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US becoming ‘developing country’ on global rankings


Jul 2, 2014
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People wait in line for a free morning meal in Los Angeles in April 2020. High and rising inequality is one reason the US ranks badly on some international measures of development. Photo: AFP via Getty / Frederic J Brown

The United States may regard itself as a “leader of the free world,” but an index of development released in July 2022 places the country much farther down the list.

In its global rankings, the United Nations Office of Sustainable Development dropped the US to 41st worldwide, down from its previous ranking of 32nd. Under this methodology – an expansive model of 17 categories, or “goals,” many of them focused on the environment and equity – the US ranks between Cuba and Bulgaria. Both are widely regarded as developing countries.

The US is also now considered a “flawed democracy,” according to The Economist’s democracy index.

As a political historian who studies US institutional development, I recognize these dismal ratings as the inevitable result of two problems. Racism has cheated many Americans out of the health care, education, economic security and environment they deserve. At the same time, as threats to democracy become more serious, a devotion to “American exceptionalism” keeps the country from candid appraisals and course corrections.

‘The other America’​

The Office of Sustainable Development’s rankings differ from more traditional development measures in that they are more focused on the experiences of ordinary people, including their ability to enjoy clean air and water, than the creation of wealth.

So while the gigantic size of the American economy counts in its scoring, so too does unequal access to the wealth it produces. When judged by accepted measures like the Gini coefficient, income inequality in the US has risen markedly over the past 30 years. By the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s measurement, the U.S. has the biggest wealth gap among G7 nations.

These results reflect structural disparities in the US, which are most pronounced for African Americans. Such differences have persisted well beyond the demise of chattel slavery and the repeal of Jim Crow laws.

Scholar W E B Du Bois first exposed this kind of structural inequality in his 1899 analysis of Black life in the urban north, “The Philadelphia Negro.” Though he noted distinctions of affluence and status within Black society, Du Bois found the lives of African Americans to be a world apart from white residents: a “city within a city.”

Du Bois traced the high rates of poverty, crime and illiteracy prevalent in Philadelphia’s Black community to discrimination, divestment and residential segregation – not to Black people’s degree of ambition or talent.

More than a half-century later, with characteristic eloquence, Martin Luther King Jr. similarly decried the persistence of the “other America,” one where “the buoyancy of hope” was transformed into “the fatigue of despair.”

To illustrate his point, King referred to many of the same factors studied by Du Bois: the condition of housing and household wealth, education, social mobility and literacy rates, health outcomes and employment. On all of these metrics, Black Americans fared worse than whites. But as King noted, “Many people of various backgrounds live in this other America.”

The benchmarks of development invoked by these men also featured prominently in the 1962 book “The Other America,” by political scientist Michael Harrington, founder of a group that eventually became the Democratic Socialists of America. Harrington’s work so unsettled President John F. Kennedy that it reportedly galvanized him into formulating a “war on poverty.”

Kennedy’s successor, Lyndon Johnson, waged this metaphorical war. But poverty bound to discrete places. Rural areas and segregated neighborhoods stayed poor well beyond mid-20th-century federal efforts.

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Camp Laykay Nou, a homeless encampment in Philadelphia. High and rising inequality is one reason the US rates badly on some international development rankings. Photo: NurPhoto via Getty Images / Cory Clark

In large part that is because federal efforts during that critical time accommodated rather than confronted the forces of racism, according to my research.

Across a number of policy domains, the sustained efforts of segregationist Democrats in Congress resulted in an incomplete and patchwork system of social policy. Democrats from the South cooperated with Republicans to doom to failure efforts to achieve universal health care or unionized workforces.

Rejecting proposals for strong federal intervention, they left a checkered legacy of local funding for education and public health.

Today, many years later, the effects of a welfare state tailored to racism is evident — though perhaps less visibly so — in the inadequate health policies driving a shocking decline in average American life expectancy.

Declining democracy​

There are other ways to measure a country’s level of development, and on some of them the US fares better.

The US currently ranks 21st on the United Nations Development Program’s index, which measures fewer factors than the sustainable development index. Good results in average income per person – US$64,765 – and an average 13.7 years of schooling situate the United States squarely in the developed world.

Its ranking suffers, however, on appraisals that place greater weight on political systems.

The Economist’s democracy index now groups the US among “flawed democracies,” with an overall score that ranks between Estonia and Chile. It falls short of being a top-rated “full democracy” in large part because of a fractured political culture. This growing divide is most apparent in the divergent paths between “red” and “blue” states.

Although the analysts from The Economist applaud the peaceful transfer of power in the face of an insurrection intended to disrupt it, their report laments that, according to a January 2022 poll, “only 55% of Americans believe that Mr. Biden legitimately won the 2020 election, despite no evidence of widespread voter fraud.”

Election denialism carries with it the threat that election officials in Republican-controlled jurisdictions will reject or alter vote tallies that do not favor the Republican Party in upcoming elections, further jeopardizing the score of the U.S. on the democracy index.

