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Featured US could Sanction Pakistan post-Withdrawal; Rubin

To the Neanderthal Hindutva author who wrote the article.... I think Covid has placed sanctions against India.... Worry about that first instead of us...
If the pattern repeat as for the last few times, it is not unlikely the US will sanction Pakistan after it withdraws from Afghanistan, and perceives it no longer needs Pakistan.

The US will need someone to blame for what happened in Afghanistan (rather then the corruption of the Kabul regime) and according to the Interviewee from the right wing think tank AEI, Michael Rubin, should a major atrocity occur in Afghanistan during or after a government collapse in Kabul, Pakistan will face the backlash.

I’m sure the Pakistani government is well aware of this risk, and hope it is doing what it can to prevent it from materializing. Realistically, IMHO, We could be going back to the relationship in the late ‘90s by the end of the year.

I would take National Interest articles as the least credible... but your opinion that we might be going to 90s era relationship makes sense... although I would try to remain optimistic...
So there will likely be an attempt at post-withdrawal sanctions, it will depend on the demands the US makes, and if Pakistan accepts or not.

Pakistan has said that there will be no US base in Pakistan, but the CIA operated a drone base from within Pakistan for years before the public even found out. I wouldn't be surprised if Pakistan and the US are currently negotiating terms and conditions.
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USA think tanks are in a shocked craze about Afghanistan......none of their predictions have come true. Kabul won't fall....unless it descends into factional fighting on its own.
That’s a nice quote.
It would be nicer if he substituted Indian for snake.
I brought it up to raise awareness of what they are planning. I’m sure the Government and military are working on building its narrative and planning for all contingencies. It was in the 90’s that the US was negotiating with the Taliban for the Unocal pipeline (probably mostly through Pakistan) and it won’t be any different if they want to mine there once the dust settles in Afghanistan. Besides alienating Pakistan will create a country less likely to stay neutral via a vi some more ambitious Chinese interests in the region. The US is still gonna need Pakistan to keep an eye on groups like ISIS-K from growing in the region, as well as being not only a counter balance to China and Russia in Pakistan, but through Pakistan, possibly an alternative for Afghanistan and the Central Asian countries, like Kazakhstan, which wants to maintain a separate identity from the Russians. Working with Pakistan, is also the best long term way to hope the Taliban are not isolated and therefore the lives of Afghan people, for which the US sacrificed 20 years, has a chance to have any meaningful peace.

1997, Sugarland Texas where the Taliban were holding meetings with Unocal executives. At the end of the day, the strategic calculus will be about mutual benefit. Just like after the Vietnam war, the two countries, after some time, normalized relationships, and now focus on common interests.


Wow must be a lot of oil and money for the executives to be sitting at the feet of the Taliban.
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If the pattern repeat as for the last few times, it is not unlikely the US will sanction Pakistan after it withdraws from Afghanistan, and perceives it no longer needs Pakistan.

The US will need someone to blame for what happened in Afghanistan (rather then the corruption of the Kabul regime) and according to the Interviewee from the right wing think tank AEI, Michael Rubin, should a major atrocity occur in Afghanistan during or after a government collapse in Kabul, Pakistan will face the backlash.

I’m sure the Pakistani government is well aware of this risk, and hope it is doing what it can to prevent it from materializing. Realistically, IMHO, We could be going back to the relationship in the late ‘90s by the end of the year.

The Indian chump just wanna hear USA would designate Pakistan terror sponsor

Dumb sanghi doesn't realise no matter how much they copy white man USA doesn't consider em it's equal and doesn't give a f**k what Pakistan does to Indians in Kashmir or Taliban do as repayment to Pakistan help
As long as we don't attack west which we don't have an interest in but since that USA dude can't tell him the truth so on his ranting can Pakistan be declared Terror sponsor papa USA he says maybe

In reality after Afghanistan withdrawal USA would stop aid most of which it already has standard trade and diplomacy will continue
On Kashmir freedom fight issue USA would give lip service and occasionally offer arbitration
They are not even giving Pakistan anything, what will sanction anyway?
Oh Rubin and an Indian nationalist.
Filed under ignore.
If the pattern repeat as for the last few times, it is not unlikely the US will sanction Pakistan after it withdraws from Afghanistan, and perceives it no longer needs Pakistan.

The US will need someone to blame for what happened in Afghanistan (rather then the corruption of the Kabul regime) and according to the Interviewee from the right wing think tank AEI, Michael Rubin, should a major atrocity occur in Afghanistan during or after a government collapse in Kabul, Pakistan will face the backlash.

I’m sure the Pakistani government is well aware of this risk, and hope it is doing what it can to prevent it from materializing. Realistically, IMHO, We could be going back to the relationship in the late ‘90s by the end of the year.

Dear USA, we know you more than then midwife who assisted your delivery. This sanction sanction game we are playing since the early days of Pakistan. Don't you get it that we understand this game way better than you?
They are not even giving Pakistan anything, what will sanction anyway?
**** may be.
Bhai if snake bites once,then its death anyway. No second chance given.
Come on it can be non venomous snake as well haha
CPEC and Pakistan along with Iran are key nodes of China's One Belt and the US losers simply can not accept that and will go for Pakistan. But will fail. Iran really does not give a stuff about what the American warmongering cowards think. China will forge ahead.
It is ridiculously joyful to see a crazy Hindutva Indian and a mad American Zionist go apeshit against Pakistan knowing they have completely lost. LOL these warmongers were under the impression that supporting terror against Pakistan through Afghanistan would bring success. Now they are finding out the meaning of resilience and patience. Pakistan is no pushover.

Let these Yanks apply sanctions against Pakistan. Let them do it. Finally Pakistan will say farewell to the Yanks.
I hope that those who keep prompting us to buy US weapons read this.

'If a snake bites me once, shame on him. If a snake bites me twice, shame on me.'

Shame and slave mindset don't get along well.
The slave minds will still run after their over lords in Washington and everything that has a stamp of the master on it.
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