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US Congresswoman Omar abused by trolls for exposing lies of Indian journalist


Nov 26, 2016
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US Congresswoman Omar abused by trolls for exposing lies of Indian journalist


Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. Photo: Change

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who is a Muslim immigrant living in the United States, was on Thursday targeted by the cyber trolls based in Hindu-majority India for her remarks at a congressional hearing.

US Congresswoman Omar recieved thousands of hate-filled tweets from Indian users after she challenged Indian journalist Aarti Tikoo Singh on fake statements made about the situation in Indian-occupied Kashmir.

Pratik Sinha



After journalist Aarti Tikoo Singh's congressional hearing, Columnist Harbir Singh shared an image of a woman with an automatic weapon claiming she is US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. | @Pooja_Chaudhuri https://www.altnews.in/no-this-is-not-us-congresswoman-ilhan-omar-at-a-training-camp-of-a-somali-warlord/ …

No, this is not US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar at a training camp of a Somali warlord - Alt News
Columnist Harbir Singh quote-tweeted a tweet which shared a photograph of a turbaned woman holding an automatic weapon. The original tweet claimed that the image showed US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar at...



9:51 AM - Oct 24, 2019
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445 people are talking about this

The Indian journalist, who is known to be sympathetic to the Hindu supremacist worldview of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, had testified in front of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday.

Also read: Scotland Yard bans Kashmir protest outside Indian embassy in London

At the hearing on Human Rights in South Asia, she had described the draconian Indian military curfew in occupied Kashmir as a necessary measure to avoid civilian casualties in the restive state.

Singh, who is affiliated with top Indian newspaper Times of India, had defended the revocation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution by the Indian government on August 5, that scrapped the autonomy of occupied Kashmir.

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra



Hoo boy!!! @AartiTikoo is really giving it back in a nice dignified way!!! Forced Sherman to correct the record on “foreign press not allowed in Kashmir” ... waiting for Ilhan to detonate her vest anytime now https://twitter.com/iyervval/status/1186726505256144896 …

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra


Wow!!! Jihadi @IlhanMN just levelled a set of slanderous Pakistani talking points at @AartiTikoo & then doesn’t give her the chance to respond turning to Fai’s lil ISI muppet Angana Chatterji. Choreographed misuse of her prerogative.


8:45 PM - Oct 22, 2019
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805 people are talking about this

After scrapping the article, the Indian government had blocked communications in the occupied valley, cutting off landlines and the internet, and imposed a curfew as well.

Also read: Facebook CEO to defend Libra cryptocurrency before US Congressional panel

US Congresswoman swiftly dismissed the testimony of Singh, accusing the Indian journalist of using her platform as a journalist to whitewash Indian crimes in occupied Kashmir.

"Ms Singh, a reporter's job is to find the objective truth about what is happening and report it to the public. I am aware of how the narrative shaped by reporting can distort the truth,” Omar said.

Irena Akbar@irenaakbar


So, I watched the video. Ilhan Omar actually did Aarti Tikoo Singh a favour by reminding her of the basics of journalism. She told her upfront that a journalist isn’t a mouthpiece of the government (in response to Tikoo’s M0di-fied account of Kashmir lockdown). I love Ilhan!


12:14 PM - Oct 23, 2019
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295 people are talking about this

“The press is at its worst when it is a mouthpiece for a government. In your version of the story, the only problems in Kashmir are caused by what you call militants,” she added.

Also read: US Congressional sub-committee holds hearing on occupied Kashmir

“You also make the incredible dubious claim that the Indian government's crackdown in Kashmir is good for human rights. If it was good for human rights, Ms Singh, it wouldn't be happening in secret," Omar thundered.

Md Asif Khan‏‎‎‎‎‎‎ آصِف@imMAK02


Here @IlhanMN teaching basics of journalism to Indian Modia Aarti Tikoo Singh.

Lapdog Indian Modia is exposed at international platform.

Kudos to Ilhan Omar.


1:02 PM - Oct 23, 2019
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1,627 people are talking about this

"You make, what I might call, a feminist case for the occupation of Kashmir and communication shutdowns, saying it will be better for women," Omar noted.

Omar’s support of Kashmiris affected by Indian PM Modi’s decisions made her a target in social media. She was falsely accused of having “married her brother” for example.

US Congresswoman Omar abused by trolls for exposing lies of Indian journalist


Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. Photo: Change

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who is a Muslim immigrant living in the United States, was on Thursday targeted by the cyber trolls based in Hindu-majority India for her remarks at a congressional hearing.

US Congresswoman Omar recieved thousands of hate-filled tweets from Indian users after she challenged Indian journalist Aarti Tikoo Singh on fake statements made about the situation in Indian-occupied Kashmir.

Pratik Sinha


After journalist Aarti Tikoo Singh's congressional hearing, Columnist Harbir Singh shared an image of a woman with an automatic weapon claiming she is US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. | @Pooja_Chaudhuri https://www.altnews.in/no-this-is-not-us-congresswoman-ilhan-omar-at-a-training-camp-of-a-somali-warlord/ …

No, this is not US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar at a training camp of a Somali warlord - Alt News
Columnist Harbir Singh quote-tweeted a tweet which shared a photograph of a turbaned woman holding an automatic weapon. The original tweet claimed that the image showed US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar at...



9:51 AM - Oct 24, 2019
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445 people are talking about this

The Indian journalist, who is known to be sympathetic to the Hindu supremacist worldview of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, had testified in front of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday.

