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US Army Shoot Unborn Baby in the Womb

I just don't know how anybody who knows Afghanistan and the endemic corruption, crime, brigandry, retarded institutions, tribalism, poor human health, and a near complete absence of education could expect less than decades of concerted work.

What work? Fairly to raise forth an independant Afghanistan able to deliver services and protect it's citizens from threats both within and without while charting an independant course in foreign affairs which opens investment opportunities for those best positioned to help continue it's national developement.

That's a lot of work to do correctly and we've had a poor start because of Iraq and, frankly, hubris. I believe that regardless of Iraq, we'd have downsized our efforts post Bonn in the belief that our work was done and this could now be a nation building task.

So we'll be there and in Iraq for ages and are looking forward to it. We'll learn so much about muslim cultures that we'll be your bestest buddy kaffirs forever. Barbeques, ball games, churches, shopping centers, super highways, all the really fun stuff that makes our stay easier.

Can't wait and I know there's some real long-term potential to turn Afghanistan into a great big Palm Springs retirement community.

I've seen the plans and it rocks...:usflag:
Can't wait and I know there's some real long-term potential to turn Afghanistan into a great big Palm Springs retirement community.

I've seen the plans and it rocks...:usflag:
You had similar dreams for Vietnam, Iran and Iraq. It might take 5 years or 10 or more than that, but you'll leave Afghanistan just like you left Vietnam, and Iran.

bohat Be-abroo ho ke terey koochey se hum nikley
Hi Qsaark,,

Thanks for your post---time spent but still no personal input, strategy or technique.

You conveniently forget that tatarian invasion destroyed the strength of the muslim rule---iran to this has barely reached the same population at the time destruction---all muslim knowledge and weatlh destroyed---there was possibly no candle lit for hundreds of miles anywhere.

The egyptians had a better leader with a better sense of war---but then also he had the chance to look at the whole operation of the tatars unfolding in front of his eyes---and egypt had a better oppurtunity to analyze that situation than baghdad ever got. The brutality of the tatars cleared the cobwebs from the minds of the mulims rulers of egypt. In a manner of speech---on battle footings---they were on equal terms against the tatars and the mongols---war and killing was as much in their blood as was in any warring army---the egyptian ruler used some of the mental warfare techniques of the tatars against the tatars---but he just didnot snatch them out of thin air---he had studied the actions of tatars against the defeated and plundered muslim empires---he learnt and understood the modus operandi of the tatars---how they instilled fear in the hearts of the enemy, froze them into submission fear---and then slaughtered the whole nation by sword.

Baghdad was a loss due to differences between the father and son---the mullah arguing in their mosques---a callous approach to the threat of destruction against a terrible killing machine the tatars.

In the context that you want to use the strategy of the egyptian empire against today's warfare, is a failure on your part---you are a very educated person sir---and I expect a lot better and factual analysis from you---but then every time you put a religious twist to the incompetence, lack of understanding, lack of preparedness and strategy to a lack of religion understandings.

I am talking to you from a totally different pleateau---and you keep dragging me back to the same religion part of the deal---where is the strategy---where is the game plan---let be ask a respectful question---am I asking something that you cannot comprehend---and for that reason---you have to seek protection of religion.

Now if you don't understand war planning, strategy,survival under hardship and adversary in a millitary situation, I can understand that---not everyone can understand millitary campaigns---even though they think that just being educated enough makes them an expert.

The present warfare and invasion is a far cry from what you are describing---national boundries, national identities, national; alliances make for a lots of difference---even thought he terms are mostly dictated by the americans in the united nations---.

Nowhere in your comments you talk about france---stepping away from the alliance trying to step away from George Bush---france being condemned by the americans---americans indirectly entering into trade war with france---france takes a stand over moral issues and differences with the u s over the whole invasion issue of afghanistan and iraq---then there are other nations---waiting on the fringe of alliance---to break away from the invasion---if Mullah Omar just does one thing right.

