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US Demonstrates Air Power in the Indo-Pacific Region

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Chinese DF41 is no match to USA MINUTEMAN....
I hope you do know that both of these wont go head to head and slug it out in a fist fight, both of these are developed for different roles with different ideologies of war in mind.
no body considers him as a prophet, even the average budhist doesn't consider him as anything but a politician & at most, representative of Bubudhism, nothing more.
2. alternative? lol...look at China.. you can't deny the fact that their system works & works very effectively.
1) you might not but millions do
2) you can show the effectiveness of Chinese system by asking any Chinese living in China post the picture in my DP.you will get your answer
1) you might not but millions do
2) you can show the effectiveness of Chinese system by asking any Chinese living in China post the picture in my DP.you will get your answer
why ask them when you can see for yourself...even China's arch rivals admit that they have indeed created a system that works. in contrast, when one takes a look at dismal state india is in which is the biggest democracy in the world, the case against democracy becomes that much stronger. and there is no concept of a prophet in buddhism.
B-1 Lancer readiness is in the toilet, here’s why
Only 6 of 61 US Air Force B-1B Strategic Bombers Are Fully Combat-Ready

B1B sucks, even US air force dislike it. B1B is not supersonic, nor stealthy. Variable-sweep wing is an outdated design, not reliable, maintenance is very expensive.

US would rather go with grandpa era B-52 instead of junk B1B. or maybe B21 which need at least more than a decade to start produce.

It's very outdated design and tactic. Low latitude penetration is suicidal when AWACS are widely adopted.
B1B is expensive, less efficient, high maintenance, low readiness.
B1B is a burden, not a asset.
USAF will get rid of those crap soon.

“I have a very positive recovery for the B-1 community,” he said. “I have more flyable airplanes and ready crews than we’ve seen in many years.” While he would not discuss mission capable rates for the B-1, crews are generating “at least 25 flyable airplanes a day,” he said. That’s “more sorties in a month than we’ve seen in the last three or four years.” Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D., flew 100 B-1 sorties last month—something the base had not done in a single month for several years, he noted.


B-1s can launch massive salvoes of cruise and anti ship missiles from well outside the range of Chinese air defenses. They will also soon be armed with ARRW hypersonic missiles.

B-21 has already began production.
the entire bomber fleet is actually a white elephant at this point. suited only for attacking unarmed enemies that can't hit back.

As much as they hate the B-1, it is their only bomber capable of standoff operations using their latest anti-shipping missile LRASM right now. Their F-18s are still armed with Harpoons, while their B-52s have absolutely zero chance of successfully getting within LRASM launch range and surviving. Their B-2s also can't carry the LRASM.

the B-2 being subsonic and stealthy trades off alot of capability in terms of standoff weapons mounting while the B-52 is a gas guzzling piece of shit that is basically only still in use because it is good at bombing the defenseless and they already paid for it.

F-18s have already achieved LRASM operational capability.

US bombers can launch massive salvoes of cruise and anti ship missiles. And within a couple years ARRW hypersonic missiles. It’s not a coincidence that 3 B-1 bombers that were operating in the Western Pacific recently had call signs of Hyper.

The 1,200 mile JASSM-XR will also be added to the bomber arsenal.

And B-21 bomber production has already commenced.
every single one of these american aircrafts can be really shot down with HQ9 SAM missiles with the exception of "maybe" the f35 and even that's doubtful. being far away from home in front of an enemy that is playing on home turf has some severe disadvantages.

US bombers can launch salvoes of missiles well outside the range of Chinese defenses and their capabilities will grow as ARRW and JASSM-XR are introduced. And F-35s have dominated SAM networks in Red Flag exercises.
B-1 Lancer readiness is in the toilet, here’s why
Only 6 of 61 US Air Force B-1B Strategic Bombers Are Fully Combat-Ready

B1B sucks, even US air force dislike it. B1B is not supersonic, nor stealthy. Variable-sweep wing is an outdated design, not reliable, maintenance is very expensive.

US would rather go with grandpa era B-52 instead of junk B1B. or maybe B21 which need at least more than a decade to start produce.

It's very outdated design and tactic. Low latitude penetration is suicidal when AWACS are widely adopted.
B1B is expensive, less efficient, high maintenance, low readiness.
B1B is a burden, not a asset.
USAF will get rid of those crap soon.

On May 21, two U.S. B-1B bombers from Guam flew to an area near Misawa Air Base in Japan, where they conducted long-range anti-ship missile training with a P-8 Poseidon maritime surveillance aircraft and the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, according to a U.S. Pacific Air Force statement. This exercise demonstrated that the U.S. had the capability to "hold any target at risk, anytime and anywhere," said Perez, the Pacific Air Forces spokeswoman.