Red and blue America also differ on access to modern reproductive care for women. This hurts the US gender equality rating, one aspect of the United Nations’ sustainable development index.

Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Republican-controlled states have enacted or proposed grossly restrictive abortion laws, to the point of endangering a woman’s health.

When paired with structural inequalities and fractured social policy, the dwindling Republican commitment to democracy lends weight to the classification of the US as a developing country.

American exceptionalism​

To address the poor showing of the United States on a variety of global surveys, one must also contend with the idea of American exceptionalism, a belief in American superiority over the rest of the world.

Both political parties have long promoted this belief, at home and abroad, but “exceptionalism” receives a more formal treatment from Republicans.

It was the first line of the Republican Party’s national platform of 2016 and 2020 (“we believe in American exceptionalism”). And it served as the organizing principle behind Donald Trump’s vow to restore “patriotic education” to America’s schools.

In Florida, after lobbying by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, the state board of education in July 2022 approved standards rooted in American exceptionalism while barring instruction in critical race theory, an academic framework teaching the kind of structural racism Du Bois exposed long ago.

With a tendency to proclaim excellence rather than pursue it, the peddling of American exceptionalism encourages Americans to maintain a robust sense of national achievement – despite mounting evidence to the contrary.

Kathleen Frydl is Sachs Lecturer at Johns Hopkins University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Unfortunately, things not looking good.
rn ppl mostly spending on 2 items only: utilities & food
more layoffs from retail ar eon the way and senior staff being forced to take reduced pay for at least 6 months.
Food, energy, and housing costs are raising fast, as is household debt. I honestly don't know how poor people are coping with the price of bread at $7 a loaf.
It's not easy to fix.

Not to mention the population shift from white to non-white, and the cultural shift from Anglo-Saxon to Hispanic.

At the same time the rise of Russia and China.
It takes a price to become an international currency.

First of all, you must have a large trade deficit. Only the deficit can let other countries own and use your currency.

Secondly, in order to create a trade deficit, you need to transfer a large part of the manufacturing industry and invest abroad. That was one of the purposes of the Marshall Plan.

You will need to build a huge invincible fleet and invest heavily in military affairs to ensure global trade security and currency credit.

Because of the huge deficit, you will become a country relying on domestic demand to drive economic growth. Because war is the biggest domestic demand, you will gradually become infatuated with the smell of war. Your people will die in a war that will never stop.

Because of the transfer of manufacturing industry, your people will inevitably be troubled by the growing gap between rich and poor. Because of the high costs of war and armaments, your citizens will enjoy worse and worse welfare and public facilities.

If you want to maintain your position, you must attract talents from all over the world. This will inevitably lead to the diversification of your country. Diversified countries will inevitably be accompanied by ethnic conflicts, LGBT and other issues.

If you choose this path, you must always be alert to any risk of failure. Because once the monetary system collapses, countless currencies will return to your country, which will bring an unprecedented economic disaster.

Heavy is the head who wears the crown.

In fact, it is good for most Americans to make the world multipolar. The crown is both a blessing and a curse. After the curse is removed, the United States will become more and more like Europe, not more like hell.
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Food, energy, and housing costs are raising fast, as is household debt. I honestly don't know how poor people are coping with the price of bread at $7 a loaf.

I want to lose weight, so this morning I ate only a small loaf of bread which sold for 2,000 VND at a minimart in Cau Giay district, Hanoi (23,500 VND = 1 USS)
I want to lose weight, so this morning I ate only a small loaf of bread which sold for 2,000 VND at a minimart in Cau Giay district, Hanoi (23,500 VND = 1 USS)
I have been to Nha Trang, Vietnam. The price in Vietnam is not as cheap as you said. I remember that I bought a 500g bread and spent 15000 VDN. The price is similar to that in China.
I have been to Nha Trang, Vietnam. The price in Vietnam is not as cheap as you said. I remember that I bought a 500g bread and spent 15000 VDN. The price is similar to that in China.
Even i was surprised yesterday. Thought it should be sold for 5000 vnd.
It takes a price to become an international currency.

First of all, you must have a large trade deficit. Only the deficit can let other countries own and use your currency.

Secondly, in order to create a trade deficit, you need to transfer a large part of the manufacturing industry and invest abroad. That was one of the purposes of the Marshall Plan.

You will need to build a huge invincible fleet and invest heavily in military affairs to ensure global trade security and currency credit.

Because of the huge deficit, you will become a country relying on domestic demand to drive economic growth. Because war is the biggest domestic demand, you will gradually become infatuated with the smell of war. Your people will die in a war that will never stop.

Because of the transfer of manufacturing industry, your people will inevitably be troubled by the growing gap between rich and poor. Because of the high costs of war and armaments, your citizens will enjoy worse and worse welfare and public facilities.