Your only argument comes out to---they all planned it---so why do something different---for God's sake---for Allah sake---you are a father of young children---just like me---


Dad---you knew what the americans were capable of ---dad have I not given enough sacrifice over the last 30 years with my guts and blood---I have a choice with my life as well---just because you are older than me---gives you no right to throw me into the cauldrons of death of your pleasing---how long are you going to dictate your life style over my dead body---how long are you going to sacrifce my brothers and sisters and my mother over your bloated ego of PUSHUTUNWALI.

Incidently---my son is well and alive as your children---but then I would want to tell him---son---I try my hardest to send out the message---before you engage your enemy---try to understand your weaknesses and enemies weaknesss---if there is a way to run from war today to see a better day tomorrow---please do so. Because tomorrow is a different story---different players---gameplan.

Tsun tzu must be turning in his grave---listening to the strategy of mullah Omar and the pakistani public to fight the americans.
Dear qsaark,
Thanks for the post on a most significant battle in Islamic History

If i may quote the reason for victory as quoted in the article

The reasons behind the victory

If we are to inspect what led to this great victory, we will find that these reasons did not -and will not- change since the first revelation, until the Day of Judgment.

The first condition is to have the right belief, and the legitimate and truthful scholars whom we refer to, who do not fear a ruler or a governor in defence of Allah's religion. This was represented by the "Sultan of Scholars" Al-Izz Bin Abdis-Salam, may Allah have mercy on him.

The second condition is to have a sincere leader who works to uplift the Word of Allah and to defend His religion solely for His Sake. This was represented by the "Victorious King" Qutuz, may Allah have mercy on him too.

The third and most important cause was the unity of Muslims under the one true banner of Tawheed, sharing the same concern and responsibility, disregarding the minor differences between them.

Now all the above things were important but were not decisive in the military sense, the analysis is another example of downplaying the military planning and readiness aspect of great Muslim armies and states of the past.
This is an error most Muslim historians commit though not all.
This mentality has culminated in a state that most Muslims think that faith and will to fight alone would make them victorious, they do not dwell into the depth of the factors which made Muslim armies such effective forces.
Will to fight was there in many armies which fought the Muslim armies so it was not a one sided affair.

The Muslim armies were very well trained and well equipped and were more than a match for their adversaries throughout their glorious history.
It was not faith alone which made them so effective, it was their military capability and discipline which made them superior.
Muslim cavalry was one of the best cavalries of its time and was highly trained and extremely effective in all terrains and weather unlike many of their adversaries.

An analogy in the modern world would be having one of the most modern and effective air forces in the world...something which Afghanistan did not have by far.

From the onset of Muslim military campaigns the significance of advanced tactics, strategic vision and decisive engagements and advantageous disengagements were evident.
The Arabs who formed the basis of the Army in the initial days were very skilled individual fighters and under the banner of Islam they excelled not just because of high morale due to Islam but high discipline instilled into them and the confidence in their fighting power as an army under the command of some of the finest strategists/tacticians in history most notable of all Khalid bin Waleed (RA) who was called the sword of Allah.

Khalid bin Waleed (RA) was always outmaneuvering his enemy, attacking from where least expected including harshest of the deserts (which were not even traversed by individuals leave alone armies) and using converging night attacks from separate directions as well.
In that era these tactics were unique and could not be practiced by other armies.
War was all about deception and Khalid new that well and taught the same to his officers.
Many times he engaged a superior army in maneuvers over vast distances in order to exhaust them and then took them on when they were vulnerable.
When the roman empire amassed a huge army from different sectors it was Khalid who opposed the point of view of many Muslims to make a bitter last stand in each Muslim garrison in front of vastly superior Roman numbers.
Khalid was the bravest of the brave but he was willing to retreat to Yarmuk which offered a strategic advantage to the proposed concentration of the Muslims armies despite the fact that it meant surrendering all captured territory to the enemy over many many months of campaigning.
Retreating in the face of the enemy to fight another day is not something the Muslim historians really appreciate but it was done by the best and the bravest of the brave.
Khalid always emphasized that no Muslim general should never be caught unaware and under prepared for if he makes such a mistake he is a fool and not fit to command the troops whose lives are most important.
In the course of his command many officers were severely reprimanded by Khalid upon not seeking reinforcements and engaging enemy at their strengths instead of luring the enemy into a position of weakness.

