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US an Arab allies begin airstrikes in Syria

ISIS earns money from selling oil, mostly through a neighbor country. by taking this market away from ISIL it'll get weaken financially.
The USA could have delivered F-16s to Iraq and trained its pilots as they promised before but they didn't.
Why the USA didn't fulfilled its security agreement with Iraq and why this hesitation to take action against ISIL?
Saudi house killing Muslims left and right, in Egypt killing armless MBs and now Innocent civilians and Mujahedines in Syria ... making enemies wherever they go .

Anyways, strategically Air strikes are not enough, it could be rather suicidal for the Saudi emirs n the Jordanian king especially ... they have to put Muslim troops on the ground and in the front lines to prove they r not pawns of the Zionist crusaders n that they have the religious obligation of fighting and killing the Khawarij as the Prophet SAW ordered us, but they have been fighting islam for as long as we remember, now they would fight for it ? no, they have lost credibility in the eyes of the ummah, unless they clearly declare war on ISIS bc they r khawarij not bc it's a "war on terror", they will be committing suicide, bc the Khawarij's propaganda is likely to succeed n dictators will lose their kingdoms .

The ME is gonna burn and the Tribulations shall engulf the peninsula just like prophesied .
Saudi house killing Muslims left and right, in Egypt killing armless MBs and now Innocent civilians and Mujahedines in Syria ... making enemies wherever they go .

Anyways, strategically Air strikes are not enough, it could be rather suicidal for the Saudi emirs n the Jordanian king especially ... they have to put Muslim troops on the ground and in the front lines to prove they r not pawns of the Zionist crusaders n that they have the religious obligation of fighting and killing the Khawarij as the Prophet SAW ordered us, but they have been fighting islam for as long as we remember, now they would fight for it ? no, they have lost credibility in the eyes of the ummah, unless they clearly declare war on ISIS bc they r khawarij not bc it's a "war on terror", they will be committing suicide, bc the Khawarij's propaganda is likely to succeed n dictators will lose their kingdoms .

The ME is gonna burn and the Tribulations shall engulf the peninsula just like prophesied .

It is people like you that really make me support the Saudi government more and more.
Saudi house killing Muslims left and right, in Egypt killing armless MBs and now Innocent civilians and Mujahedines in Syria ... making enemies wherever they go .

Anyways, strategically Air strikes are not enough, it could be rather suicidal for the Saudi emirs n the Jordanian king especially ... they have to put Muslim troops on the ground and in the front lines to prove they r not pawns of the Zionist crusaders n that they have the religious obligation of fighting and killing the Khawarij as the Prophet SAW ordered us, but they have been fighting islam for as long as we remember, now they would fight for it ? no, they have lost credibility in the eyes of the ummah, unless they clearly declare war on ISIS bc they r khawarij not bc it's a "war on terror", they will be committing suicide, bc the Khawarij's propaganda is likely to succeed n dictators will lose their kingdoms .

The ME is gonna burn and the Tribulations shall engulf the peninsula just like prophesied .

Insha'Allah Daesh will teach the house of Saud and company a lesson.
Funny part is that Americans bombed Nusra positions in Idlib and Aleppo (which opposes IS), but did not bomb IS which attack Kurds in Kobani.

I dont know what are these strikes about but surely not about protection of civilians from IS.
The US is herding ISIS to the direction they want them to go...Like the rancher herd their cattle to a determined area. Same modus operandi...as long as ISIS is a useful tool...
Game of Thrones being played out in Middle East.

This has to the be the most complicated proxy war in history.
meeting on striking isis
View attachment 81444
Obama and the frat boys....The Jordanian wren hang to every word that comes from his food stamp provider..

Perhaps then you should educate yourself and research for yourself? That is also an option you know.
Really their is nothing out there that shows that the Sauds can fly or defend themselves. Every Sauds skirmish was farmed out to a foreign forces, from the taking of the Mosque to the Houthis... that's what the history has shown.
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Obama and the frat boys....The Jordanian wren hang to every word that comes from his food stamp provider..

Really their is nothing out there that shows that the Sauds can fly or defend themselves. Every Sauds skirmish was farmed out to a foreign forces, from the taking of the Mosque to the Houthis... that's what the history has shown.

During the grand mosque seizure the majority of combatants were Saudi, specifically the national guard which led the charge inside and had the greatest casualties, during the Houthi offensive not a single foreign combatant actually fought, the rest are just rumours and allegations made by Houthis themselves.