If you want to maintain your position, you must attract talents from all over the world. This will inevitably lead to the diversification of your country. Diversified countries will inevitably be accompanied by ethnic conflicts, LGBT and other issues.

If you choose this path, you must always be alert to any risk of failure. Because once the monetary system collapses, countless currencies will return to your country, which will bring an unprecedented economic disaster.

If you want to wear a crown, you must accept it.
In fact, it is good for most Americans to make the world multipolar. The crown is both a blessing and a curse. After the curse is removed, the United States will become more and more like Europe, not more like hell.

Marshal plan was initiated by the US to reconstruct Europe after WW2. There was an urgent need because the US wanted Western Europe as an iron curtain against the Soviet Union.

The dollar is like the rubbe an exchange paper. Nobody stops you to use rubbe. Bad, now the russian central bank is sanctioned that’s another story.
It takes a price to become an international currency.

First of all, you must have a large trade deficit. Only the deficit can let other countries own and use your currency.

Secondly, in order to create a trade deficit, you need to transfer a large part of the manufacturing industry and invest abroad. That was one of the purposes of the Marshall Plan.

You will need to build a huge invincible fleet and invest heavily in military affairs to ensure global trade security and currency credit.

Because of the huge deficit, you will become a country relying on domestic demand to drive economic growth. Because war is the biggest domestic demand, you will gradually become infatuated with the smell of war. Your people will die in a war that will never stop.

Because of the transfer of manufacturing industry, your people will inevitably be troubled by the growing gap between rich and poor. Because of the high costs of war and armaments, your citizens will enjoy worse and worse welfare and public facilities.

If you want to maintain your position, you must attract talents from all over the world. This will inevitably lead to the diversification of your country. Diversified countries will inevitably be accompanied by ethnic conflicts, LGBT and other issues.

If you choose this path, you must always be alert to any risk of failure. Because once the monetary system collapses, countless currencies will return to your country, which will bring an unprecedented economic disaster.

If you want to wear a crown, you must accept it.
In fact, it is good for most Americans to make the world multipolar. The crown is both a blessing and a curse. After the curse is removed, the United States will become more and more like Europe, not more like hell.
Very good explanation.


Marshal plan was initiated by the US to reconstruct Europe after WW2. There was an urgent need because the US wanted Western Europe as an iron curtain against the Soviet Union.

The dollar is like the rubbe an exchange paper. Nobody stops you to use rubbe. Bad, now the russian central bank is sanctioned that’s another story.

Cheerleading as usual huh. Marshall plan created huge deficits with Europe which enabled them to use dollars. Ultimately, US elites were more interested in controlling the system than having an industrial base. China was created based on this philosophy, thank god, we exploited this system and strengthened our country.
Very good explanation.

Cheerleading as usual huh. Marshall plan created huge deficits with Europe which enabled them to use dollars. Ultimately, US elites were more interested in controlling the system than having an industrial base. China was created based on this philosophy, thank god, we exploited this system and strengthened our country.
When we hang the capitalists, they will sell us the rope.
It takes a price to become an international currency.

First of all, you must have a large trade deficit. Only the deficit can let other countries own and use your currency.

Secondly, in order to create a trade deficit, you need to transfer a large part of the manufacturing industry and invest abroad. That was one of the purposes of the Marshall Plan.

You will need to build a huge invincible fleet and invest heavily in military affairs to ensure global trade security and currency credit.

Because of the huge deficit, you will become a country relying on domestic demand to drive economic growth. Because war is the biggest domestic demand, you will gradually become infatuated with the smell of war. Your people will die in a war that will never stop.

Because of the transfer of manufacturing industry, your people will inevitably be troubled by the growing gap between rich and poor. Because of the high costs of war and armaments, your citizens will enjoy worse and worse welfare and public facilities.

If you want to maintain your position, you must attract talents from all over the world. This will inevitably lead to the diversification of your country. Diversified countries will inevitably be accompanied by ethnic conflicts, LGBT and other issues.

If you choose this path, you must always be alert to any risk of failure. Because once the monetary system collapses, countless currencies will return to your country, which will bring an unprecedented economic disaster.

Heavy is the head who wears the crown.

In fact, it is good for most Americans to make the world multipolar. The crown is both a blessing and a curse. After the curse is removed, the United States will become more and more like Europe, not more like hell.
Interesting analysis, but system is rigged by those who created it. So US will figure out a way to keep it’s dominance. Must say, Chinese are pretty smart in cracking and catching up to this game.
Food, energy, and housing costs are raising fast, as is household debt. I honestly don't know how poor people are coping with the price of bread at $7 a loaf.

It depends on where you shop. Costco has 2 bread loaves at $6. The whitelabeled bread loaf at local grocery store is $2.50

It's not easy to fix.

Not to mention the population shift from white to non-white, and the cultural shift from Anglo-Saxon to Hispanic.

At the same time the rise of Russia and China.
I can see the rise of China

I do not know what you are smoking on Russia. It is a society that is rotten to the core.
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