Also read: Scotland Yard bans Kashmir protest outside Indian embassy in London

At the hearing on Human Rights in South Asia, she had described the draconian Indian military curfew in occupied Kashmir as a necessary measure to avoid civilian casualties in the restive state.

Singh, who is affiliated with top Indian newspaper Times of India, had defended the revocation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution by the Indian government on August 5, that scrapped the autonomy of occupied Kashmir.

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra


Hoo boy!!! @AartiTikoo is really giving it back in a nice dignified way!!! Forced Sherman to correct the record on “foreign press not allowed in Kashmir” ... waiting for Ilhan to detonate her vest anytime now https://twitter.com/iyervval/status/1186726505256144896 …

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra


Wow!!! Jihadi @IlhanMN just levelled a set of slanderous Pakistani talking points at @AartiTikoo & then doesn’t give her the chance to respond turning to Fai’s lil ISI muppet Angana Chatterji. Choreographed misuse of her prerogative.


8:45 PM - Oct 22, 2019
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805 people are talking about this

After scrapping the article, the Indian government had blocked communications in the occupied valley, cutting off landlines and the internet, and imposed a curfew as well.

Also read: Facebook CEO to defend Libra cryptocurrency before US Congressional panel

US Congresswoman swiftly dismissed the testimony of Singh, accusing the Indian journalist of using her platform as a journalist to whitewash Indian crimes in occupied Kashmir.

"Ms Singh, a reporter's job is to find the objective truth about what is happening and report it to the public. I am aware of how the narrative shaped by reporting can distort the truth,” Omar said.

Irena Akbar@irenaakbar

So, I watched the video. Ilhan Omar actually did Aarti Tikoo Singh a favour by reminding her of the basics of journalism. She told her upfront that a journalist isn’t a mouthpiece of the government (in response to Tikoo’s M0di-fied account of Kashmir lockdown). I love Ilhan!


12:14 PM - Oct 23, 2019
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295 people are talking about this

“The press is at its worst when it is a mouthpiece for a government. In your version of the story, the only problems in Kashmir are caused by what you call militants,” she added.

Also read: US Congressional sub-committee holds hearing on occupied Kashmir

“You also make the incredible dubious claim that the Indian government's crackdown in Kashmir is good for human rights. If it was good for human rights, Ms Singh, it wouldn't be happening in secret," Omar thundered.

Md Asif Khan‏‎‎‎‎‎‎ آصِف@imMAK02

Here @IlhanMN teaching basics of journalism to Indian Modia Aarti Tikoo Singh.

Lapdog Indian Modia is exposed at international platform.

Kudos to Ilhan Omar.


1:02 PM - Oct 23, 2019
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1,627 people are talking about this

"You make, what I might call, a feminist case for the occupation of Kashmir and communication shutdowns, saying it will be better for women," Omar noted.

Omar’s support of Kashmiris affected by Indian PM Modi’s decisions made her a target in social media. She was falsely accused of having “married her brother” for example.

Not surprised. First Jews then Hindus
Ilhan Omar also called Pakistan terrorist supporters in the same hearing. Sister speaks the truth.
Ilhan Omar also called Pakistan terrorist supporters in the same hearing. Sister speaks the truth.

She is just doing based on her beleif..It is upto us to avoid listening to whole world about what is good for us...
She is a Muslim and she will only concerned about human rights of people of her religion...We should start leraning from Chinies about how they react and deal with their issues with outside world...
Any Non Hindu people will not raise a single voice for any issue with human right of Hindus or Indian people
She is just doing based on her beleif..It is upto us to avoid listening to whole world about what is good for us...
She is a Muslim and she will only concerned about human rights of people of her religion...We should start leraning from Chinies about how they react and deal with their issues with outside world...
Any Non Hindu people will not raise a single voice for any issue with human right of Hindus or Indian people

Agree with you but I would refrain from following the Chinese example. We are not a totalitarian state and shouldn't become one. If we call ourselves a functioning democracy and take pride in that, we must act like one too. National security is important but we must not cross the line of violating people's human rights for securing national security and we must be open to world's questions.
US Congresswoman Omar exposing lies of Indian journalists
October 25, 2019
Ilhan Omar, who is a Muslim immigrant living in the United States, was on Thursday targeted by the cyber trolls based in Hindu-majority India for her remarks at a congressional hearing.

US Congresswoman Omar recieved thousands of hate-filled tweets from Indian users after she challenged Indian journalist Aarti Tikoo Singh on fake statements made about the situation in Indian-occupied Kashmir.

Pratik Sinha


After journalist Aarti Tikoo Singh's congressional hearing, Columnist Harbir Singh shared an image of a woman with an automatic weapon claiming she is US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. | @Pooja_Chaudhuri https://www.altnews.in/no-this-is-not-us-congresswoman-ilhan-omar-at-a-training-camp-of-a-somali-warlord/ …

No, this is not US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar at a training camp of a Somali warlord - Alt News
Columnist Harbir Singh quote-tweeted a tweet which shared a photograph of a turbaned woman holding an automatic weapon. The original tweet claimed that the image showed US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar at...


Indian journalist, who is known to be sympathetic to the Hindu supremacist views of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, had testified in front of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday.

Omar’s support of Kashmiris affected by Indian PM Modi’s decisions made her a target in social media. She was falsely accused of having “married her brother” for example.

Md Asif Khan‏‎‎‎‎‎‎ آصِف@imMAK02

Here @IlhanMN teaching basics of journalism to Indian Modia Aarti Tikoo Singh.

Lapdog Indian Modia is exposed at international platform.

Kudos to Ilhan Omar.
Indian lies should continue to be exposed, as they only know how to lie.
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