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US Defense Secretary says discussed with India its planned purchase of Russia's S400 air defence systems

How much seriously USA has taken Russia and how much seriously they are taking china..... They are constantly sitting in South China sea breaking china maritime boundary, air violations with even P8 posidon, forming quad..... If push comes to a show china will be like a landlocked country and still able to do nothing about it.... Endless arguments.... But china will be winner on pdf offcourse...
Today, Russia is more of a junior partner in its relationship with China.
Overtime, Russian power will decline further as its economy is not likely to succeed a lot.
China's military is constantly improving with huge budget allocation due to improving economy.

US may be able to make China behave for sometime, but only if it plays smartly and makes only one enemy. No need for it to be enemy with Russia too. Russia + China can break the gridlock which US sets.
Nothing is going to Stop India from getting S400....India haters will keep swearing and trolling and watch India still getting away with most crucial USA weapons systems in her kitty.... That is it....
did I read this right??? so...we get to watch india put "crucial usa weapon systems" in her..." kitty \{i}/ " ? :pop:
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India is no one's butler. We cant say the same about Pakistan who has chosen to be China's slave now after US threw it after years of use.

Some American think tanks are also questioning whether Russia is actually an enemy.
@Major Sam has given a negative rating when I replied on the above post in the same language.
You have given me a negative rating but havent given the original offender one.

@waz @WebMaster : Please take note of this partiality. Does @Major Sam deserve to have this power to give a rating after this?

Pasting the original offensive post below calling India as someone's butler.

It will be a shame on your papa. We don't go around saying that India shouldn't purchase S-400. It is your papa that openly scolds you LOL I don't know who you are trying to lecture here because your papa demands from you to not buy Russian hardware.

Did you get more f -16 from your papa...
Do you think India should not have close relations with US and west?
And who says India is breaking relations with Russia.
We are having good relations with both sides.

No. I am not anti-US.

At this time India is being run by US cronies i.e Modi and his gang.

So no relations with Russia. Relations with the US only.
Don't answer him he is a false flagger....

LOL. And who are you?
Can you show me some proves, I get heat debate in other forum (Western managed) since I believe US will allow Indonesia to buy Russian missiles for Flankers but other Indonesian member and moderator team dont agree on me

Hi Indos sorry for the late.... I couldn't find a proof but R77 India is already using on Flankers and Fulcrums.... KH29 is in use by Flankers and naval Fulcrums.... In future if India feels any shortage of these missiles she can surely get it from Russia inspite of USA sanction threat.... After all this is not as sensitive as S400..... Indonesia too can get those easily as they are already using Flankers..... In my honest opinion it all comes to who is ruling country.... Erdogan could refuse USA pressure and went ahead with S400.... Modi too is another notorious guy..... I'm sure if we had still Manmohan Singh he would have surely succumbed to USA pressure and cancelled S400....

Another fact is CAATSA is against new procurement from Russia and not against upgrade of already procured platforms from Russia before CAATSA activation ....
Nothing is going to Stop India from getting S400....India haters will keep swearing and trolling and watch India still getting away with most crucial USA weapons systems in her kitty.... That is it....

No body cares what kind of weapons india want or will get. We don’t have money to waiste on lobbying and fake propaganda like india does. We don’t care if you get F-22, ask your new daddy for expensive toys.
India is no one's butler. We cant say the same about Pakistan who has chosen to be China's slave now after US threw it after years of use.

Some American think tanks are also questioning whether Russia is actually an enemy.
If calling a nation 'slave' is an insult then is calling a nation 'butler' is not?
You can clearly see that my post is a response to an insult to India. So if you want to give negative rating / ban for such offense, then it should be done to other party as well.
Else, you should clearly declare that insult to India is allowed but not to Pakistan.
Do you think India should not have close relations with US and west?
And who says India is breaking relations with Russia.
We are having good relations with both sides.
You know what the Russians think?
India as an ally is a liability but an asset if india is the enemy. They know your track record. :D
did I read this right??? so...we get to watch india put "crucial usa weapon systems" in her..." kitty \{i}/ " ? :pop:
Massive kitty.
You know what the Russians think?
India as an ally is a liability but an asset if india is the enemy. They know your track record. :D
Do you know what the Russians think?
What are you trying to say? What can be the reason for Russia to consider India as enemy?

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