Please remember that Islam makes a strong emphasis to save Muslim lives.
I recall another incident involving another Khalid (Khalid bin Saeed i think) who was given command of a few thousand Muslim soldiers by Abu Bakar(RA).
This Khalid was facing a strong Army (Persian i think) across a river and displaying stupid bravery crossed the river in front of a superior force and his force was devastated.
Abu Bakar (RA) who was a gentle soul was vexed by this action saying that woe to him who has lost so many Muslims lives in his foolish bravado; Abu bakar asked Khalid bn Saeed not to show his face again to the caliph.
It should be noted that bravery without a proper plan is no good and is not a quality.
Just dying without achieving any purpose was never admired in the Muslim armies and thankfully so because otherwise all Muslim armies would have met an ill fate.

Now lets come back to the Mamlukes of Egypt.

1) The Muslim armies were already exceptionally accomplished at horsemanship and swordsmanship in the initial days but later on developed an extensive arsenal of projectile weaponry and tactics to use them in conjunction with their hall mark devastating cavalry assaults.

2) The most advanced/balanced army in the Muslim world were the Mamlukes having skilled light/heavy cavalry, mounted archers, skirmisher divisions which could engage in both ranged/melee combat and experienced light and heavy infantry.

3) They had been taking on the Christian powers on more than equal terms in the crusades and therefore had many veteran officers and soldiers in their ranks.

4) The Mamluke army had many advanced projectile weapon systems include ones using fire based weaponry (derived from Greek fire mixture) which made a thunderous noise and literally made the enemy see hell. The awe and shock as a result of these weapons was similar to daisy cutters.
The fire would not be put out by water and was really feared by the crusaders as well and in a few chronicles written by crusaders one can find the psychologically overwhelming effect of these weapons.

5) At the time even handguns were being developed by the Mamluke armies which shows how advanced they were in terms of military capability and technology.

6) The Mamlukes were slave soldiers and many were enlisted from the toughest regions including the Central Asian Steppes which were similar to what the Mongols were bred in.

7) The Mamlukes had studied the Mongol Army and its tactics therefore despite being highly mobile themselves the Mamlukes let go of any pride and decided not to let the Mongols engage them on a battlefield which offered high maneuverability.

Now as for the battle it was fought with great planning and a large part of the Mamluke army was hidden in the hills some distance away from the battlefield.
The Mamlukes made a strategic retreat to this advantageous position after a pitched battle and then the hidden divisions launched many volleys into the heart of the Mongol army before ravaging them by heave cavalry assault on multiple fronts.
The Mongol general was outfoxed, outmaneuvered and surrounded but to his credit he stood his ground and was executed.

My point though has taken a lot of words (and bored many i assume) is actually very simple.
War is about discipline,skill, strategy and technology.
The will to fight is of course a basic requirement but just the presence of will does not mean anything if there is too much disparity between the combating armies.
In case of military disparity it is best to use diplomacy till the time one is ready to back their will with meaningful actions.

I am merely pointing out a tendency to downplay the brilliance and supremacy of Muslim armies and states with just faith alone.
That is a mistake and has made us many fools who think nothing else matters except faith.

I would quote a very popular ex DG ISI (to say the least) who said that
"Taliban will smash America in Afghanistan within few months and that many green clad warriors (implying angels) are amongst them and the American bombs would destroy America instead."
To me this was a black day as i sat in disbelief at these comments of a crackhead who was an ex general of one of the most professional armies of a Muslim country.

I am sure if Khalid bin Walid (RA) could hear it, he would have been in disbelief over what passes to be military analysis in the modern Muslim world.
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No, the essence is not the well-trained troops or what not, the essence is, not to be afraid of your enemy , no matter how powerful it is. Once you are free of fear and inferiority complex, only then can you come up with strategy and plan . Most members don’t understand that our enemy is dividing us first by psychological warfare, by putting the fear of its might, so a large chunk of people don’t even think of fighting with him. Then go after those remaining few who were not numb by the psychological warfare and eliminate them. Our mentality is the mentality of a slave as Frantz Fanon noted "sometimes a slave starts thinking with the mindset of his master". And that is exactly what we are doing now.

