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US Demands Indian Army To Battle The Taliban in Afghanistan

Well that's what I said. Saw that same so called balls back in 2001 when a command pee in his pants because of a simple phone call. So much for the real balls. LOL :lol::lol::lol:

Yep, that's why they got good enough reason to remain in the region even after eliminating their enemy number one OBL and dismantling the Al-qaida for long 17 years and no one could do a jack.

And FYI, it is the same Al-qaida and their splinter groups who the U.S have been supporting against Assad in Syria. Does that ring some bell, huh ???

You guy's will never understand the big boys games I guess. LOL :lol::lol::lol:

REALLY????.......So why does the FACTUAL evidence point to the Taliban getting stronger and pervading afghan society, even by admission of the american superpower?:

REALLY????.......So why does the FACTUAL evidence point to the Taliban getting stronger and pervading afghan society, even by admission of the american superpower?:


PS Al-Quaida wasn't destroyed, it just morphed into something else: ISIS, which is even more deadlier than Al-Quaida ever was.

LOL, ever wondered why these so called Al-Quaida, ISIS etc. all end up being found in countries like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria etc.?? :azn::azn::azn:

If you don't have a good enough answer, it reiterate what I just said above. You guy's ain't understand the big boy's games. :bunny:
LOL, ever wondered why these so called Al-Quaida, ISIS etc. all end up being found in countries like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria etc.?? :azn::azn::azn:

If you don't have a good enough answer, it reiterate what I just said above. You guy's ain't understand the big boy's games. :bunny:

So the americans withdrawing 7000 troops from afghanistan is good for indians?
Indian Army being professional enough will run havoc on Taliban. This is the last chance for Taliban to accept demand of there allies other wise if India will enter the war arena Taliban will see what real fight means.
Those Pakistani mocking India for sending troops will see what Indian army will do to there assets in Afghanistan. Same what happen to Bhurhan & Co. Indian army is battle trained in Kashmir.
India is with Afghanistan no worry for Afghan. Pls send troops and show them who is the daddy.
Trump gets the brownie points while preparing for Blackwater to enter Afghanistan and take over military operations.

No strings attached, no accountability and to be able to secure US interests with even more ease without any further scrutiny.


Just media grandstanding with no substance. He knows it; we know it too.

He gets the votes of the family members of the high-risk troops who will return safely back.

While Afghanistan's minerals and security activities get taken over by a private military corporation.

And Pakistan will be able to do squat against Blackwaters without revealing themselves in front of the international community. :D

Trump just canceled Pakistan's Eid wish.

Meanwhile India will remain silent and continue to work with Afghanistan's civilian government to build roads, schools, training centres and hospitals for the locals and win their hearts.

And of course, our own consulates with government advisors on different issues.

Pakistanis over the years are under the assumption that US is somehow keeping them off us :lol:.

Once Blackwater takes over, it is bye bye to Pakistan's "non-state actors". While they aren't invincible, BW will have no legal constraint to hit Pakistani sponsored agencies hard or even Pakistani strategic interests. If they face any attack, BW will take off their gloves and dish out the pain to Pakistanis.

It would be interesting to watch a PMC whack their government forces. :D

Stop talking BS, if BW was such an invincible force every country would raise an army of private contractors. Anyways, let them send BW or White Water. The question is will India send 1,00,000 of its super solider to save its ally in Afghanistan? :lol::lol::lol:
Stop talking BS, if BW was such an invincible force every country would raise an army of private contractors. Anyways, let them send BW or White Water. The question is will India send 1,00,000 of its super solider to save its ally in Afghanistan? :lol::lol::lol:

You are trolling here despite all members saying that we have no military interests in Afghanistan. We never sent troops nor we will ever send there.

Our work is civilian construction and rebuilding the nation.

The comments here reflected by your people here shows the intentions you have for that country.

No one is saying BW is invincible. The point is, they are free from all restrictions to act.

That, is what makes them more lethal than a conventional uniformed military.

All countries (including yours) are signatories to some international conventions (which you flout openly) which restricts the use of certain types of force even when operating on foreign soil.

Remove that restriction and every single trained force can be lethal.

BTW, why are you so eager to see our troops in Afghanistan?
real ball was shown by 92000 poor armymen who sold their pride just to save their life .

