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US backs Pakistan's military action against Afghanistan

America, an invader, was/is there to bomb taliban, not to become defender of Afghanistan from external threats, they themeselves are external. Americans got humiliated in Afghanistan and are now in hurry to leave this graveyard, why should Pak-afghan conflict should be their headache. Realistically speaking, pakistan is of more worth and use to america than a war-torn poorest country in the world. If afghans hope to find any friend in the region, it is india. Enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Save that heroism for Afghanis, you can do jack shit to Hindustanis.

You were too young in the mid 90's to know what we did to Hindustanis there.

where is the gao mataa nation to save the charsis from the wrath of the Pak bombardment ?

They ran away with their lungis in hand when ****** ********** ******** killed RAW's station chief in Kabul.
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You were too young in the mid 90's to know what we did to Hindustanis there.

They ran away with their lungis in hand when ****** ********** ******** killed RAW's station chief in Kabul.

cowardice is deeply rooted in the baniya

As Zaid Hamid pointed out, the baniya will only work against Pakistan in Afghanistan with the help from other countries. The baniya isn't really known for their bravery to act alone

Also, when did RAW's station chief get killed in Kabul?
America, an invader, was/is there to bomb taliban, not to become defender of Afghanistan from external threats, they themeselves are external. Americans got humiliated in Afghanistan and are now in hurry to leave this graveyard, why should Pak-afghan conflict should be their headache. Realistically speaking, pakistan is of more worth and use to america than a war-torn poorest country in the world. If afghans hope to find any friend in the region, it is india. Enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Pakistan bombing inside Afghanistan has nothing to do with American invasion.

Pakistan is attacking the TTP in response to the cross border attacks
@Luftwaffe @Aeronaut Check out Karzai's new Defense strategy against Pakistan :sarcastic:
USA is their to stop terrorists not become the military shield of afghanistan. Ofcourse they would back us.
You were too young in the mid 90's to know what we did to Hindustanis there.

They ran away with their lungis in hand when ****** ********** ******** killed RAW's station chief in Kabul.

Yes, another fantasy story is about to reveal in PDF feel good threads!! Btw is it okay to call your country mullah land or terrorist nation?? I mean you are openly supporting and encouraging name calling about our country.. Thats why I asked!!
cowardice is deeply rooted in the baniya

As Zaid Hamid pointed out, the baniya will only work against Pakistan in Afghanistan with the help from other countries. The baniya isn't really known for their bravery to act alone

Also, when did RAW's station chief get killed in Kabul?

He got two in the skull in 2008 on a bright Kabuli day. Our Hindustani 'friends' pretended as if nothing happened.
We don't . We are giving them a piece of the pie so they keep looking the other way.

Now they supported you because of the Karzai disagreement over BSA.But if he or his successor signs BSA .US will turn whole table shamelessly I am sure.
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