Allah says:

Those to whom people said, 'the people have gathered against you, 'therefore fear them; but this increased their faith and said, 'Allah is sufficient for us and what an excellent Disposer of Affairs (Surah Al e Imran 173)

Hence, they returned with a favour from Allah and His Bounty, no evil touched them and followed the pleasure of Allah. And Allah is of great, Bounty (Surah Al e Imran 174).

It is only the Satan that threatens you of his friends: so fear them not and fear Me if you have faith (Surah Al e Imran 174).

And (O beloved) you grieve not of them at all, who run after infidelity, they will not harm Allah at all. And Allah intends not to assign any position for them in the Hereafter and for them, there is great torment (Surah Al e Imran 175).

There is no denial about equipping and training. But under no circumstances can the Muslims of Afghanistan and Iraq or any other country for that matter fight with the occupation forces with matching Army/Air-force/Navy. They have to liberate their homelands via gorilla warfare. This is the history; the oppressors have always been defeated by much inferior contingents of freedom fighters who had but the belief in their righteousness of their struggle.

Negotiations and diplomacy will never work here, because you are not dealing with people with reasonable and logical mindset. You are dealing with the people with the colonial mentality, with the mindset of a master. To understand their psychopathology and how to deal with them, one should read the books like “Black Skin White Masks” and “The wretched of the earth” by Frantz Fanon.
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" No, the essence is not the well-trained troops or what not, the essence is, not to be afraid of your enemy , no matter how powerful it is. Once you are free of fear and inferiority complex, only then can you come up with strategy and plan . Most members don’t understand that our enemy is dividing us first by psychological warfare, by putting the fear of its might, so a large chunk of people don’t even think of fighting with him. Then go after those remaining few who were not numb by the psychological warfare and eliminate them. Our mentality is the mentality of a slave as Frantz Fanon noted "sometimes a slave starts thinking with the mindset of his master". And that is exactly what we are doing now" .


That mindset is absolutely incorrect. If you want to conquer the mountain top---you got to fear the slope---that is where the unprepared and the fearless die in droves----. The mountain slope are full of the dead bodies of those who came ill prepared---.

Fear in a dedicated man makes him realistic---fear makes him prepare harder to get ready against the adversary---fear takes the bravado out of the brave and makes him face reality as it stands---fear is the ultimate key to success for those who are sublime in character.

There used to be a time when muslims armies would say---'we are not afraid to die' and the opposition would be scared---how can we deal with this man---today when they hear that term---they say---'you are welcome'---we are well prepared to kill as many of you who want to lay their lives and some more just for extra bonus.

Any scarifice to life of men, women, children and material must have a purpose to it---there must be a goal in mind---we seek great pleasure in having the children of the afghans killed so that the muslims of pakistan can get their thrills and say----go along---that is how you fight the enemy---with your hand and feet tied by a rope---that is how the current day great warrior of islam wants to fight the foreign army---.
Well said AG, you also started speaking the language of the oppressors and aggressors. The pregnant woman received 5 shots in her belly? This looks like a collateral damage to you?

Collateral damage and 'mistaken identity' I suppose are part and parcel of any war.

I think what needs to be established here is whether such incidents occur at a rate that is unacceptable, or whether they are done deliberately, widespread and whether inherent problems in the system/policies are a cause.

Just focusing on the emotive and gore aspects of an incident does not, IMO, offer a proper understanding of the real issues.
We don't call it collateral damage, we call it intelligence failure, poor execution of operation and a trigger happy IDIOT!!

People don't get shot 5 times if they are 'collaterally damaged', especially when you are clearing a house, i don't know whether the Afhgans have gone motivated enough to use women as suicide attackers as done by the Tamils that the occupation forces blatantly target Afghani women now.
All Green

Than you very much for the analytical post. Strategy, gameplan, moving and placing your assets, trapping the enemy and leading him to a place where you have the advantage is what war is all about. Wearing the enemy thin in your pursuit, where you are weak and trapping them in a place where you are strong---. Walking away from war---whence the enemy has put multitudes of its resources to move to that place and just making him turn around is also victory. Victory can be had in so many different ways----you just don't need to have your own slaughtered all the time.

