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US attacks China!! a scenario

Americans cant nuke China if they do then Russia ll take out its KING OF BOMBS aka TSAR BOMBA i think only 5 Tsar BOMBA ll b enough 4 completely sweep US from face of earth .US dont hve sufficeint man power 2 fi8 wid RED DRAGON aka China :flame:

AND why would russia be involved with unted states ?????

china is rather be comign a rival to russia - if not enemy.

united states have enough fire power to give some serious joilt to china - yeh it will come at a cost which will be too high for united states.
Why u ppl Think tht in this kind of scenerio US alone will Fight against china....

Take a look at any war after Vietnam.... IRAQ, Afganistan, Kosovo...the US always attack with coalition forces..... so against china it will do the same.... and I don't think India deny any Logistic Support to the US or coalition forces....

I think even pakistan is not in condition to say NO to the US..... Do You?
Americans cant nuke China if they do then Russia ll take out its KING OF BOMBS aka TSAR BOMBA i think only 5 Tsar BOMBA ll b enough 4 completely sweep US from face of earth .US dont hve sufficeint man power 2 fi8 wid RED DRAGON aka China :flame:

How old are you? Twelve?
:china:ChiNa n RuSSiA hve aLreaDy mAde a BloCk aka SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) . b0tH r AlLies aGainst US sUprEmacY. s0 aNy waR in FuTuRe aGainsT Red Drag0N bY US ll b c0nsideRed aS wAr aGainst X Red ArmY in RuSsIa.
How old are you? Twelve?

u kno wats the problem of US is that they think that they r unbeatable.yes i agree they r superpower now but its a well known fact that balance of power does nt remain same it keeps shifting from 1 to ohter.there were so many powerfull empires in the history but they also had 2 face decline .Us ll hve 2 face same fate if nt now than later. like it or nt but truth is bitter.

u kno wats the problem of US is that they think that they r unbeatable.yes i agree they r superpower now but its a well known fact that balance of power does nt remain same it keeps shifting from 1 to ohter.there were so many powerfull empires in the history but they also had 2 face decline .Us ll hve 2 face same fate if nt now than later. like it or nt but truth is bitter.

I feel like a code breaker trying to read your posts.
US has enough planes and bombs for China. They dont need to make a regime change, nor they would like to invade and hold.

China also have enough nuclear war heads to destroy the US mainland.

AND why would russia be involved with unted states ?????

china is rather be comign a rival to russia - if not enemy.

united states have enough fire power to give some serious joilt to china - yeh it will come at a cost which will be too high for united states.

Both Russia and China have a common enemy --> USA.
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Can the United States Win a War Against China?
Can the United States Win a War Against China? | Aby The Liberal

If the US were to attempt a war with China, it would face a much worse time than it did in Vietnam or Kosovo. A US bombing strike on the Chinese mainland would not only be struck down by the Chinese air defences (SAMs, AAMs, etc.) but also face a full fledged counter attack from China’s PLAAF. The small size of Taiwan would make the US bases there a vulnerable target for Chinese missile attacks, while the huge territorial depth of China would secure itself from an overwhelming counterattack. The PLA and the Chinese people would be unlike any adversary the US faced in the past. Like Kosovo, there would be a lot of surprises in store for US forces but unlike Kosovo they wouldn’t be facing 10,000 disorganised troops. Instead it would be a 2.5 million strong army with full fledged air, ground, sea and missile forces; all backed by a relatively stable economy and effectively dispersed human intelligence

Uncle SAM is scared of China and is currently lobbying India to do the dirty work.
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China is not intrested in enemity with USA..It is content with its regional share. No skirmish comes between USA and China unless something wrong is happening in Chinese influencial region. Russia was a fool, it tried to outdo US in every sphere and was beaten economically
United States vs China - Consequences of a Nuclear War
United States vs China - Consequences of a Nuclear War | Aby The Liberal

A nuclear war between China and United States will likely be a US first strike on China. Due to its smaller arsenal and limited number of ICBMs, China would not risk a first strike on the US mainland. Hence, we will assume a US first strike and what follows. In the advent of a US first strike on China, the targets are more likely to be Chinese ICBM silos, as the US would first attempt to eliminate chances of retaliation as much as possible. A US attack on China’s ICBM silos would kill at least 1.5 million to 20 million civilians depending on the type and the number of warheads used. Assuming that most of its land based silos have been destroyed, China’s choice of retaliatory strike would be its submarine based SLBMs. Assuming that 12 JL-2 SLBMs with MIRV warheads are launched from two Jin class submarines, at least 20 of the largest American cities could be targeted. This would result in extermination of 25 million to 100 million civilians, which would be more devastating on the US than the first strike would be on China.

If we take more realistic standards, a nuclear war between China and USA would result in much higher casualties for both sides, due to real world lack of considerations. One would most likely obliterate the other or worse, both countries would be destroyed before a truce or victory call could be reached. It is more likely that Americans would suffer the most because of their lower population and lack of creature comforts (that they are habituated to). The Chinese on the other hand, would have more suvivours because of their much larger population, which is also much more adapted to adversity and wars than the American people.

China still wins because of her large population that can survive after a nuclear attack.
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Trust me the USN is gonna take alot of damage from the Chinese navy if it every internvenes in the Taiwan conflict.The chinese have a large force of missile boats about to launch alot of C-802 missiles at US carriers and ships.The chinese also have the sunburn missile which the US doesnt have any protection against.

Your wrong about the U.S. not being able to defend against the Sunburn. It can even defend itself against the DF-21. In a large scale war though the U.S. would most likely suffer casualties. Though the biggest threat is actually from submarines. The Chinese Navy would also suffer big casualties, as well as the Chinese Air Force.

All that is mute though becuase the U.S. would not preemptively hit China. unless China was massing forces for an eminent attack. And I doubt China will do anything about Taiwan. It benefits more economically maintaining the status quo. A war would risk the world economy.
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All that is mute though becuase the U.S. would not preemptively hit China. unless China was massing forces for an eminent attack. And I doubt China will do anything about Taiwan. It benefits more economically maintaining the status quo. A war would risk the world economy.

You are 100% correct, Thomas.

There are many things that could be said about the Chinese leadership, but they are not stupid.

The Chinese leadership know that the best way of holding on to power, is to sustain China's economic boom.

They aren't going to throw away all that economic growth, for a gamble over Taiwan, that doesn't even have good odds of succeeding in the long term.

Also, nuclear powers don't like to confront each other anyway. Too much risk for no benefit at all.

I forsee the status quo continuing for a long time. Especially now that the current Taiwanese president was born in Hong Kong, and is politically in favour of improving ties with the mainland. As long as President Ma is still the leader of Taiwan, the relationship should be stable, and hopefully might even develop into a positive relationship in the long-run.
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