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US CENTCOM adviser sees Pakistan in danger



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Nov 1, 2005
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By Anwar Iqbal
Monday, 23 Mar, 2009

WASHINGTON: The Pakistani state could collapse within six months if immediate steps are not taken to remedy the situation, warned a top adviser to the US Central Command.

David Kilcullen, who advises CENTCOM commander Gen. David H. Petraeus on the war on terror, urged US policy makers to focus their attention on Pakistan as a failure there could have devastating consequences for the entire international community.

In an interview to The Washington Post published on Sunday, Kilcullen, who is credited with the success of the US troop surge strategy in Iraq, warned that if Pakistan went out of control, it would ‘dwarf’ all the crises in the world today.

‘Pakistan…hands down. No doubt,’ he said when asked to name the central front in the war against terror.

Asked to explain why he thought Pakistan was so important, Kilcullen said: ‘Pakistan has 173 million people, 100 nuclear weapons, an army bigger than the US Army, and al-Qaeda headquarters sitting right there in the two-thirds of the country that the government doesn’t control.’

He claimed that the Pakistani military and police and intelligence service did not follow the civilian government; they were essentially a rogue state within a state.

‘Were now reaching the point where within one to six months we could see the collapse of the Pakistani state, also because of the global financial crisis, which just exacerbates all these problems,” he said.

‘The collapse of Pakistan, al-Qaeda acquiring nuclear weapons, an extremist takeover -- that would dwarf everything we’ve seen in the war on terror today.’

Kilcullen, an Australian anthropologist who advises governments on Muslim militancy throughout the West, disagreed with the suggestion that it was important to kill or capture Osama bin laden.

He discussed two possible scenarios for catching the al-Qaeda leader. Scenario one is, American commandos shoot their way into some valley in Pakistan and kill bin Laden.

This, Kilcullen said, would not end the war on terror and would make bin Laden a martyr.

The second scenario: a tribal raiding party captures bin Laden, puts him on television and says, ‘You are a traitor to Islam and you have killed more Muslims than you have killed infidels, and we’re now going to deal with you.’ They could either then try and execute the guy in accordance with their own laws or hand him over to the International Criminal Court.

‘If that happened, that would be the end of the al-Qaeda myth,’ said Kilcullen.

He said that three lessons learned in Iraq could also apply to Afghanistan. The first one is to protect the population. ‘Unless people feel safe, they won’t be willing to engage in unarmed politics,’ he argued.

The second lesson is to focus on getting the population on America’s side and making them self-defending. And then a third lesson is to make a long-term commitment.

Kilcullen said that the Obama administration’s policy of reaching out to moderate elements of the Taliban also had several pitfalls.

‘If the Taliban sees that we’re negotiating for a stay of execution or to stave off defeat, that’s going to harden their resolve,’ he warns.

‘I’m all for negotiating, but I think the chances of achieving a mass wave of people turning against the Taliban are somewhat lower in Afghanistan than they were in Iraq.’
He claimed that the Pakistani military and police and intelligence service did not follow the civilian government; they were essentially a rogue state within a state.

Thrown them all in hasn't he. I should check out the transcript and see if he included my clan as well!

The Pakistani police are anything but not beholden to the politicians, a major gripe amongst the average Pakistani, who has to grease palms or use connections with politicians to get anything done.

I think Mr. Kilcullen doth go overboard with the rhetoric, perhaps deliberately, to strengthen public support for assistance to the GoP.
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Thought I'd start by providing the original interview so as to remove any cognitive dissonance-

A Conversation With David Kilcullen-Washington Post

"Thrown them all in hasn't he. I should check out the transcript and see if he included my clan as well!"

You know the name and could easily have done so as he blogs over at SWJ and the above article was there in their roundup. He is a careful man who's quietly built his credibility until recently publishing his new and acclaimed book, The Accidental Guerrilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One which has been very well received. He is a former Colonel of infantry in the Australian Army and carries a Ph.D in cultural anthropology. Kilcullen was Petraeus' principle advisor on Iraq and remains uniquely connected.

I can't imagine him flippant nor hyperbolic in all seriousness but I find your rationale for such interesting. Seriously.
LOL This David Kilcullen is a joke. What a wild conspiracy theorist.

‘Were now reaching the point where within one to six months we could see the collapse of the Pakistani state, also because of the global financial crisis, which just exacerbates all these problems,” he said.

Wanna bet? A bunch of self-proclaimed fortune tellers.
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"What a wild conspiracy theorist."

Can I have those links to the prominent U.S. think-tanks that are promoting the fracturing of Baluchistan from the rest of Pakistan. Also, comments to that effect by our senior policy-makers since you wish to discuss conspiracies?

I've been waiting for you to back your own wild conspiracy claim for some time...patiently, and am afraid you may be a poseur who actually provides little authoritative content.

Is that true?

I'll consider Kilcullen based upon a considerable cachet of performance when most needed. He's the luxury of mind-phucking us a little. You less so. Considerably.

"What a wild conspiracy theorist."

Can I have those links to the prominent U.S. think-tanks that are promoting the fracturing of Baluchistan from the rest of Pakistan. Also, comments to that effect by our senior policy-makers since you wish to discuss conspiracies?

I've been waiting for you to back your own wild conspiracy claim for some time...patiently, and am afraid you may be a poseur who actually provides little authoritative content.

