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US - Anti muslim crowd quite pleased.

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Nov 25, 2012
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The suspected Boston marathon bombers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsaraev, are Muslim.Were their actions motivated by religion? And if it was, were they part of an organized radical Islamist group? We don't know. But that doesn't matter to a segment of anti-Islam bloggers who are latching onto the sparse biographical details as vindication.

"BOSTON ****** BOMBER'S FACEBOOK PAGE: ISLAM AND BOMBS," writes the anti-Islam blogger Pamela Geller, who is famous for boycotting Campbell's for offering halal soup and opposing the so-called Ground Zero Mosque. In a followup post, she writes, "The war is here and they continue to disarm the American people."

"Boston jihad bomber's father threatens 'all hell will break loose' if son dies," says JihadWatch. "Like father, like son, apparently." (The father told ABC News he thinks his sons are innocent and alleged a conspiracy.) "BOSTON MARATHON BOMBER’S FACEBOOK PAGE SHOWS HE AND BROTHER ARE ANGRY MUSLIM JIHADIS," blogger and one-time Breitbart protege Pat Dollard wrote. "Fox: authorities 'baffled' that such nice guys could do something this heinous. Means 1 thing: they haven't read the Koran," tweeted Bryan Fischer, an evangelical leader. Fischer made it clear he didn't believe in racial profiling: "The Boston bombing is not about RACE - both these guys are WHITE. This is about ISLAM." Earlier this week, conservative columnist and occasional Fox News guest Erik Rush tweeted "Muslims are evil. Let’s kill them all." He says it was a joke. On Friday, Rush tweeted video saying, "The history of Islam, and why the notion of 'peaceful Muslims' is a LIE." At World Net Daily, Jack Minor suggested Muslims sympathies were not in the right place:

While the hunt continues for those responsible for the brutal terrorist attack on Patriot’s Day in Boston, Muslim groups and their supporters already have part of the answer: They are the victims...

That logical pathway of investigation notwithstanding, the Islamist community makes it clear just exactly who the victims are.

The Tsaraevs social media presence does suggest they were religious, but not completely alienated from American culture. The elder brother, Tamerlan, posted a YouTube "extolling an extremist religious prophecy associated with Al Qaeda," Mother Jones' Adam Serwer reports. Al Qaeda is a Sunni group, but Tamerlan also posted a YouTube testimonial titled, "How I accepted Islam and became a Shiite." In a photo essay chronicling his amateur boxing, Tamerlan seems upset about American culture: "There are no values anymore." In a photo gallery in which his girlfriend is said to have converted to Islam, she's pictured wearing a tank top. He shows off his white leather shoes. Dzhokhar's Russian page says his worldview is "Islam" but that "the main thing in his life" is "career and money," as The New York Times reports. New York reports a classmate says he smoked weed.

How young men decided to bomb marathoners after living in the U.S. half their lives isn't yet known. One popular theory on cable news is that they "self-radicalized." But that's a far cry from the anti-Muslim crowd's belief that the bombs in Boston were the inevitable result of their religion. Donald Trump says lookout for more: "These Tsarnaev brothers did not work alone. They had help and assistance from other cell members. Be vigilant and on the lookout."

The U.S. Anti-Mulsim Crowd Is Quite Pleased with Itself
None of that would have mattered if the bombers did not turn out to be Muslims. But they were.

These two are just handing ammunition to their enemies by doing this.

Well at least this time they were "white" muslims. It might make the media easier on the Arabs.
Well we should expect as much even though it doesn't look religiously motivated they were still Muslims.

Why do you think so? Tell me, what could possibly be the reason for any "Chechen Muslim immigrant" in America to make bombs and plant it in a crowded place filled with kids/youngsters?

It looks to me a perfect case of religious extremism as there could be no other reason for them to attack the country which provided them the shelter. They seem to be suffering from disease of extremism and even the American liberty & education could not cure it and it finally erupted to the horror of innocent Americans & other victims on the street.
Well we should expect as much even though it doesn't look religiously motivated they were still Muslims.

It is confirmed they were Muslims but not if it was religiously motivated.

What ' looks' can anyone glean from media reports ?

If it wasn't religiously motivated - what else ? A school Chemistry experiment ?
Why do you think so? Tell me, what could possibly be the reason for any "Chechen Muslim immigrant" in America to make bombs and plant it in a crowded place filled with kids/youngsters?

It looks to me a perfect case of religious extremism as there could be no other reason for them to attack the country which provided them the shelter. They seem to be suffering from disease of extremism and even the American liberty & education could not cure it and it finally erupted to the horror of innocent Americans & other victims on the streets.

I do not think so because it has not been confirmed as such some say he was radical because he did not drink or smoke so what neither do I, others say he did drink once in a while and had a Christian girlfriend so which is it exactly? Then you got the little brother who although is a Muslim has money written as his first priority, you got teachers saying he was grateful, some friends saying he said not everything is terrorism, another friend saying he was a pothead so once again conflicting reports all around. Until we hear it from the one they caughts mouth we just do not know yet (although I am of the belief we never will know because young one was just backing up big bro imo and had no motive of his own).
I cant understand, even though they were Chechen.. it was USA which gave them a decent life,a permit to work, a permit to study and a fu*king permit to live.. and how can they bomb Boston ??

On one hand these countries extend their welcoming hand to anyone who wishes to work honestly,to grow..

and these ungrateful bastards.. sheh
What ' looks' can anyone glean from media reports ?

If it wasn't religiously motivated - what else ? A school Chemistry experiment ?

Spare me your sarcasm, all will become clear in a day or two.
Before they were formally identified... American news channels were trying to be very politically correct about it.

They presented domestic terrorists as the most likely cause, followed by international terror groups like Al-qaeda and then lone wolves.

There were countless articles about how people should not be quick to jump to conclusions, and how Muslims across the world were praying that the Boston bombers were not of their faith.
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