If faith alone and following the will of Allah would have provided all the answers---then the muslims would have never lost any battles----according to them---all of them were Allah's faithfull---they believed that none loved Allah more than they did---none practise the belief with so much passion and energy as they did---none believed more that they were forcing the law of Allah on the people-----but look at the results of the muslim wars in the last many a hundred years----they were all destroyed by their enemy---one after the other---why---ask this question----

Because Allah never approved of their ways---in Allahs eyes---they were serving their own agendas and satisfying their personal egos---don't the people see and understand the failures---or their eyes have been blinded by the religious fervor---.
No, the essence is not the well-trained troops or what not, the essence is, not to be afraid of your enemy , no matter how powerful it is. Once you are free of fear and inferiority complex, only then can you come up with strategy and plan . Most members don’t understand that our enemy is dividing us first by psychological warfare, by putting the fear of its might, so a large chunk of people don’t even think of fighting with him. Then go after those remaining few who were not numb by the psychological warfare and eliminate them. Our mentality is the mentality of a slave as Frantz Fanon noted "sometimes a slave starts thinking with the mindset of his master". And that is exactly what we are doing now.

Allah says:

Those to whom people said, 'the people have gathered against you, 'therefore fear them; but this increased their faith and said, 'Allah is sufficient for us and what an excellent Disposer of Affairs (Surah Al e Imran 173)

Hence, they returned with a favour from Allah and His Bounty, no evil touched them and followed the pleasure of Allah. And Allah is of great, Bounty (Surah Al e Imran 174).

It is only the Satan that threatens you of his friends: so fear them not and fear Me if you have faith (Surah Al e Imran 174).

And (O beloved) you grieve not of them at all, who run after infidelity, they will not harm Allah at all. And Allah intends not to assign any position for them in the Hereafter and for them, there is great torment (Surah Al e Imran 175).

There is no denial about equipping and training. But under no circumstances can the Muslims of Afghanistan and Iraq or any other country for that matter fight with the occupation forces with matching Army/Air-force/Navy. They have to liberate their homelands via gorilla warfare. This is the history; the oppressors have always been defeated by much inferior contingents of freedom fighters who had but the belief in their righteousness of their struggle.

Negotiations and diplomacy will never work here, because you are not dealing with people with reasonable and logical mindset. You are dealing with the people with the colonial mentality, with the mindset of a master. To understand their psychopathology and how to deal with them, one should read the books like “Black Skin White Masks” and “The wretched of the earth” by Frantz Fanon.

MashAllah, another great and epic post by the good Doctor.

"Negotiations and diplomacy will never work here, because you are not dealing with people with reasonable and logical mindset. You are dealing with the people with the colonial mentality, with the mindset of a master."

This is correct, negotiations and diplomacy, asking for resolutions at the UN or UN intervention will never save the Muslims from their enemies.

"Only Free Men Can Negotiate"

The time has come for a religious revival, and the time has come for the Mujahideen spirit the same spirit that defeated the Romans and Persians in Arabia, the same spirit Gen Khaled ibn al-Walid him and his troops carried at the Battle of Walaja in 633 c.e. (modern day Iraq area).

Allah is the greatest planner and InshAllah victory will ultimately belong to the righteous.
If faith alone and following the will of Allah would have provided all the answers----

What else is needed to provide the answer? What is faith? When Hazrat Ibrahim was asked by Allah to sacrifice his son, Hazrat Ismail, aged but Pious Ibrahim did not hesitate to put his son under the knife neither did the obedient son showed any hesitation in obeying the orders of Allah. That is called faith. And when Hazrat Ibrahin was thrown into the fire, Allah said "'o fire, ' we said, 'be coolness and safety for Ibrahim (AL-ANBIYA 69). My beloved Iqbal worded like this:

aaj bhi ho jo Brahim ka iman paida
aag ker sakti hai andaz-e-gulistan paida

So yes, having faith in Allah and following the will of Allah does indeed provide all the answers. Obviously the condition is to have FAITH first. We unfortunately have more faith in America or any other so-called super-power for that matter while those who are called the 'Momin' in Quran have faith in Allah. Allama Iqbal said:

