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US defence analyst ‘admits’ role of US in ousting Imran Khan

Who is Dr. Rebecca Grant?

Yes they are. They were never shy of what they did. Not only this, Mr. Bajwa has already taken Uturn on foreign policy (viz-a-viz Russia) of last indeginous pakistani government. He announced it somewhere in security conference in Islamabad and that's on record.

Real question is what Pakistanis are doing? How do we plan to protect CPEC and deal with this imposed regime under american viceroy, while our vital institutions are hostage.
There was hardly any doubt to begin with.
I want Pakistan to have better relations with America.
There is another thread on this news.
In a sane country the people would be marching towards GHQ Gate 4.

Think about it.

They plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners.

Allah is giving signs to Pakistan and showing traitors and stooges to Pakistanis. If the public still turns a blind eye then there might come a day Allah destroys this country for normalizing all vices.
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