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US ambassador urges China to respect human rights


Feb 21, 2014
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BEIJING: The outgoing US ambassador to Beijing has urged China to respect the rights of peaceful political activists and has said that Washington is deeply concerned about the fate of a minority scholar charged with separatism.

Gary Locke made the call at his final news conference as ambassador on Thursday following a 2-year tenure that included two serious diplomatic crises as well as a major expansion of trade and travel links.

Locke has said that Washington is very concerned about the case of Ilham Tohti, an outspoken advocate for the Uighur Muslim minority who was formally arrested on Tuesday. Locke has said that China should value not just the economic welfare of its people, but also their freedom of speech, assembly and religion.

China's communist government routinely criticizes such remarks as interference in its internal politics.

US ambassador urges China to respect human rights - The Times of India
Just as soon as America respect human rights by closing down concentration camps like Guantanamo Bay, give a trial to prisoners, stop killing thousands of women and children in drone strikes, stop invading countries and killing millions, stop using depleted uranium and white phosphorus causing grotesque birth defects on new born babies, stop imprisoning whistleblowers, stop supporting terrorists all across the world to topple governments, stop spying on your own people and the rest of the world, stop harassing and beating up protestors, stop discrimination against non-christian religions, etc.
Asians are way better than anglo saxons and west europeans in general, who stole a lot of lands and destroy the cultures

The population in Tibet has grown up 5 times since 1950, contrary to the genocides committed by the anglo saxons against the natives
Just as soon as America respect human rights by closing down concentration camps like Guantanamo Bay, give a trial to prisoners, stop killing thousands of women and children in drone strikes, stop invading countries and killing millions, stop using depleted uranium and white phosphorus causing grotesque birth defects on new born babies, stop imprisoning whistleblowers, stop supporting terrorists all across the world to topple governments, stop spying on your own people and the rest of the world, stop harassing and beating up protestors, stop discrimination against non-christian religions, etc.

US say the same thing every year. All China has to do is say "sure" and move on. Next year, the year after that, etc. just say "sure" , move on. No need for China to criticizes US for such remarks as interference in its internal politics
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