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US citizens asked to leave Kashmir

Numerous incidents has happened in the past in Europe and USA where some corporation or firms insulted Hindu sentiments and religious beliefs. Those were sorted out by proper communication instead of mob culture.

i am getting old and dont have good memory but few years back there was something about sikhs and hindus and a movie and few people go killed...but again i may be just hallucinating

It seems that when the West and Americans insult you, it may result in Kosher demonstrations and Kosher protests, but when the Muslims do this, like Hussain the artist, he was threatened and had to leave India. Destruction of Babari Mosque, which you may term as a different event, may also fall within similar category.

Is it ironic - may be!

are you kidding, there is always a good reason for hindus behaving badly, somtime its bad weather sometime media's error sometime a muslim sneezed on dewali festival

With maturity.

always give examples, since you forgot let me give some

like train burning in Gujrat
like butchering Sikhs for Ganghi's murder, i mean come on killed 1000s of Sikhs for a prime minister

moral of the story is dont try to look like Saint, no nation not religion no race can do what you guys did in Gujrat, other people do bad things but never admit to it, you had people admitting to murder/burn/burry innocent people and were running free
It was not justified because these multiple FIRs were filed in remote locations, in numbers, and were very plainly intended to harass, by dragging the respondent around the countryside and compelling him to engage lawyers at multiple locations. There was not the slightest sincerity behind these; they were intended, from their location and their occurrence, purely to destroy the man's day to day life and drive him away. Which they did very successfully.

It is these cold-blooded distortions of the law which show that the BJP and the Sangh Parivar behind it are alien to the spirit of democracy or to the rule of law, and use it while they are out of power or in power to break the resistance of opponents, not to carry out the law.

People who back this kind of perversion of the law are worse enemies of India than Hafiz Saeed.

You have clarified. It is no consolation to know that some of us are such fanatics about religious figures that they justify homicide in defence of their love for him.

Filing multiple FIRs is ugly but as long as law and the constitution allows it, it is legal. So you can't equate it with Hafiz Saeed who was the mastermind behind the killing of innocent people in Mumbai. What BJP or Sangh Parivar did is called in cricket terms "Mankading" which maybe unsportsmanlike(though still debate it out there) it is permissible in cricket laws.

These are loop holes in the laws and it is perfectly legal. It is upto the government to plug it - this is how the laws mature. Have they done it? No. There was an incident involving a tamil actress Kushboo who was hounded in similar manner long before Hussain incident happened.

As for you equating it with Hafiz Saeed - I repeat what I said in other thread - Joe Sir - I feel you are not impartial in your views.
the one with false and weak faith shouts the loudest. Oh some one insulted my god! Really does it affect the chap in heaven? Nope then why should i care ?
Filing multiple FIRs is ugly but as long as law and the constitution allows it, it is legal. So you can't equate it with Hafiz Saeed who was the mastermind behind the killing of innocent people in Mumbai. What BJP or Sangh Parivar did is called in cricket terms "Mankading" which maybe unsportsmanlike(though still debate it out there) it is permissible in cricket laws.

These are loop holes in the laws and it is perfectly legal. It is upto the government to plug it - this is how the laws mature. Have they done it? No. There was an incident involving a tamil actress Kushboo who was hounded in similar manner long before Hussain incident happened.

As for you equating it with Hafiz Saeed - I repeat what I said in other thread - Joe Sir - I feel you are not impartial in your views.

No, thank Heaven I am not. I would hate to be a bloodless automaton measuring each deed in scruples and adjudicating on malice with regard to its plausible deniability.

Look at what you are saying for an instant. The laws permit this, it may be a defect, but it has not been corrected, therefore, since it observes the letter of the law, I will do what I have done whether or not it meets the spirit of the law. What an example of the mingling of hypocrisy, cowardice and pure malice in a bad cause!
It was not justified because these multiple FIRs were filed in remote locations, in numbers, and were very plainly intended to harass, by dragging the respondent around the countryside and compelling him to engage lawyers at multiple locations. There was not the slightest sincerity behind these; they were intended, from their location and their occurrence, purely to destroy the man's day to day life and drive him away. Which they did very successfully.

