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US 'biggest' threat, say Pakistani Polls

Editorial: Al Qaeda’s many wars

Al Qaeda’s de facto leader and Osama bin Laden’s deputy, Ayman Al Zawahiri, has, in his latest video message, predicted the fall of the US at the hands of “Islamic fighters”. The 106-minute cassette berates America and the Muslim rulers who take orders from Washington. It boasts that Muslims in large numbers are flocking to join the jihad against the superpower that supports Israel.

The message says: “Mr Obama, America has waged many wars in the past and has known defeat in Vietnam and the Bay of Pigs (in Cuba) and others but this time is not like the previous ones because you are involved with the Muslim nation that has woken up”. The battle in Afghanistan is not going well; therefore the message has an edge to it. Before this, the war in Iraq too had not gone well.

Because of the inability of the big powers to move effectively on the issues of injustice and oppression and occupation relied upon by Al Qaeda to attract recruits, it is often forgotten what Al Qaeda has done to the Muslim world. Iraq and Afghanistan are surely an internecine wasteland created by Al Qaeda and its madcap revolutionary terrorism.

Al Qaeda had earlier chosen Sudan and Somalia; both today are basket cases, with Somalia suffering from foreign intervention and the terror of an Al Qaeda-inspired organisation called Shabab. In Yemen, where Al Qaeda’s message has resonated more than in any other Muslim state, a civil war-like situation is fast developing. In Pakistan, where many Al Qaeda terrorists were caught, the national economy is on its knees as a result of the law and order situation created by the Taliban.

Fortunately, the Pakistani nation has turned around and rejected Al Qaeda and its followers. The biggest flaw in Al Qaeda’s activity is that it kills innocent Muslims to impress its enemy, the US. And most of its minions in the tribal areas are common criminals and outlaws

Dear Tallman:

""if you we cant control our own country then we should not be in charge of it....it would be better to be a colony of the west then ruled by the Taliban...""

Great suggestion!! I hope this can be implemented.

Currently We have absolutely the worst options. We are effectively a US Colony ruled through Kala Sahib proxies.

It would be far better to be ruled by the Gora sahibs, and enjoy a semblance of peace and prosperity. The Gora sahibs will at least make a reasonable investment in schools, roads, hospitals, power, industry, tourism. Pakistanis will be eventually able to crawl out of the vicious circle of poverty.
Dear Tallman:

""if you we cant control our own country then we should not be in charge of it....it would be better to be a colony of the west then ruled by the Taliban...""

Great suggestion!! I hope this can be implemented.

Currently We have absolutely the worst options. We are effectively a US Colony ruled through Kala Sahib proxies.

It would be far better to be ruled by the Gora sahibs, and enjoy a semblance of peace and prosperity. The Gora sahibs will at least make a reasonable investment in schools, roads, hospitals, power, industry, tourism. Pakistanis will be eventually able to crawl out of the vicious circle of poverty.

Agreed , we are US colony in the making but still majority of Pakistani are ready to sacrifice their lives for their faith and independence.

Aye tahir lahuti us razak se mout achi
gis razak se ati hu parvaz me kutahi
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