The ships and aircraft involved in this exercise likely practised the sharing of target information to mount a simulated attack, according to U.S. and Asian military experts. On other missions this year, the American bombers have held joint exercises with U.S., Japanese and South Korean fighters.


In this networked battlefield, the Pentagon's old warhorses of the air would be an even more formidable rival.

The speed and range of America's Cold War-vintage bombers would allow them to approach Chinese targets from different directions and fire salvos of difficult-to-detect missiles at multiple ships, according to current and retired U.S. air force officers. With even longer range missiles that Washington has in the pipeline, such attacks could be mounted from well outside the range of China's powerful, land-based air defenses. American bombers can also drop precision-guided mines to block strategically important ocean passages or ports.

And the U.S. B-2 stealth bombers could penetrate more deeply into Chinese airspace and attack key targets with sharply less chance of detection than the older bombers. These bombers already carry a heavy payload of precision, land-attack munitions and could also be configured to carry the Long Range Anti-Ship Missile.

B1B sucks, even US air force dislike it. B1B is not supersonic, nor stealthy.


The B-1B is a revised B-1 design with reduced radar signature and a top speed of Mach 1.25. It is optimized for low-level penetration. A total of 100 B-1Bs were produced
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US bombers can launch salvoes of missiles well outside the range of Chinese defenses and their capabilities will grow as ARRW and JASSM-XR are introduced. And F-35s have dominated SAM networks in Red Flag exercises.
Chinese HQ9s and S400s have a ranges of 250 and 400 miles respectively. us bombers will have to launch missiles clear from far into a minimum of 450 mile out into international airspace in which case, it would provide the excuse for the massive retaliation China has been looking for...there's a reason why the u.s. just keeps quiet and hasn't fired a single bullet let alone a missile against either the PLA, PLAAF or the PLAN in decades past.
Chinese HQ9s and S400s have a ranges of 250 and 400 miles respectively. us bombers will have to launch missiles clear from far into a minimum of 450 mile out into international airspace in which case, it would provide the excuse for the massive retaliation China has been looking for...there's a reason why the u.s. just keeps quiet and hasn't fired a single bullet let alone a missile against either the PLA, PLAAF or the PLAN in decades past.

The US Air Force has been simulating Russian S-300/400s for some time now at Red Flag and F-35s have dismantled them in exercises.

An unrefueled F-35a armed with JASSM-ER would be able to touch central China.

The Air Force will also begin receiving the 1,900 km JASSM-XR in about 3 years. The US can penetrate every part of China, even more so when B-21 enters service. Everyday the US is soaking up Chinese radar and data links and breaking apart Chinese kill chains.
The US Air Force has been simulating Russian S-300/400s for some time now at Red Flag and F-35s have dismantled them in exercises.

An unrefueled F-35a armed with JASSM-ER would be able to touch central China.

The Air Force will also begin receiving the 1,900 km JASSM-XR in about 3 years. The US can penetrate every part of China, even more so when B-21 enters service. Everyday the US is soaking up Chinese radar and data links and breaking apart Chinese kill chains.
usaf would be wise to save its flexing for nations like Iraq, Syria & Afghanistan...in spite of all the brouhaha you've barfed, usaf & usn didn't fair all too well against the russians over Syria. I wouldn't try my luck against a nation that can target your carriers in the middle of the pacific Ocean with pin point accuracy of I was you.
usaf would be wise to save its flexing for nations like Iraq, Syria & Afghanistan...in spite of all the brouhaha you've barfed, usaf & usn didn't fair all too well against the russians over Syria. I wouldn't try my luck against a nation that can target your carriers in the middle of the pacific Ocean with pin point accuracy of I was you.

The US annihilated 200 Russians in Syria when it tested our resolve and the US openly operates there and has for years.

As for the “carrier killers”, the US has been breaking apart Chinese kill chains for years. Why do you think the US operates so many SIGNET planes off the coast of China? Because it’s soaking up Chinese radar, sensor, and data link emissions. In other words, breaking Chinese kill chains to the nth degree.
usaf would be wise to save its flexing for nations like Iraq, Syria & Afghanistan...in spite of all the brouhaha you've barfed, usaf & usn didn't fair all too well against the russians over Syria. I wouldn't try my luck against a nation that can target your carriers in the middle of the pacific Ocean with pin point accuracy of I was you.

you know the shit i dont understand with dimwits here is the fact that US navy is just sitting aloof that their carriers could be targeted and they dont have any defence or counter measures. The fact that US has pointed its weapon at chinas at their home and constantly patrol south china while china claims its theirs and cant do a damn thing about it is a clear proof who has the msucle.

If china lays claims to south china sea then US patrolling it openly is an invasion in which case there isnt a bigger pussy than china that were invading and they cant do damn thing about it
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