Har Musalman rag e baatil key liyeh nashtar tha
Us key aa’ina hasti mein amal johar tha
Jo bharosa tha usey quwwat e bazoo par tha
Hey tumhein mo’ot ka dar, us ko Khuda ka dar tha


Who zamaney mein mo’aziz they Musalman ho kar
Aur tum khu’war hoye tarki e Quran ho kar

---then the muslims would have never lost any battles----according to them---all of them were Allah's faithfull---they believed that none loved Allah more than they did---none practice the belief with so much passion and energy as they did---none believed more that they were forcing the law of Allah on the people-----but look at the results of the Muslim wars in the last many a hundred years----they were all destroyed by their enemy---one after the other---why---ask this question----
What has changed in the past several hundred years? A majority of Muslims were only Muslims in name; they were Muslims because they were born to Muslim parents. Other than that, they had nothing to do with Islam. Just like the Muslims of the present time; what we have in common with the Muslims of earlier days? Are we willing to sacrifice our lives, our belongings, our families in the way of Allah? Nothing is achievable without sacrifices; there is a price for everything, both in this world and in the afterlife. Those who you are referring to were not willing to make any sacrifices, they had made haram things halal and halal things haram for them, and they chose to stay back when other believers were leaving the comfort and protection of their homes to fight with the enemies of Allah. The Muslims you are talking about were feared from the enemies of Allah but were not afraid of Allah himself. Just like us, we are fearful of America but not of Allah. We lose no time in obeying the orders of America but can’t find 10 minutes to say our prayers. For the Muslims like those who you are referring to, and the Muslims like us, Allama Iqbal said:

Kaun hey tarik e ain e Rasool e Mukhtar
Maslehat waqt ki hey kis key amal ka me’ar
Kis ki aankho mein samaya hey shi’ar e aghyar
Ho gai kis ki nigah tarz e salaf sey be’zar
Qalb mein soz nahin Rooh mein ahsaas nahin
Kuchh bhi paigham e Muhammed ka tumhein paas nahin

And said:

Shor hey ho gye dunya sey Muslman nabood
Hum yeh kehtey hein key they bhi kahin Muslim mo’jood
Waz’a mein tum ho nasara to tamddun mein yahood
Yeh Musalman hein jinhein dekh kar sharmain yahood

Because Allah never approved of their ways---in Allahs eyes---they were serving their own agendas and satisfying their personal egos---don't the people see and understand the failures---or their eyes have been blinded by the religious fervor---.
Of course, Allah did not approve their ways hence they did not get the Nusrat from Allah. And that also explains why we are suffering. We are not Muslims, but only the shadow of them. We have nothing to do with namaz, roza,zakat, yet we insist we are Muslims, and question why things are going wrong on our side. We find all the reasoning to prove that drinking is perfectly OK, Riba’ has no problem, modesty is the thing of past. It is good to question what went wrong in past few hundred years, but when we read the history and the condition of the Muslims of that time, we don’t really find much difference between them and us. They got destroyed because they left the way Allah and his Rasool had chosen for them, and we will also doom for making the same mistakes.

Most scientists eventually become atheists because their logical minds cannot accept the theological philosophy. But things have happened to me that my belief in Allah has grown stronger and stronger. It is good to calculate your moves, plan, strategize, provide resources, and do whatever is in your power, but what is going to happen, is going to happen by the order of Allah, not because of the smart moves of us, the humans.
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What about KHudi ko kar buland itna,....?
Thanks for asking this question:

Allama Iqbal had a friend, his name was Syed Nazir A Niazi (He wrote a book "Maktoobat -e- Iqbal Benam Nazir Niazi"). Once Mr. Niazi asked Allama Iqbal to explain the source of his Falsafa e khudi? Iqbal asked him to come next day. Next day upon reaching, Iqbal told Mr. Niazi to bring Quran to him. And Iqbal asked Mr. Niazi to find the Sura Hashir’s Ayat number 19 and read it aloud for him.

Wala takoonoo kaallatheena nasoo Allaha faansahum anfusahum olaika humu alfasiqoon. (Sura Hashir 19)

And (oh Believers) be not like those who forgot Allah. (and) He made them forget their own selves (souls)! Such are the rebellious transgressors!

