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US Congress passes bill for free Wuhan virus testing and paid emergency leave


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
Does anyone know if the two federal checks to individual (April 6 and sometime in May) are going to be based upon last year's taxed income or current year's income. Per my understanding, the checks are going to be based upon income and household size but that's not enough info.
Does anyone know if the two federal checks to individual (April 6 and sometime in May) are going to be based upon last year's taxed income or current year's income. Per my understanding, the checks are going to be based upon income and household size but that's not enough info.

I haven't seen any details on how to qualify for those checks.
Does anyone know if the two federal checks to individual (April 6 and sometime in May) are going to be based upon last year's taxed income or current year's income. Per my understanding, the checks are going to be based upon income and household size but that's not enough info.

Its not a tax rebate so no..it has nothing to do with taxable income.
It is a fixed amount per adult American.

I remember getting a large check in 2009 under the Obama Stimulus Package - Making Work Pay program which was based on taxed income. Not this time - I don't think.
Its not a tax rebate so no..it has nothing to do with taxable income.
It is a fixed amount per adult American.

I remember getting a large check in 2009 under the Obama Stimulus Package - Making Work Pay program which was based on taxed income. Not this time - I don't think.

That's kind of reassuring. But I recall in today's NY Times that the check distribution would be based on income and number of people in households.

Oh Trump: Just give me $10,000, will ya?!! ;)
That's kind of reassuring. But I recall in today's NY Times that the check distribution would be based on income and number of people in households.

Oh Trump: Just give me $10,000, will ya?!! ;)

Different set of circumstances, I think this time - the administration wants to make sure people have enough money to survive the impact of COVID. Obama wanted people to go out and spend money on new cars and TV to stimulate the economy.

I don't think it will be a 5 figure check ...:rofl:
Ahh the Americans will be given monopoly money now. No need to create any value for society.
All the Americans have now is racism and xenophobia. Their empire is crumbling. China has won.

Today a Chinese American friend texted me something like let there be woe upon the 'older white' Americans and they be dead from the Corona Virus. I knew he had complained about racism before occasionally but this time was such a blanket condemnation. I asked as to why such a harsh judgment? His response was that he has had enough of the racism personally against him and that under this racist President of a Superpower the world itself is more racist!
Today a Chinese American friend texted me something like let there be woe upon the 'older white' Americans and they be dead from the Corona Virus. I knew he had complained about racism before occasionally but this time was such a blanket condemnation. I asked as to why such a harsh judgment? His response was that he has had enough of the racism personally against him and that under this racist President of a Superpower the world itself is more racist!
I also noticed this attitude but it's very weird because at the same time, I have seen nobody who hold white people in high regard as East Asians. This is a very weird love-hate relationship I know another Taiwanese American, he complains left and right about racism and at the same time while we were traveling in Netherlands, he was telling me how he finds Dutch people as some supernaturally beautiful race because of being blonde and tall.
The Senate approved on Wednesday a House-passed coronavirus relief package that includes provisions for free testing for COVID-19 and paid emergency leave, clearing the measure for President Donald Trump's signature.

Passage of the measure will also allow the Senate to devote its full attention to passing the next relief package in response to the coronavirus crisis.

I also noticed this attitude but it's very weird because at the same time, I have seen nobody who hold white people in high regard as East Asians. This is a very weird love-hate relationship I know another Taiwanese American, he complains left and right about racism and at the same time while we were traveling in Netherlands, he was telling me how he finds Dutch people as some supernaturally beautiful race because of being blonde and tall.

Until it was economically advantageous to not exhibit own group preference and accept the best workers, western societies have welcomes immigrants with open arms. When times get rough own group preference re-emerges so that the native population can ensure their “own people” will survive.

It may not be an overt action, more a psychological survival mechanism. Either way, when the host group (or elements within it) feels they can not compete with the “newcomers” they start to act xenophobic. This isn’t new for the Chinese. It has happened over the centuries from time to time in Southeast Asia, most famously as one of the reasons for the French and American wars in Vietnam, as evidenced by the expulsions of the Chinese in Vietnam within a few years after the 1975 fall of Saigon.

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All the Americans have now is racism and xenophobia. Their empire is crumbling. China has won.

It's true that under Trump the American image has taken a global beating. That guy is a curse upon America and the world!! I am hoping after one or two election cycles we will have someone like Bernie as American President. Even the Xenophobia is going to be less and less as the current generation are going to thin out over next a couple of decades: The Gen Y and Z are supposed to be very liberal, global in outlook...

Not that I know much about economic issues but don't you think that America is going to overcome the Virus and rebound? I think so and hope so! Not putting much stock in the Stocks I still think there is a lot of creative energy, leadership, innovation, agriculture, natural resources, industry, and even the ability of course-correction in America to not only survive but also thrive.

In case of the Virus--there are lessons to be learned from the Chinese experience and expertise of controlling the Virus in China. So there is not going to be re-inventing the Wheel in case of America.

BTW, global criticism about China's so-called repressive control of the Virus notwithstanding, I actually admire the way the Chinese have managed to largely control the problem...
According to Indonesian living in US, his request to get tested because have joined a conference where one of the participant later get covid 19 infection and feel sick after that got denied because he is considered low risk patient since he doesnt suffer from any serious health problem.

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