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US begins shutdown amid budget row

Because this is not a serious issue. The US government have gone through this before and the country still stands.

Government is politics and the way you guys take glee at this is more indicative of your desperate need to escape the political hellhole that is China anyway you can. A suspension of governmental duties is nothing compared to governmental dissolution, which the German parliament have experienced but no one made hay out of that.

And by the way, the article was not about little girls and pimples. It was about Chinese political prisoners died in Chinese secret black jails that Chinese authority said died from squeezing pimples. But I guess since you are so used to it that a suspension of governmental duties in the US must be an oddity.

Just as disingenuous and delusional as always :rolleyes:

1. If it weren't a serious issue, it wouldn't have made headline news around the world. I realize we live in a rollicky world where countries are collapsing all the time. But now, among the articles about the Syrian civil war, anarchy in Somalia, Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan, Mexican cartel wars, etc, there is a new story about state failure that will compete for news coverage, the USA government shutdown. That is the party you keep.

2. You can't conflate the dissolution of the German legislature (i.e. not the government) with government shutdown, especially since the former is just a political convention to convene new elections.

3. You still haven't established the relevance of your cherry-picked anecdotes about little Chinese girls/squeezing pimples. Whatever your agenda is, they don't detract from or compare with the gravity of the issue at hand: US government shutdown.
I actually care little about American or any other kind of politics.

The question for me is the economic impact. Stock markets have gone down already, American GDP growth is sure to decrease, at a time when the Federal reserve is trying to reduce its economic stimulus package.

America spends WAY more than it receives in terms of Government revenue (resulting in a $16 trillion debt), there is a huge fiscal deficit, a huge trade deficit, though growth seems to be back on track at least.

Better if they solve it sooner rather than later, to minimize the damage to the global economy.
Yankees are done, this is our time to rule. The Yankees had fun in the 20th century and now they are experiencing decline. We are on the rise and will rule the world post-2049 once we complete our development.

Yankees are yesterday's news. Their relevance is decreasing with each passing day.
Yeah...And your German parliament have always been very 'mature'...

People & Politics | 60 Years of German Parliamentary Debates - YouTube

You are criticizing US for this governmental spat when you have something a thousand times worse...???

Ai Weiwei Freed Amid Harsh Crackdown in China - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Right...A prisoner in a 'black jail' died from extreme acne.

And a temporary paralysis in the US government is great cause for celebration. But I guess when you live in a place where you could die unexpectedly from extreme acne while in government custody, you need any escape you can find on the Internet.

Does it matter what we do? What we do is of no concern to this particular matter, we could be the next Nazi Germany and it won't change what happened here. No matter what we do to "Activists," who btw knows nothing of the economics, politics or diplomacy, it is of little concern to the grand scheme of things.

Besides democracy means anyone can voice their opinion, I'm sure us saying a couple of things is not more destructive than the tea party people who doesn't even know what medicare is, and who is providing it.

It may seem harsh but the life of a few people, especially these idealistic people who are like Mao, revolutionaries that are obsessed with revolution than solutions to current problems, are of no actual concern to the Chinese public at large and the big picture.

Now this matter at parliament, the heart of American government is something, it's nothing in the grand scheme of things as well, but at least it's bigger than say the life of a few "activists."
Yankees are done, this is our time to rule. The Yankees had fun in the 20th century and now they are experiencing decline. We are on the rise and will rule the world post-2049 once we complete our development.

Yankees are yesterday's news. Their relevance is decreasing with each passing day.

Is it the general thought of the Chinese people? Appears rather unrealistic.

I don't see much reason for such optimism. China is an old country with a landward orientation and with competing countries all around. It is also resource and technology poor.China will certainly be a very important player in the Asian and World power equation, but it can never be a superpower.

Only the US has been a superpower, and that too because of a historic accident --a highly resource rich virgin continent and absence of security concerns due to its insular location. Even the USSR was not a superpower.

And beware! such disconnect between reality and ambition is a handy recipe for war.
Götterdämmerung;4829921 said:
In a functioning democracy, dissolution of the parliament is always a possibility if the situation is unbecoming to the whole nation and Germany is hardly the only democracy that experienced that. But what does that have anything to do with your senator's childish behaviour hindering his opponents to speak by reading a children book and making bad joke completely unrelated to the topic of the debate?
Sure...It is analogous to your 1960s hippies leftover Green Party Members of Parliament with their long beards and unkempt appearance that have no respect for the place's decorum.

But in your mind, in a functional democracy, dissolution of government is far far worse than a short term suspension of government spending, just because the US does it. :lol:

Just as disingenuous and delusional as always :rolleyes:

1. If it weren't a serious issue, it wouldn't have made headline news around the world. I realize we live in a rollicky world where countries are collapsing all the time. But now, among the articles about the Syrian civil war, anarchy in Somalia, Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan, Mexican cartel wars, etc, there is a new story about state failure that will compete for news coverage, the USA government shutdown. That is the party you keep.

2. You can't conflate the dissolution of the German legislature (i.e. not the government) with government shutdown, especially since the former is just a political convention to convene new elections.

3. You still haven't established the relevance of your cherry-picked anecdotes about little Chinese girls/squeezing pimples. Whatever your agenda is, they don't detract from or compare with the gravity of the issue at hand: US government shutdown.
The Occupy movement did far more damages to the US than this shutdown will ever do.
Sure...It is analogous to your 1960s hippies leftover Green Party Members of Parliament with their long beards and unkempt appearance that have no respect for the place's decorum.

But in your mind, in a functional democracy, dissolution of government is far far worse than a short term suspension of government spending, just because the US does it. :lol:

The Greens never hindered the opposition to speak by reading children books and making bad jokes for 21 hours.

When did I say that dissolution is far worse than the shutdown in the US?

Can you stick to the topic and stop dragging unrelated stuffs into the debate which is the shutdown of the US?
Götterdämmerung;4830315 said:
The Greens never hindered the opposition to speak by reading children books and making bad jokes for 21 hours.
Aah...So now when shown your supposedly 'mature' legislative body is no better than US, you resort to nitpicking? :lol:

Götterdämmerung;4830315 said:
When did I say that dissolution is far worse than the shutdown in the US?
I doubt that you even knew your supposedly so 'mature' Bundestag got dissolved, otherwise you would not have been so eager to jump in.
Aah...So now when shown your supposedly 'mature' legislative body is no better than US, you resort to nitpicking? :lol:

I doubt that you even knew your supposedly so 'mature' Bundestag got dissolved, otherwise you would not have been so eager to jump in.

Both are not related to the debate which is the US shutdown.

I don't need an American telling me about my country's history. Helmut Schmidt is honorable citizen of my city, I should know a bit more than you ever will be.
Just as disingenuous and delusional as always :rolleyes:

1. If it weren't a serious issue, it wouldn't have made headline news around the world.

sure.. then, please feel free to have sleepless night over this. :laugh:

cry for USA .. the world tomorrow won't be the same.

unfortunately, when (.. and if :laugh:) you wake up tomorrow, you'll find the world to be just the same.

Only you would have swolled red eyes.. and let me assure you, this won't be a headline.
Nasa will shut down entirely.......right can't run the country lets **** Nasa.....need to pay the corporates....lets **** Nasa!
And Troll of the year award goes to...............................
QE 100 is just around the corner. Just relax.
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