They took on vastly more numbers

Killed far more then was expected of them

They fought until supplies were exausted

It would have been unfair to ask more of them

Imagine the sum total of indian balls in the last 1000 years is getting involved in a civil war

Well that's what I said. Saw that same so called balls back in 2001 when a command pee in his pants because of a simple phone call. So much for the real balls. LOL :lol::lol::lol:

It was in Pakistans interest to stand with international consensus and once it became apparent that it was no longer in our interest we safeguarded our interests against the weight of the U.S and NATO itself

Indians are not courageous by nature and would never be able to with stand such pressure
They took on vastly more numbers

Killed far more then was expected of them

They fought until supplies were exausted

It would have been unfair to ask more of them

Imagine the sum total of indian balls in the last 1000 years is getting involved in a civil war

It was in Pakistans interest to stand with international consensus and once it became apparent that it was no longer in our interest we safeguarded our interests against the weight of the U.S and NATO itself

Indians are not courageous by nature and would never be able to with stand such pressure

Where are the balls when it comes to fighting only a hand full of enimes sitting on top of higher altitude, why are you shying away without giving a decent fight even after the fact that the number of enimes on top are minimal and you have good options to reinforce your troops better than the enemy. Ever thought why, huh?? :lol::lol::lol:
Sorry. But this reply of your didn't make any sense. :(

Sorry but you need to clear your head to understand, and it makes perfect sense just because you say it doesn't doesn't mean jack :)

Where are the balls when it comes to fighting only a hand full of enimes sitting on top of higher altitude, why are you shying away without giving a decent fight even after the fact that the number of enimes on top are minimal and you have good options to reinforce your troops better than the enemy. Ever thought why, huh?? :lol::lol::lol:

Balls is something your coward and pathetic armed forces know nothing about because they have none period lol lmao sorry but that makes perfect sense now :P
Where are the balls when it comes to fighting only a hand full of enimes sitting on top of higher altitude, why are you shying away without giving a decent fight even after the fact that the number of enimes on top are minimal and you have good options to reinforce your troops better than the enemy. Ever thought why, huh?? :lol::lol::lol:

In 70 years even against a india 7 times more populous then us, Pakistan has never shyed away from taking the risk and going for the attack

An offensive is dangerous and more dangerous but it requires courage aka balls

In 70 years india has what, surgical strike?
Getting involved in a civil war?

Pakistan is 7 times less populous and 3 and a half times smaller in land mass but you havent got the balls to even try to go for the kill

Your wasting time trying to state otherwise
Sorry but you need to clear your head to understand, and it makes perfect sense just because you say it doesn't doesn't mean jack :)

Balls is something your coward and pathetic armed forces know nothing about because they have none period lol lmao sorry but that makes perfect sense now :P

Just because some loosers think so ain't gonna make any difference to India or Indian army.

And please learn to write proper English with some basic grammer so that others can read and understand.
Well it's not with respect to this, but your previous reply quoted below.
Unlike your neighbors lolz wrong there and are you really stupid I sure hope not your gov and armed forces talk a lot of BS so stating facts keep your self away from trouble before it finds you ;)

In 70 years even against a india 7 times more populous then us, Pakistan has never shyed away from taking the risk and going for the attack

An offensive is dangerous and more dangerous but it requires courage aka balls

In 70 years india has what, surgical strike?
Getting involved in a civil war?

Pakistan is 7 times less populous and 3 and a half times smaller in land mass but you havent got the balls to even try to go for the kill

Your wasting time trying to state otherwise

Well we have a 7 times more people to take care. And war is not always related to balls. Sometimes it is related to Shere stupidity my friend.
For example look at your all weather friend, do you they lack balls?? They have/had claim and territorial dispuits with almost all of their neighbours, hell they have a claim on an entire nation (Taiwan). How manyy times did you see them on an offensive ?? Do they lack the ball for the same, huh ??

Now look at the difference. There is a great reason why China and India are one of the two fastest growing economies in the world while some other are taking a nosedive, and it is certainly not the lack of balls. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
And war is not always related to balls.

Every offensive takes balls

Its the inherent lack of courage amongst indians that has meant a much smaller state has repeatedly slapped indias face only for indians to better themselves with placebo's rather then actual action, the highlight of which was a result of circumstanc more then anything else i.e getting involved in a civil war where your enemy couldn't even supply its forces

Indians live for myth rather then reality
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