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US backs India-Iran Chabahar port deal as it outflanks China-Pakistan Gwadar project

then what is this ?

India, Iran and Afghanistan ink trade corridor pact
Signed during PM Narendra Modi’s Iran visit, the pact will open an alternative trade route for Kabul, bypassing Pakistan


That's the opening of an alternative route for Afghanistan, India can reach North Afghanistan bypassing Pakistan and tailban infested south Afg regions.

Central Asia, Russia all are in reach bypassing Pakistan and Afghanistan.
That's the opening of an alternative route for Afghanistan, India can reach North Afghanistan bypassing Pakistan and tailban infested south Afg regions.

Central Asia, Russia all are in reach bypassing Pakistan and Afghanistan.
and that is what i pointed earlier that most of northern and southern Afghanistan is controlled by Afghan Taliban


Red Areas are Controlled by Taliban
Yellow are contested districts

in these districts only cities are occupied by afghan govt surrounding areas are mostly ruled by talibans.

then what is this ?

India, Iran and Afghanistan ink trade corridor pact
Signed during PM Narendra Modi’s Iran visit, the pact will open an alternative trade route for Kabul, bypassing Pakistan
They both are different projects
One is to reduce Afghanistan dependency on Pakistan and alliw indian investments
And one is to get access to central asia an Russia
They both are different projects
One is to reduce Afghanistan dependency on Pakistan and alliw indian investments
And one is to get access to central asia an Russia

Yep .. and i was discussing the success aspects of Afghan rout wondering how they will manage to reach up to Kabul and mezare sharief pass through taliban controlled territories the distance between zahidan to kabul is more than 1200 km compare to Pakistani Torkhum to Kabul 228km
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Yep .. and i was discussing the success aspects of Afghan rout wondering how they will manage to reach up to Kabul and mezare sharief pass through taliban controlled territories the distance between zahidan to kabul is more than 1200 km compare to Pakistani Torkhum to Kabul 228km
Well i am skeptical too about that
Wrong. The Silk Road originally never was one route but differant roads all going in the general direction of the West. The CPEC is reinterpretation of one of those ancients world's Silk Routes. CPEC is in fact the rejuvenetion of links between ancient Pakistan and ancient China that go back thousands of years ago.

For example Buddhism from Ancient Pakistan (centred around Gandhara in Taxila adjacent to modern Islamabad) travelled north along what is now the Karakorum Highway up to Kashgar in Tarim Basin and further deep into China. We also saw the Kushan Kingdom link this part of the world so in fact CPEC is modern legacy that links China with Pakistan and has long history going back to ancient times betwen our two great peoples.




And the shortest route from China to Russia is NOT through Iran. It is from China, Kazakstan to Russia which already is buzzing with activity.

Ancient Silk Routes (map below) notice the southern spur goes from Kashgar in China south to Taxila, Pakistan and then Arabian Sea near Karachi.

Thanks Sir for that reply even im trying to say that only that Chinas first priority is to restart the New Silk Road/Oil-Gas Pipe line


And the proposed Chabahaar corridoars are not in any way compition to its CEPC or New Silk route



You have played your cards trying to stop CPEC.....from threatening China (LOL) to funding terror in Pakistan killing our children and soldiers using Afghanistan....all your bets failed...CPEC is up and running.

The onus is now on you to pull of your trade to Central Asia through Afghanistan...now we do what we have to secure our interests.

As I said good luck trying to reach Kabul through Southern Afghanistan ;)
No Sir we are not Playing any Games its only your security establishment and the ruling elite and there media stooges who want there to be an enemosity and fire of hate and revenge keep burning between Indians and pakistanies so they can keep looting pakistani nation and keep ruling while common pakistanies always be like what they have made there lives like in present

and its they who are playing games not we had we really played games khair jane do its not the topic

now we gave you a olive branch but you rejected it so we went for the alternate route and its not owr fault its your loss and we will do every think to make it a success but that dosent means "Playing Games against CEPC" owr only reservation is that its build on "Owr Land " which yopur afridi raiders captured when Maharaj of Kashmir wanted Kashmir to be a Free Nation go read the unbaised History from some non Indian or european point of view

and Sir as for killing the children well shame on you if you think we killed chldren let me ask you do you remmebr Parade ground mosque attack just a few years back who did it and who released the pictures of there so called Jihadies just like TTP released these pictures guess who are these guys and whats there nationality and relegion and think logically


Sorry sir and Mods for me to past this picture but its really very painfull when pakistanies accuse india of doing APS peshawar when TTP already owned it

wrong again sir chabahar is not just for aghanistan but from iran to afgahnistan "and central asia" and maybe even russia
I agree but what route you will follow, through Pakistan lol. you have to have pass afghanistan in order to enter iran you donot have any option if you persue any other option defnintely it will be costly. Russian will not trade by air till chabahar definitely there will be route like CPEC. Afghanistan is also part of this project route if you dont know.
I agree but what route you will follow, through Pakistan lol. you have to have pass afghanistan in order to enter iran you donot have any option if you persue any other option defnintely it will be costly. Russian will not trade by air till chabahar definitely there will be route like CPEC. Afghanistan is also part of this project route if you dont know.
No sir look at the Map again we are going to afghansiatn thru iran not wia pakistan to afghansiatn

and why will we go to iran passing thru afghanistan why we will not the way we are already doing ... wia sea link ?

well why not a link as shown in map from chabahar to Ashgabad (turkmenistan) and from there to russia why cant that be done ?