So this is not what history has shown, it is what your propaganda filled head and selective resources have shown.
ISIS earns money from selling oil, mostly through a neighbor country. by taking this market away from ISIL it'll get weaken financially.
The USA could have delivered F-16s to Iraq and trained its pilots as they promised before but they didn't.
Why the USA didn't fulfilled its security agreement with Iraq and why this hesitation to take action against ISIL?
In all honesty the US had nothing to do with today's Iraq. The Iraqi's decomposition is the work of the sectarian policies of Al Maliki.
Indeed the US has used certain aspect of equipment deliveries, training and aid to force Maliki to share power and give more right to Sunnis, but the melt down of the Iraqi armed forces in Mosul and other areas should be born by Iraq ans Iraq alone.
During the grand mosque seizure the majority of combatants were Saudi, specifically the national guard which led the charge inside and had the greatest casualties, during the Houthi offensive not a single foreign combatant actually fought, the rest are just rumours and allegations made by Houthis themselves.

So this is not what history has shown, it is what your propaganda filled head and selective resources have shown.
Are you trying to convince yourself?
It was an elite French unit that was called to free the mosque. They were even [momentarily] converted to Muslims to be allowed to enter the mosque they were supposing to save. they save it with a death toll of 300+ muslims. and I quit here...
Mosa, this is a forum where we share among other thing the shortcomings of our respectives governing establishments,and countries and that is the beauty of the internet , because it give us a voice that used to be muffled.
Are you trying to convince yourself?
It was an elite French unit that was called to free the mosque. They were even [momentarily] converted to Muslims to be allowed to enter the mosque they were supposing to save. they save it with a death toll of 300+ muslims. and I quit here...
Mosa, this is a forum where we share among other thing the shortcomings of our respectives governing establishments,and countries and that is the beauty of the internet , because it give us a voice that used to be muffled.

Yes 3 GIGN officers were called to coordinate the hostage situation, you are telling me these 3 did the entire thing? And the 127 Saudi National Guard soldiers just had heart attacks outside the mosque? Yes the internet let's us talk about things, debate things, with each of us bringing our voices to the subject matter, it doesn't mean agreeing with you in everything.
Iraqi prime minister Al-Abadi meeting with Bashar Al Assad yesterday in Damascus. Good to see Iraq respecting the sovereignty and legitimacy of the Syrian government. Mashallah


Oh and how happy Assad looks. He's advancing in Damascus and the other power-centers, and watching as US removes one of his other thorns. Probably eating popcorn while watching that hilarious shit.
Look how happy he looks. lol

edit: its not actually Abadi but a representative of his. Potato potAto lol
The US now feels that its getting too dangerous for the US protected regimes in the area, that is why they are acting to make sure those regimes don't fall under ISIS onslaught or with internal ISIS revolts in these countries. US/West should clean up the mess it has created since the breakup of Ottoman Empire.

Western protection has allowed most of these regimes to spread extremism globally using petrodollars, while some like Iran fell to Islamist regime due to West's hostile policy in Iran and are now spreading their own version of sectarian extremism among their coreligionist sects. West used some of these extremists as geopolitical tools against adversaries, like in Afghanistan. It will be poetic justice if ISIS, a by product of this Western policy of past century, could take down some or all of these regimes spreading extremism of different version, with the help of supporters in these countries. Without the fall of these regimes, the cancer of extremism will continue. But the West is now getting into action to protect their allied regimes, so the status quo can be maintained. As a by product of this policy, the regime in Iran and its surrogate Assad regime is also getting a temporary breather of sorts. Thus the source of extremism under Western protection and outside of Western protection (Iran) will continue to remain intact.

It looks more like a man fighting its own shadow, the West fighting the by product of its own foreign policy and the world order it has created for its own benefit and global hegemony, based on keeping the price of oil low for the benefit of developed countries which is also benefiting newly developing emerging countries like China and India.

The looser for this cheap oil policy however are poor people in global south due to global warming, who did not benefit much from the extraction or the burning of fossil fuel.
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Iraqi prime minister Al-Abadi meeting with Bashar Al Assad yesterday in Damascus. Good to see Iraq respecting the sovereignty and legitimacy of the Syrian government. Mashallah

View attachment 81905

Oh and how happy Assad looks. He's advancing in Damascus and the other power-centers, and watching as US removes one of his other thorns. Probably eating popcorn while watching that hilarious shit.
Look how happy he looks. lol

edit: its not actually Abadi but a representative of his. Potato potAto lol
This is not Al Abadi. He is still under American influence so meeting with Assad directly is not a option.
Iraqi prime minister Al-Abadi meeting with Bashar Al Assad yesterday in Damascus. Good to see Iraq respecting the sovereignty and legitimacy of the Syrian government. Mashallah

View attachment 81905

Oh and how happy Assad looks. He's advancing in Damascus and the other power-centers, and watching as US removes one of his other thorns. Probably eating popcorn while watching that hilarious shit.
Look how happy he looks. lol

edit: its not actually Abadi but a representative of his. Potato potAto lol

Not every fat guy with white hair in the world is the Iraqi president.
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