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US asked Mexico not to accept Chinese investment, form common front


Nov 4, 2011
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US asked Mexico not to accept Chinese investment, form common front
President's chief of staff says Chinese investment continues to be welcome
Friday, May 24, 2019

The United States asked the Mexican government and the private sector not to accept investment from China, especially that directed to strategic projects, President López Obrador’s chief of staff has revealed.

Speaking at a meeting of the Mexican Iron and Steel Industry Chamber yesterday, Alfonso Romo said the request came from United States Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross at the conclusion of a bilateral business conference in Mérida, Yucatán, last month.

After the conference ended, several members of the Mexican delegation had a meeting with Ross, Romo said.

“I’m going to tell you a very interesting anecdote . . .” Romo said.

“He told us: ‘I want to request several things. We want to strengthen the [bilateral] relationship because the only way the United States can compete with China is to have a very strong common-front trading bloc,’” he continued.

According to Romo, Ross then said: “‘Secondly, we don’t want the participation of very active Chinese investment in Mexico, especially in strategic projects. Thirdly, we want you to help us to stop migration from Central America and fourthly, the president [Donald Trump] made a compromise, and consequently we’re going to take a lot of care with how we negotiate the 232 [metal tariffs].’”

The chief of staff said he was initially taken aback by the requests but quickly slipped into negotiation mode, using Mexican tomatoes (the United States introduced a 17.5% tariff on imports this month) and the U.S. metal tariffs – which have now been lifted – as bargaining chips.

“I remained silent. Then I said to him . . . you ask four things of us but you don’t want [Mexican] tomatoes; you have to decide if you want tomatoes or migrants, or steel or migrants,” Romo said.

Later in the meeting, the chief of staff clarified that investment from China, and any other foreign country, is welcome in Mexico.

“We want foreign investment to go from $29 billion or $30 billion [a year] to 35 or 40 billion. We see that a lot of American companies could come to Mexico, they’re Americans that produce in China and now because of the trade war they will look for a place to move,” Romo said.

“We must take advantage of the opportunity . . . a lot of industries that are there [in China] don’t have North American content [in their products] and they should come to Mexico.”

The story is funny but I hate other countries using China as a bargaining chip when negotiating with US.
If Mexico has any sense they'll know the only way out of the American shadow is through China.

China should also prioritise Mexico. Offer it the most favourable conditions and try to invest heavily there. The USA has you surrounded, Latin America is your only opportunity for position near USA.

imo its even more important long term than OBOR.
If Mexico has any sense they'll know the only way out of the American shadow is through China.

China should also prioritise Mexico. Offer it the most favourable conditions and try to invest heavily there. The USA has you surrounded, Latin America is your only opportunity for position near USA.

imo its even more important long term than OBOR.
Doesn't matter how favourable trade deal chinese offer to Mexico it still won't be able to compete with USA...Reasons

1)Mexico Export to US is around 366 Billion Dollars(That's like 7-8 CPEC in a year) that is around 30%+ of their economy on the other hand Mexico's export to China is around 7 Billion Dollars...

2)Total remmitance that Mexico gets in a year is around 25.7 Billion $ out of which 25.2 Billion $ comes from US...
Doesn't matter how favourable trade deal chinese offer to Mexico it still won't be able to compete with USA...Reasons

1)Mexico Export to US is around 366 Billion Dollars(That's like 7-8 CPEC in a year) that is around 30%+ of their economy on the other hand Mexico's export to China is around 7 Billion Dollars...

2)Total remmitance that Mexico gets in a year is around 25.7 Billion $ out of which 25.2 Billion $ comes from US...

Why would the US even have to plead and beg other nations around the world not to accept Chinese money and deals?
Mexico refused to go along with the US on Venezuela too. First, the Mexicans must upgrade their infrastructure to deny USA spying. Then, they must purge pro-US traitors in their government. Finally, they must buy a lot of defensive weapons and secretly build a few nukes.
If Mexico has any sense they'll know the only way out of the American shadow is through China.

China should also prioritise Mexico. Offer it the most favourable conditions and try to invest heavily there. The USA has you surrounded, Latin America is your only opportunity for position near USA.

imo its even more important long term than OBOR.

No. Mexican need be patient and continue their grand immigration to US together with other Latinos. The solution is simple and straightforward, make America Mexican again by injecting another tens of millions Spanish speaking population and each Latino family has at least 5 babies. After 50 years, the Latino will dominate American society in everything. 50 years is a very short period of history, Latino can reclaim America without firing a single bullet. The latinisation of America is a non-stoppable trend, that's what Trump a white supremacist most worries about and why Trump insists on building a wall to stop those immigrants during election speech and why American far rights vote him. He is unfortunately damn right and unfortunately can't stop it.

China is not keen to invest in Mexico since they're our competitors in exporting to US market, although it can't stop some Chinese firms to invest in Mexico.
Mexico refused to go along with the US on Venezuela too. First, the Mexicans must upgrade their infrastructure to deny USA spying. Then, they must purge pro-US traitors in their government. Finally, they must buy a lot of defensive weapons and secretly build a few nukes.
Yeah...Like the Mexican government is monitoring PDF just so they can learn from your wisdom. :lol:

Sonny, Puerto Rico is our 51st state, Canada is our 52nd, and Mexico is 53rd. Eventually, Venezuela will be 54th. Or maybe Cuba will be 54th and Venezuela 55th.

So in essence -- STFU.
Why would the US even have to plead and beg other nations around the world not to accept Chinese money and deals?
Because the world has changed.

US has been the sole super power since 1991 and it want to remain that for as long as possible...
Life is rarely about what you want, its always about what you deserve.
The US bullied mexico and Canada into re-negotiating NAFTA. trump has been pumping his chest like a orange gorilla screaming America first. while trying to individually bully and intimidate countries into trade concessions.

even the germans are beginning to have enough of this American bully tactics. why in the hell would anyone want to cooperate with the americans anymore? " this muriiiccaa!! **** yea!!!" act that gets hillbillies and rednecks all excited doesn't really sit well anywhere in the world.
The story is funny but I hate other countries using China as a bargaining chip when negotiating with US.
what do you think ? you are the only ones who can bargain

Yeah...Like the Mexican government is monitoring PDF just so they can learn from your wisdom. :lol:

Sonny, Puerto Rico is our 51st state, Canada is our 52nd, and Mexico is 53rd. Eventually, Venezuela will be 54th. Or maybe Cuba will be 54th and Venezuela 55th.

So in essence -- STFU.
you are causing him heartburn and constipation :enjoy:

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