Is that true?

Yep, let's assume for one minute that whatever I say is top order BS. What are you going to do about it? Kill me with your mighty drone? Frankly, I don't feel like proving anything to an American that only spews with hate. Don't you think that I haven't read your insightful rhetoric all over this forum? The best remedy is not to reply and ignore your rhetoric.
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Dismiss you as a trivial irrelevancy will be sufficient.


Dismiss you as a trivial irrelevancy will be sufficient.


Whatever... You keep on believing in your conspiracy rhetoric. You won't do any harm. I consider you to be a barking dog that doesn't bite. I know exactly where you're coming from. You're the same person that voted Bush into office and supported his idiocy for 8 years and still do. Your mind is poisoned with hate and disgust. You're hypnotized by the Bush syndrome. Your kind have been indoctrinated to an extent that rationality is hard to be found. You only believe in your own fantasised truth. I don't expect anything else from your kind. You just bark, but don't have any teeth to bite. I don't expect any sane discussion with you. Instead, the discussion will only deteriorate and I don't want that to happen. You're on my ignore list. I'm not going to reply to your on topic discussions to avoid a heated exchange.
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I woudl have to agree with S-2 here.

Kilcullen has so far been a very respected and largely accurate analyst.

He has infact argued against increased air strikes in Pakistani territory as being destabilizing, and argued for a RoE governing the air strikes that would have for all intents and purposes ruled them out.

It would be worthwhile reading his analysis with an open mind.

I woudl have to agree with S-2 here.

Kilcullen has so far been a very respected and largely accurate analyst.

He has infact argued against increased air strikes in Pakistani territory as being destabilizing, and argued for a RoE governing the air strikes that would have for all intents and purposes ruled them out.

It would be worthwhile reading his analysis with an open mind.

With all due respect, but a person that's predicting Pakistan to completely collapse within half a year is a nut case and cannot be taken seriously. All of his prophecies are hardly based on facts, but rather meaningless assumptions. Also, the nut is predicting AQ to take over the nukes and just explode them with a press on a button. Is it that easy to take over the nukes and detonate them at will? He claims that Pakistani military and the intelligence service are rogue and not following any orders. Who are fighting in the tribal areas and sacrificing their lives? Is this how we pay respect to the military? Just unnecessary scaremongering and sensationalism to score cheap headlines.
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With all due respect, but a person that's predicting Pakistan to completely collapse within half a year is a nut case and cannot be taken seriously. All of his prophecies are hardly based on facts.

I do find this to be unusually alarmist and out of sync with reality, unless he is referring to the collapse of the incumbent GoP, which is possible so long as Zardari remains in charge.

But that is why I speculated over his motives for doing so.

Again, read some of his other analysis.
Babur deserves some research into his limited posts to ascertain his contentions of American nefarious ambitions for Baluchistan. Laughable though they are (I suspect a redux of the Ralph Peters premise), he went further and attributed these assertions to unnamed prominent "think thanks".

Yes. We've ambitions to fracture Baluchistan, steal the minerals and end the mortal threat of PLAN vessels threatening our Persian Gulf choke-hold from Gwadar...:disagree:

Thus the genesis of this latest lil' fracas. Ol' Ralph could never imagine his immense muslim "popularity". BaburCM is another clown who's been drinking the kool-aid, got too far out on the edge and now can't deliver when called out.

I'm sure he'd have preferred that I forget his departure from reality. No such luck.

Indulge yourself if so interested. He sure talks the talk.
I do find this to be unusually alarmist and out of sync with reality, unless he is referring to the collapse of the incumbent GoP, which is possible so long as Zardari remains in charge.

But that is why I speculated over his motives for doing so.

Again, read some of his other analysis.

That's exactly my point. He's painting frantic doom scenario's to create unrest. I will read his other analysis, but he has totally missed the plot on this one. He surely hasn't impressed me.
Why the hell we need experts and specialists if we only agree to their 'thoughts of our liking'?
Babur deserves some research into his limited posts to ascertain his contentions of American nefarious ambitions for Baluchistan. Laughable though they are (I suspect a redux of the Ralph Peters premise), he went further and attributed these assertions to unnamed prominent "think thanks".

Yes. We've ambitions to fracture Baluchistan, steal the minerals and end the mortal threat of PLAN vessels threatening our Persian Gulf choke-hold from Gwadar...:disagree:

Ever heard of Zaid Hamid? He too is a defense analyst and is widely speculated to be the voice of ISI.

But mate hats off to you, I mean do you ever venture outside? There is a world outside of the internet you know. Maybe I'm just jealous because I cannot dedicate the sort of time you do online.

Anyway about US plans for Baluchistan, well let's just leave all that and see what happens because I too believe that China will not sit quietly since they've already paid for Gawadar. But you do not have any ill intention's in Baluchistan right? I wonder how India still arms, trains and supplies BLA right under your noses in Afghanistan. My good friend if your country's intentions were so noble you would have solved most of the problems of this world by solving the Palestinian and Kashmir disputes by coercion one way or the other. No you had to go after Iraq lying to the world about their WMD's when even I knew that Iraq had none! Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's murdered savagely, millions displaced.....their blood and their sufferings are in your hands, you do have faith right? You people will be judged in this life or the after for your savagery!

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