India-Iran-Afghanistan are all partners in the project its not just indian project get your facts right
there are many on this forum who want to beleve that USA will oppose indo iran chahbahaar deal but they forget USA itself has done a deal with iran to lift sanctions on iran as USA itself wants a corridor to central asia thru iran

and we will make that happen no matter what people say or want to beleve

and india has already shared its views on it will all the relevent parties and Israel and saudi arabia and UAE about chahbahaar deal....

rest keep speculating but niether israel nor USA are against indo iran deal on chahbahaar corridoar
You just proved his point

The Taliban control Southern Afghanistan
I see pakistani members have wrong Impression about chahbahar link with Afghanistan. Thinking due to Afganistan as a link in b/w the chain this project is bound to fail (all thanks to their ally Taliban). But reality is v far from what they are dreaming.
All the routes for reaching to Afghanistan or Russia or C Asia are different.

Like for Russia and Europe It is :


The International North–South Transport Corridor is the ship, rail, and road route for moving freight between India,Russia, Iran, Europe and Central Asia. The route primarily involves moving freight from India, Iran, Azerbaijan and Russia via ship, rail and road. The objective of the corridor is to increase trade connectivity between major cities such as Mumbai, Moscow, Tehran, Baku, Bandar Abbas, Astrakhan, Bandar Anzali and etc.Dry runs of two routes were conducted in 2014, the first was Mumbai to Baku via Bandar Abbas and the second was Mumbai to Astrakhan via Bandar Abbas, Tehran and Bandar Anzali.
and linking it further with Ashgabat agreement
The Ashgabat agreement (Hindi: अश्गाबात समझौता), is a Multimodal transport agreement signed by India, Oman,Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, for creating an international transport and transit corridor facilitating transportation of goods between Central Asia and the Persian Gulf.
The objective of this agreement is to enhance connectivity within Eurasian region and synchronize it with other transport corridors within that region including the International North–South Transport Corridor (INSTC).

North–South Transport Corridor[edit]
For enhanced connectivity, the Ashgabat agreement will also synchronize with the International North–South Transport Corridor encompassing ship, rail includingTrans-Caspian railway, and road route for moving freight between India, Russia, Iran, Europe and Central Asia. The route primarily involves moving freight from India,Iran, Azerbaijan and Russia via ship, rail and road.[2]

Eurasian Railway Connectivity[edit]
This agreement will also leverage the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan (TAT) rail line from 2013, Afghanistan-Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey transportation corridor in 2014, Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan railroad and TRACECA (Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia) comprising the EU and 14 Eastern European, South Caucasus and Central Asian states.

Hajigak–Chabahar railway[edit]
India is finalising a plan to construct a 900-km railway line that will connect Chabahar port in Iran, being built with Indian help, to the mineral-rich Hajigak region of Afghanistan

For Central Asia :


For India, a 70-km Iran rail line can open doors to Central Asia


A few years ago, fertiliser major Iffco dabbled with the idea of sourcing rock phosphate from Kazakhstan, which sits on 2 billion tonnes of the mineral.

But the Indian cooperative giant had to drop the plan midway discouraged by the high cost of logistics. Iffco is not alone; several Indian companies had to drop plans to trade with Central Asian countries such as Kazakhstan. But not any longer, it seems.

A proposed 70-km railway line in an obscure patch of northern Iran could change all that.

Once ready, the railroad could help India save crores of rupees in logistics to Central Asia, the 55-million-people market. One of the most prosperous and fastest growing regions in the world, Central Asia is a key source for uranium and fertilisers.

The line links the Iranian city of Gorgan to the Iran-Turkmenistan border. Gorgan lies 400 km away from Iran’s capital, Tehran, and is some 30 km from the Caspian Sea.

The line will link another recently-built railroad that goes right up to Uzen town in southern Kazakhstan.

For Afganistan :


Most imp. everyone missed by connecting Afghanistan to chahbhar will give Afghanistan one more way to connect to the world, will led to end of pakistan blackmail to both Afghanistan and US-Nato (reason behind US supporting it ) and US aid to pakistan both all together. Infact Afghanistan will have a upper hand on pak, closing its electricity supply and CAsia reach at will.


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and that is what i pointed earlier that most of northern and southern Afghanistan is controlled by Afghan Taliban


Red Areas are Controlled by Taliban
Yellow are contested districts

in these districts only cities are occupied by afghan govt surrounding areas are mostly ruled by talibans.

checkout, If India can sucessfully construct highway from so called taliban controlled area then what will be the difficulty to transfer minerals from afganistan to chabhar ?


@GURU DUTT back after v long, Got some punishment from jealous bunch ?
We cannot deny the growing American-Pakistani agitation... the Americans are reaching out to the Indians more and more while abandoning us.
Are you of the opinion this is false news? Just asking.
Since there are no american or neutral sources, I believe this news is false. Just imagine the US backing (officially or unofficially) an Iranian project.
It is bound to make headlines. How could an Indian news site gets this sensitive information while the western media completely ignores it. It just does not make sense.
You are more than welcome to prove me otherwise.
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