Thats the problem of law itself assuming its a problem in the first place ! Not the fault of the plaintiff. And you are just ascribing motives based on your prejudice with no solid facts to back that up. Did anyone interview all the complainants and got to know their motives ? How about one plaintiff did not know that some other has also filed in some other part of the country and decided to file a FIR...? Definitely possible...

Also if you are not aware, the supreme court clubbed all cases into one case..so that he faces it in one location...still the old man refused to face the due process of law and ran away to a medieval desert kingdom hurling his indian citizenship in the dustbin...a fugitive from law. Dawood ibrahim went to pakistan and subsequently to Dubai...hussain went to Qatar..both are the same in the eyes of indian law - fugitives from justice.

It is these cold-blooded distortions of the law which show that the BJP and the Sangh Parivar behind it are alien to the spirit of democracy or to the rule of law, and use it while they are out of power or in power to break the resistance of opponents, not to carry out the law.

lol @ 'cold blooded distortions'...distortions just because some one filing a FIR is now considered a distortion, just because that 'some one' happened to be a Hindu who perceived his religious feelings hurt.....your prejudice/hate/contempt for anything Hindu is clearly visible...:disagree:..

moreover even if they are politically motivated distortions, did he not trust the judiciary to deliver the justice ? Was BJP going to play the role of jury as well ? No...he did not trust the indian legal process as well - that has been so far slow, yet markedly impartial...or he knew he was guilty and took the safe path out, acting a victim

So you have no defence for his flight from justice, not the mental gymnastics you throw to justifya hypocrite himself running from facing the law.

You people want the Hindus to remain mute dhimmis and keep taking the abuses hurled at them without as much as a whimper..because you guys know very well know that if the hindus are to become aware and politically organized then your business closes shop. Hence this constant vilification/slandering/maligning campaign of any act done by Hindus as communalist, fascist even if they are within the norms of the constitution and legal process.

I wish you pseudos just had the same guts to come out and speak the same for salman rushdie orin this case the 'innocence of muslims'. No that would not happen. Because you very well understand that if you did that, you may not live to see the next sunrise. hypocrites.cowards.

People who back this kind of perversion of the law are worse enemies of India than Hafiz Saeed.

What 'perversion' ? So Hindus are not allowed to protest even democratically if they feel their sentiments are hurt ? hussain was no god that he was beyond the purvey of the law. If someone felt he offended his/her religious sentiments he is FULLY ENTITLED to all legal remedies to fight his case.

It is you hypocrites who will fake an indignation ONLY at one community responding - even peacefully and democratically - but will remain mum and stone cold at others indulging in any method to protest. It is you people who spread the virus of pseudo-secularism aka minorityism that as a reaction majoritarianism is spreading in India. You will reap what you sow, soon. But even then unfortunately it will not be you guys who will face the brunt..it would be minorities who actually had no part to play in this farce.

If my country is going to go down the communal spiral consider the pseudo-seculars the prime culprits in that.
i am getting old and dont have good memory but few years back there was something about sikhs and hindus and a movie and few people go killed...but again i may be just hallucinating
are you kidding, there is always a good reason for hindus behaving badly, somtime its bad weather sometime media's error sometime a muslim sneezed on dewali festival
always give examples, since you forgot let me give some
like train burning in Gujrat
like butchering Sikhs for Ganghi's murder, i mean come on killed 1000s of Sikhs for a prime minister
moral of the story is dont try to look like Saint, no nation not religion no race can do what you guys did in Gujrat, other people do bad things but never admit to it, you had people admitting to murder/burn/burry innocent people and were running free
Train (carrying RSS people) burning was done by Muslims and then Godhara happened. I think you mixed it with Samjhauta Express in which a Hindu was involved.

BTW some people give the logic that 3000 US citizens died and in return they killed hundreds of thousands while opt not to admit that around 2 thousands in Godhara, few thousands in other riots while 50,000 were killed by insurgents supported by Pakistan. Before waving flag of Godhara and Samjhauta, think twice.

