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US Air Force may purchase up to 145 B-21 bombers


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
The US Air Force (USAF) could boost its recommended B-21 Raider Long-Range Strike Bomber (LRS-B) buy to as many as 145 aircraft, based on 25 May testimony from USAF officials.

The potential boost is pending the results of a pair of Pentagon studies, according to a key officer. Lieutenant General Jerry Harris, Air Force deputy chief of staff for strategic plans and requirements, told a US House of Representatives panel the two studies being performed are the Nuclear Posture Review and a National Military Strategy, an "internal look" being run by the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Although Lt Gen Harris said an inventory of 165 bombers is probably what the USAF needs, he wanted to wait until these studies were finalised to give a concrete number.

During the US House hearing, Mike Gallagher, representative from Wisconsin, cited a 2015 US Air Force Association study that found a fleet of 200 bombers, with an operational force of 150 to 160 aircraft, would be necessary for national leaders, for conventional and nuclear options, to deter and defeat any foe. The study recommended a modernised bomber force of approximately 200 aircraft to sustain leadership in long-range precision strike for years to come.

The study also said if the United States only procures 100 new bombers and keeps its existing force of 20 Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit bombers, its total bomber inventory will be 120 aircraft by 2045, with roughly 100 combat-coded bombers available for operations. The study also said the Boeing B-52 Stratofortresses and Rockwell B-1 Lancers currently in inventory will reach the end of their service lives by 2045, leaving the 20 B-2s.

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