to move into South China Sea to PREVENT China from making islands and turning them into military basis but crashed & burned! :lol:

wow, so no you've stooped yourself even lower from flawed reasoning to just calling me whatever to make yourself feel better? that shows me you really are from a 3rd world country. the reality is if you "READ" the international law says that water has no claim to it anyone can pass through it and USN not constantly going through it would imply that china has claim to ownership of those waters.

But dont sweat it i can already tell "reading and knowledge" isnt your wheel house.... you can believe whatever it is that makes you feel better

You know ive seen this trend here then when you people lose an argument, to save face you call someone something with a laughing smiley like that saved your dignity. just makes u look moreretarded
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wow, so no you've stooped yourself even lower from flawed reasoning to just calling me whatever to make yourself feel better? that shows me you really are from a 3rd world country. the reality is if you "READ" the international law says that water has no claim to it anyone can pass through it and USN not constantly going through it would imply that china has claim to ownership of those waters.

But dont sweat it i can already tell "reading and knowledge" isnt your wheel house.... you can believe whatever it is that makes you feel better

You know ive seen this trend here then when you people lose an argument, to save face you call someone something with a laughing smiley like that saved your dignity. just makes u look moreretarded
oh look, he's putting extra effort now to write proper english grammer to sound like a good old american boy while sitting in some hole in ground in Mumbai!:lol:
oh look, he's putting extra effort now to write proper english grammer to sound like a good old american boy while sitting in some hole in ground in Mumbai!:lol:

LOL last refuge of an idiot :lol:. when you cant reason, or if you lost then keep deflecting the topic like a 3 year old

If i were you i would put more time in learning real facts and getting your head out of you own *** than pretending to save face
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LOL last refuge of an idiot. when you cant reason, or if you lost then keep deflecting the topic.
refuge? dude...just look at the crappy injun grammar in your previous posts! got caught with your chaddi down & pichvaarr up in the air, didn't you? ;)
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