Butchering Sikhs for Gandhi's murder, actually it was Indira Gandhi's murder after killing of extremist Sikhs demanding Khalistan just like few Baluchistan people demanding separate state. What would you have done ?

People admitting to murder etc. in India. At least we made the effort to bring the truth out.

We imprisoned Hindus for Godhara (recently) while Pakistanis showered flowers on the criminal who killed the governor in case of blasphemy law.

We have corrupt leaders just like you, but we do find out these scams unlike yours where there is no record of how much your generals have.

While talking about Muslims in India, they sleep well in night just as Shias and Ahmadis in Pakistan. If you target former, I will target later. Don't generalize.

Anyone sneezes in India and blame is put on Pakistan, don't Pakistan do such things, most of the people in Pakistan thinks floods are caused by India. One of your minister said, India takes out electricity from our water that affects our crops. OBL found in your backyard, the same person, where US launched trillion dollars worth War on Terror and Pakistan become part of it, now dealing with TTP etc. because of it. Yes buddy, OBL raid will be used against you for many years,

We have kept Kasab alive for the same reason, we release his statements after few weeks to remind the world that Pakistan was behind Mumbai attack, we don't care about proof, its part of propaganda. Every country uses propaganda machine.

This D-Measuring competition and Comparison can be taken for dozens of pages and end up in no conclusion. So rather keep the thread on topic and discuss about what Indians or anyone want to know.
Thats the problem of law itself assuming its a problem in the first place ! Not the fault of the plaintiff. And you are just ascribing motives based on your prejudice with no solid facts to back that up. Did anyone interview all the complainants and got to know their motives ? How about one plaintiff did not know that some other has also filed in some other part of the country and decided to file a FIR...? Definitely possible...

As I have already said, it is the height of hypocrisy to take advantage of loopholes in the law to persecute Indian citizens. Instead of constructing a fake narrative of disingenuous behaviour en masse, it would be more honest, yes, display that yu have gonads, since that is an important criterion for you in a discussion, to admit that the Sangh Parivar was responsible. It is interesting to see that you have lost confidence so far that you are no longer willing to own up to your actions. Even jehadi outfits call the popular press and acknowledge what they did. They seem to have more of the round objects than your crowd does. Unless you are now being run by the Sadhvis.

Also if you are not aware, the supreme court clubbed all cases into one case..so that he faces it in one location...still the old man refused to face the due process of law and ran away to a medieval desert kingdom hurling his indian citizenship in the dustbin...a fugitive from law. Dawood ibrahim went to pakistan and subsequently to Dubai...hussain went to Qatar..both are the same in the eyes of indian law - fugitives from justice.

I am well aware of the fact, and not a little surprised that you accept in public that the courts of the land saw through the vile methods being used and cut through the crap. Good that you acknowledge that telling blow by the courts on your own.

Your comparison of a murdering swine like Dawood Ibrahim with Hussain just displays your Islamophobia out in public, where you cannot deny it, or pretend that you were misunderstood or misquoted. Well done. No one needs to expose you; like the man in the raincoat and nothing else lurking around girls' schools, you do a pretty good job of it yourself.

lol @ 'cold blooded distortions'...distortions just because some one filing a FIR is now considered a distortion, just because that 'some one' happened to be a Hindu who perceived his religious feelings hurt.....your prejudice/hate/contempt for anything Hindu is clearly visible...:disagree:..I wish you pseudos just had enough gonads to come out and speak the same for salman rushdie or in this case the 'innocence of muslims'. No you would not. Because you very well understand that if you did that, you would not live to see the next sunrise. hypocrites.cowards.

Wrong target.

I have spoken out against the religious lunatic fringe of ALL religions, including the Muslim. So try peddle your line of disinformation elsewhere.