After Mr. Niazi finished reading the Ayat, Iqbal said "This is it; this is the whole source of my falsafa e khudi".

Thing goes back to have faith in Allah.
What else is needed to provide the answer? What is faith? When Hazrat Ibrahim was asked by Allah to sacrifice his son, Hazrat Ismail, aged but Pious Ibrahim did not hesitate to put his son under the knife neither did the obedient son showed any hesitation in obeying the orders of Allah. That is called faith. And when Hazrat Ibrahin was thrown into the fire, Allah said "'o fire, ' we said, 'be coolness and safety for Ibrahim (AL-ANBIYA 69). My beloved Iqbal worded like this:

aaj bhi ho jo Brahim ka iman paida
aag ker sakti hai andaz-e-gulistan paida

So yes, having faith in Allah and following the will of Allah does indeed provide all the answers. Obviously the condition is to have FAITH first. We unfortunately have more faith in America or any other so-called super-power for that matter while those who are called the 'Momin' in Quran have faith in Allah. Allama Iqbal said:

Har Musalman rag e baatil key liyeh nashtar tha
Us key aa’ina hasti mein amal johar tha
Jo bharosa tha usey quwwat e bazoo par tha
Hey tumhein mo’ot ka dar, us ko Khuda ka dar tha


Who zamaney mein mo’aziz they Musalman ho kar
Aur tum khu’war hoye tarki e Quran ho kar

What has changed in the past several hundred years? A majority of Muslims were only Muslims in name; they were Muslims because they were born to Muslim parents. Other than that, they had nothing to do with Islam. Just like the Muslims of the present time; what we have in common with the Muslims of earlier days? Are we willing to sacrifice our lives, our belongings, our families in the way of Allah? Nothing is achievable without sacrifices; there is a price for everything, both in this world and in the afterlife. Those who you are referring to were not willing to make any sacrifices, they had made haram things halal and halal things haram for them, and they chose to stay back when other believers were leaving the comfort and protection of their homes to fight with the enemies of Allah. The Muslims you are talking about were feared from the enemies of Allah but were not afraid of Allah himself. Just like us, we are fearful of America but not of Allah. We lose no time in obeying the orders of America but can’t find 10 minutes to say our prayers. For the Muslims like those who you are referring to, and the Muslims like us, Allama Iqbal said:

Kaun hey tarik e ain e Rasool e Mukhtar
Maslehat waqt ki hey kis key amal ka me’ar
Kis ki aankho mein samaya hey shi’ar e aghyar
Ho gai kis ki nigah tarz e salaf sey be’zar
Qalb mein soz nahin Rooh mein ahsaas nahin
Kuchh bhi paigham e Muhammed ka tumhein paas nahin

And said:

Shor hey ho gye dunya sey Muslman nabood
Hum yeh kehtey hein key they bhi kahin Muslim mo’jood
Waz’a mein tum ho nasara to tamddun mein yahood
Yeh Musalman hein jinhein dekh kar sharmain yahood

Of course, Allah did not approve their ways hence they did not get the Nusrat from Allah. And that also explains why we are suffering. We are not Muslims, but only the shadow of them. We have nothing to do with namaz, roza,zakat, yet we insist we are Muslims, and question why things are going wrong on our side. We find all the reasoning to prove that drinking is perfectly OK, Riba’ has no problem, modesty is the thing of past. It is good to question what went wrong in past few hundred years, but when we read the history and the condition of the Muslims of that time, we don’t really find much difference between them and us. They got destroyed because they left the way Allah and his Rasool had chosen for them, and we will also doom for making the same mistakes.

Most scientists eventually become atheists because their logical minds cannot accept the theological philosophy. But things have happened to me that my belief in Allah has grown stronger and stronger. It is good to calculate your moves, plan, strategize, provide resources, and do whatever is in your power, but what is going to happen, is going to happen by the order of Allah, not because of the smart moves of us, the humans.


What a tragic analysis of war and fighting the enemy---Allah has never helped anyone who is not prepared, and willing to do the war with the mindset of a warrior---suddenly there is judgement that they were not good muslims---that is why they lost---now you are becoming a judge and jury as well---fascinating isn't it.

