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US-based Sikh rights group to rally behind Sangeeta Richard


Sorry dude. My father always ate beef and pork. So did all of my extended family. I sort of never questioned it I guess. So it got passed down to me. I limit meat consumption because of fitness reasons now

No judging mate :P
Hehe. I love cows. Even pigs actually(Not in any creepy way). Cows have such peaceful eyes. Pigs are kinda cute( and dirty like shit, literally). I used to have chicken, mutton and fish when I was young. Mutton in Shivratri is a custom. Fish - never liked. Slowly got out of it - for no particular reason. Happily veg and fit now :D

So you have no Idea about Jaichand of Kannauj. Go learn about him. It was him whose betryal cost India and muslim invaders succeed to rule over India. Similarly we have a history of many slave Hindu Kings who fought along side with Mugals against their fello Hindu kings who stood against Mugals.
Several Rajput commanders fought against Shivaji in the Deccan. Period. Later Royals did anything to save their skin - irrespective of faith.
No judging mate :P
Hehe. I love cows. Even pigs actually(Not in any creepy way). Cows have such peaceful eyes. Pigs are kinda cute( and dirty like shit, literally). I used to have chicken, mutton and fish when I was young. Mutton in Shivratri is a custom. Fish - never liked. Slowly got out of it - for no particular reason. Happily veg and fit now :D

Several Rajput commanders fought against Shivaji in the Deccan. Period. Later Royals did anything to save their skin - irrespective of faith.

Never liked Fish?

Biggest Mistake of your life to say it in front of a Malayali :mad:

I might give up meat. But Never Fish :D
No judging mate :P
Hehe. I love cows. Even pigs actually(Not in any creepy way). Cows have such peaceful eyes. Pigs are kinda cute( and dirty like shit, literally). I used to have chicken, mutton and fish when I was young. Mutton in Shivratri is a custom. Fish - never liked. Slowly got out of it - for no particular reason. Happily veg and fit now :D

Several Rajput commanders fought against Shivaji in the Deccan. Period. Later Royals did anything to save their skin - irrespective of faith.
Exactly...!! Thanks.
So you have no Idea about Jaichand of Kannauj. Go learn about him. It was him whose betryal cost India and muslim invaders succeed to rule over India. Similarly we have a history of many slave Hindu Kings who fought along side with Mugals against their fello Hindu kings who stood against Mugals.

You are back to quoting FICTION as History. What authentic evidence do you have about Jaichand ? :lol:

Your stupidity is already established. Why do you want to dig your grave a bit deeper ?

Kings formed alliance based on political necessity, not based on religion. LOL.

Well at least the Hindu kings did it that way.

I know this guy.

He is the one who threatened to murder me for eating Meat.

Probably his suspension ran out. Quite sad indeed.

LOL. Is LIES a daily part of your posts in pdf ? :lol:

I DARE you to quote my post where I have "threatened to murder you" worthless Ausra misogynist.

I feel violated just by your claim of you knowing me. I remember your post where you have bad mouthed your own mother in pdf. I bet you knew her pretty well too.
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You are back to quoting FICTION as History. What authentic evidence do you have about Jaichand ? :lol:

Your stupidity is already established. Why do you want to dig your grave a bit deeper ?

Kings formed alliance based on political necessity, not based on religion. LOL.

Well at least the Hindu kings did it that way.
Lols denial is a virtue. And let readers decide who is Idiot. And political alliance with muslim invaders against their own Hindu brothers? Thats called cowardice and betryal. If alliance with enemies of India is not betryal then what it is? Or now you will call those muslim invaders and mughals as friends of India?
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you stupid shivling worshipper your filthy religion was created by us. yindoos are a bane on India. Even worse are you blackskin dravidian reptiles who have stolen our culture and identity claiming it as your own. Shame on your useless people.
Hi idiot...At least some of the hypocrite Indians that opposed me until now will change their decision....
Hi idiot...At least some of the hypocrite Indians that opposed me until now will change their decision....

Why would anybody change their opinion because of his stupidity ??
After all your pro-Indian post they call you a false-flagger? If this doesn't prove too you how far off the deep-end your fellow country men have gone....
Yes dude...My country men try to support the minority just to feel they are good...
But it crosses the line sometimes...They don't know why they defend the minority...
Its ironic and bad for the country...

Why would anybody change their opinion because of his stupidity ??
Don't ask for logic dude...Read all the before pages...
And tell me if you see any logic to the thread...
Don't ask for logic dude...Read all the before pages...
And tell me if you see any logic to the thread...

There is no logic in this thread .

Logic was gone when instead of debating the actions of a American Sikhs right group people started questioning and mud slinging Sikhism and Hinduism and patriotism of Sikhs and Hindus .
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