And look what is calling the rest of the civilized world hypocrites and cowards- those heroes who gang up to harass an old man, and don't have the guts to own up to what they did, and are doing.

moreover even if they are politically motivated distortions, did he not trust the judiciary to deliver the justice ? Was BJP going to play the role of jury as well ? No...he did not trust the indian legal process as well - that has been so far slow, yet markedly impartial...or he knew he was guilty and took the safe path out, acting a victim

At that age? Wasn't this exactly what you had hoped for, that a 90 year old would not be able to face the years in court that the Indian legal process, fair as it is, inevitably would entail? And you call your critics hypocrites and cowards?

So you have no defence for his flight from justice, not the mental gymnastics you throw to justifya hypocrite himself running from facing the law.

Of course there is a Defence, the Defence of common sense. When there is a mass attack using, as you'd yourself put it, a loophole in the laws to hound a 90 year old, the only sensible thing is to leave. That is what he did. Recall that Savarkar, faced with life in a British jail, chose what Sangh Parivar inmates call the sensible way out by petitioning the British for mercy. What courage! What sterling upright moral fibre! But when a 90 year old succumbs to your conspiracy, then you are so triumphant! Shame on you.

What 'perversion' ? So Hindus are not allowed to protest even democratically if they feel their sentiments are hurt ? hussain was no god that he was beyond the purvey of the law. If someone felt he offended his/her religious sentiments he is FULLY ENTITLED to all legal remedies to fight his case.

It is you hypocrites who will fake an indignation ONLY at one community responding - even peacefully and democratically - but will remain mum and stone cold at others indulging in any method to protest. It is you people who spread the virus of pseudo-secularism aka minorityism that as a reaction majoritarianism is spreading in India. You will reap what you sow, soon. But even then unfortunately it will not be you guys who will face the brunt..it would be minorities who actually had no part to play in this farce.

If my country is going to go down the communal spiral consider the pseudo-seculars the first culprits in that.

It is perverted when ANY religion breaks the law or twists the law on the grounds of its feelings being hurt. Why should your feelings be hurt? I thought that the supernatural was beyond the reach of earthly beings? Why should either Muslim hoodlum or smarmy Hindu hypocrite start misbehaving? And why do you keep calling using loopholes in the law for harassment of a citizen a fair use of the law? It is anything but a fair use.

If our country does not stop going the communal spiral, it will be due to cowards and hypocrites like you, hounding an aged man through a manipulation of the laws, issuing threats that the consequences will be faced not by the section offending you but by the minorities, unable to win an election but more than willing to go around in mobs doing what you want to do, completely regardless of the law that you pervert with such impunity.
Root cause of the problem is the local government who has surrendered to west..Every muslim country accuse west of its failure.Why don't you torch each other embassies in your country to protest instead of killing diplomats from other countries or torching their embassies..Bro change your flag please, come up your green flag..

I Agree. I even agree that there is no meaning to protest as long as they allow their government to become slave of west. They should first protest against their own government.

Why should i change my flag? You mean hindus to change flag to safron here?
muslims are peaceful and try to become secular when they are minority when they become majority then they want islamic law and show their true color.kerala and assam is next .their population is growing very very fast .u very easily find very big and uneducated family any where in india .and my personal experince mostly are suppoter of pakistan and bangladesh rather than india u easily see in cricket match .
No, thank Heaven I am not. I would hate to be a bloodless automaton measuring each deed in scruples and adjudicating on malice with regard to its plausible deniability.

Look at what you are saying for an instant. The laws permit this, it may be a defect, but it has not been corrected, therefore, since it observes the letter of the law, I will do what I have done whether or not it meets the spirit of the law. What an example of the mingling of hypocrisy, cowardice and pure malice in a bad cause!

Hussain is not some innocent chap. India sits on a religious tinderbox and we see riots as a result now and then. In the name of artistic freedom, this guy hurt the sentiments of millions of Hindus not to mention millions of Indians(by drawing Bharat Mata nude) and some potential riots. For what would have been a potential reaction from the hindu organizations, I only need to draw a parallel to the current situation in Libya, middleeast and Chennai(which I am ashamed of being from Chennai myself). But how they reacted was well within the laws and more restrained than some mindless reaction.
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