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US begins shutdown amid budget row


Jul 9, 2010
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BBC News - US begins government shutdown as budget deadline passes

The US government has begun a partial shutdown after the two houses of Congress failed to agree a budget.

The Republican-led House of Representatives insisted on delaying Mr Obama's healthcare reform - dubbed Obamacare - as a condition for passing a bill.

More than 800,000 federal employees face unpaid leave with no guarantee of back pay once the deadlock is over.

It is the first partial shutdown in 17 years.

The economic impact will depend on how long the deadlock lasts, but Goldman Sachs estimates a three-week shutdown could shave as much as 0.9% from US GDP this quarter.

Now watch global stock markets plummet!

Shortly after midnight, President Obama tweeted: "They actually did it. A group of Republicans in the House just forced a government shutdown over Obamacare instead of passing a real budget."

House Speaker John Boehner told reporters he hoped the Senate would accept an offer of conference with the House "so we can resolve this for the American people".
Republican senator reads a children's book out loud in the Senate for 21 hours in order to stop the Democrats from speaking!!!

BBC News - Cruz reads Green Eggs and Ham in anti-Obamacare speech

Republican Senator Ted Cruz held the Senate floor for more than 21 hours in a speech against President Barack Obama's healthcare reform law.

He held the Senate at a standstill for 21 hours by reading "Green eggs and ham" a popular children's book!

Just so that none of Obama's supporters could speak.
Watch the Republican Senator holding the entire Senate floor at a standstill for 21 hours by talking pure BS.

He talks about Green eggs and ham, white casseroles that he had for lunch, his "argument boots" that he is currently wearing, redneck jokes, and about a thousand other stupid things that have nothing to do with anything.

Ted Cruz after nearly 21 hours Filibuster: I'm Doing Fabulous - Anti-ObamaCare 9/24/2013 - YouTube


And this guy was the Policy Advisor for George Bush. :P

AND this guy wants to run for President.
Democracy at its finest。:omghaha:
Far better than you can understand. But then again, you are so used to live under corrupt Party officials that what else can you understand? So corrupt that even schoolchildren...

China: School girl wants to be “corrupt official” · Global Voices
On the first day of China’s school term (1 September), Guangzhou’s Southern Metropolitan Daily interviewed some primary one kids about their life-goals. One of them told the journalist that her dream was to “become an official”. When the journalist asked what kind of official she wanted to be, she replied that she wanted to “become a corrupt official. Corrupt officials have a lot of good stuff.”
The Chinese government at its finest...:lol:
You're right, it's a damn sight better than your Vietnamese democracy.

Oh wait, your country Vietnam is Communist. :P
My country is the US, not Viet Nam. But then again, coming from a racist country -- China, how can you understand the US? Talk to the many Chinese citizens who abandoned China to be US citizens. May be you will learn something new besides what the corrupt Party feeds you.
My country is the US, not Viet Nam. But then again, coming from a racist country -- China, how can you understand the US? Talk to the many Chinese citizens who abandoned China to be US citizens. May be you will learn something new besides what the corrupt Party feeds you.

You are preaching to the Choir, I have never been Communist nor do I ever want to be.

But your country Vietnam is very Communist, much more so than China which is now a hybrid market economy. :D
You are preaching to the Choir, I have never been Communist nor do I ever want to be.
I do not care if you are a commie or not.

But your country Vietnam is very Communist, much more so than China which is now a hybrid market economy. :D
My country is the US, not Viet Nam. My country is one of my allegiance, not of birth. But then again, coming from a racist country -- China, how can you understand the US the way thousands of Chinese who abandoned China to be like me.
My country is the US, not Viet Nam. My country is one of my allegiance, not of birth. But then again, coming from a racist country -- China, how can you understand the US the way thousands of Chinese who abandoned China to be like me.

Yeah right, that's why Presidential Candidate John McCain referred to Vietnamese people as "gooks" (racist slur) and refused to apologize for it.

Why would he apologize to a Vietnamese? His duty is to Americans. :azn:
Yeah right, that's why Presidential Candidate John McCain referred to Vietnamese people as "gooks" (racist slur) and refused to apologize for it.

Why would he apologize to a Vietnamese? His duty is to Americans. :azn:
And yet plenty of Vietnamese-Americans, along side with plenty of Chinese-Americans, support him.

It must sucks to be you, knowing literally thousands of Chinese emigrate to the US where they have far much more opportunities for a better life, physically and more, while you are stuck in your female scarce village. :lol:
gambit literally feels a duty to his white masters to apologize and palliate a government shutdown, a symptom of supreme and humiliating state failure. maybe they should rename 'stockholm syndrome' to 'ho chi minh city syndrome'.
gambit literally feels a duty to his white masters to apologize and palliate a government shutdown, a symptom of supreme and humiliating state failure. maybe they should rename 'stockholm syndrome' to 'ho chi minh city syndrome'.
Hah...The corrupt Chinese government is a hundred times worse. Supreme state failure is when school children recognize state corruption is the way to go...
And yet plenty of Vietnamese-Americans, along side with plenty of Chinese-Americans, support him.

I think it's great actually. A REAL American (a Presidential candidate in fact) like John McCain understands he can use racial slurs against Vietnamese as much as he likes, because they are not Americans.

And also because they will love him anyway. :D
It's like you don't want to be taken seriously. The issue at hand is the shutdown of the US government, but you're trying to derail the topic with an offhand remark from a girl about her political aspirations. And even more farcical, you're trying to claim its worse, or even more serious, than a government shutdown? :)
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