Prophet Muhammad had faith in Allah---he was the beloved of Allah---but still HE HAD TO RUN AWAY FROM MECCA---hide in a cave somewhere and then move to another location---was Allah unhappy with prophet Mohammad---couldn't Allah save the prophet from his enemies---why did prophet Mohammad had to run and hide---according to your analysis---he should have had faith in Allah and laid his life down---but he used startegy and had a gameplan---he had let other muslim converts slowly move away from mecca---they would come back when times were better---but according to your analysis---did Prophet Mohammad not have faith in his LORD---or the Lord had less faith in his messenger----so very interesting.
What a tragic analysis of war and fighting the enemy---Allah has never helped anyone who is not prepared, and willing to do the war with the mindset of a warrior---suddenly there is judgement that they were not good muslims---that is why they lost---now you are becoming a judge and jury as well---fascinating isn't it
No, I am not becoming Judge and Jury. In an earlier post of your's, you wrote "Because Allah never approved of their ways---in Allahs eyes---they were serving their own agendas and satisfying their personal egos---don't the people see and understand the failures---or their eyes have been blinded by the religious fervor---". This is your analysis based on your understanding. I can also ask you how do you know what Allah thought of them, and whether he approved or disapproved of their ways. Now for this, should I blame you for becoming the Judge and Jury?

Similarly what I wrote was my analysis, in-fact no mine, but the analysis of the historians and scholars, I only put it into my words. Fact of the matter is, Muslims of the past few hundred years had nothing to do with the Muslims of the earlier (quroon oola) and the middle Ages (quroon wusta). There are a number of good books available on the history of Islam in which the demise of the Muslims and the reason of their demise are discussed in great depth. And after reading, it becomes clear that Muslims were lost not because of their numerical or technological inferiority, but because they had lost what is called the "essence" of Islam that is the will of Muslims to sacrifice their most precious of belongings in the way of Allah.

You are talking about the mindset of a warrior? In an earlier post of yours you wrote “I keep telling to pakistani colleagues---if you want to keep the americans away---don't step on the tigers tail---the repurcussions would be brutal, totally shocking, the results would be totally destructive”. With due respect, is this the mindset of a warrior? With this “don't step on the tiger’s tail”, you have lost the war even before starting it. Your analysis is based too much on the materialistic aspect of the wars, and you are totally ignoring the spiritual aspect of it.

Prophet Muhammad had faith in Allah---he was the beloved of Allah---but still HE HAD TO RUN AWAY FROM MECCA---hide in a cave somewhere and then move to another location---was Allah unhappy with prophet Mohammad---couldn't Allah save the prophet from his enemies---why did prophet Mohammad had to run and hide---according to your analysis---he should have had faith in Allah and laid his life down---but he used startegy and had a gameplan---he had let other muslim converts slowly move away from mecca---they would come back when times were better---but according to your analysis---did Prophet Mohammad not have faith in his LORD---or the Lord had less faith in his messenger----so very interesting.
Mastan sahab, you could have used better words for the Rasool Allah. I’ll refrain from debating if you use these kind of words for the Rasool Allah.

You are totally discounting Allah here. It was in the power of Allah to kill each and every Mushrik who was trying to harm his Rasool. It was also in the power of Allah to turn the hearts of each and every mushrik and make them believe in Allah. But then why all that fuss? Rasools are role models, and Allah wanted to show to the believers through the action of his Rasool how things work. With your “don't step on the tiger’s tail” philosophy, Mohammed should have accepted the offers made by the Mushriks, he should have put his head down and continued to live in Mecca. He never did that, remember what he replied to his Uncle Abu Talib "I swear by Allah, if they were able to give me the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left in exchange for my abandonment of this way before He has made it victorious, or I have died on account of it, I will never do so". Rasool had faith in Allah, and it was his faith in Allah that guided him throughout his life and dictated all his actions. The strategy and game plan you are talking about here was of no use if there was no blessing of Allah. It is also Allah who makes you strategize and make to come up with a game plan. Allah says “And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers” (Surah Al e Imran 54).

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