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US Air Force general describes how the F-35 would take on China's J-31 competitor

Never ever. Reports say at best a model of V3 will be shown.

According to a pretty credible (from what I've seen) post (Facebook), the FC-31 v3.0 will have slightly modified wings to increase aerodynamic efficiency as well as newer electronics previously unseen on V2.0 & V1.0.
According to a pretty credible (from what I've seen) post (Facebook), the FC-31 v3.0 will have slightly modified wings to increase aerodynamic efficiency as well as newer electronics previously unseen on V2.0 & V1.0.
which version Pakistan will get??
I mean that now FC-31 is in the process of designing. When the designing work is finished, the final verison which will be mass produced is what Pakistan will get.
Sorry for my poor English.
thanks for the reply and your English is Good
When someone touts their own horn , it normally means they are shitting in their pants
Americans are all going nuts on this sales pitch...

just answer one question and i will join the party with you guys :)

When was the last time USA took on any powerful nation like China ??? or even having a 50% of air power (comparable to US) ??

If your answer is NO, NOT in LAST 2 to 3 Decades then .. you know you need to shut up..

If US tried to create such environment , a lot of countries will be on China side as well..
Iraq in 1991.

Now when was the last time China took on any powerful nation like USA ??? or even having a 50% of air power (comparable to US) ??

Be sensible, my friend.
Iraq in 1991.

Now when was the last time China took on any powerful nation like USA ??? or even having a 50% of air power (comparable to US) ??

Be sensible, my friend.

Actually, Vietnam at the time in Vietnam war was probably the most formidable Combine ADS in the world, thanks for the Soviet Russia input. In fact, quite a lot of US modern AA/AS combat tactics was developed during Vietnam war. Tactics such as Wild Weasel, Iron Hand, SEAD, Wagon Wheel, CAS using B-52 Strategic Bomber. All these tactics were learn from Vietnam war.

Another major mile stone for USAF is KFOR/SFOR Air corridor mission.
Actually, Vietnam at the time in Vietnam war was probably the most formidable Combine ADS in the world, thanks for the Soviet Russia input. In fact, quite a lot of US modern AA/AS combat tactics was developed during Vietnam war. Tactics such as Wild Weasel, Iron Hand, SEAD, Wagon Wheel, CAS using B-52 Strategic Bomber. All these tactics were learn from Vietnam war.

Another major mile stone for USAF is KFOR/SFOR Air corridor mission.

People might think that Vietnam was a lightly armed state but they are mistaken. They routed the French forces from the region in 1954, fought Americans to a standstill for 17 straight years, occupied Cambodia for 1 year until China intervened and and gave hell to Chinese forces in subsequent clash. That is a formidable combat history. If any Asian state deserves the moniker of TIGER, it is Vietnam.

Vietcong used to be a highly organized and well-equipped force, armed with some of the best Soviet-made weapon systems back then. It also used its knowledge of the terrain to maximum effect against adversaries.

War in Vietnam taught US a valuable lesson that WW-II era tactics would not work in all situations and the army had to evolve. A comprehensive modernization drive soon followed and US military set a new benchmark of technological prowess and combat tactics for the world at large in 1991.

A large number of modern weapon systems and combat tactics can be attributed to lessons learned in Vietnam. These lessons proved invaluable for war with Iraq in 1991.

Now, people say that state X is not Iraq or state Y is not Iraq. I pity their ignorance.
Iraq in 1991.

Now when was the last time China took on any powerful nation like USA ??? or even having a 50% of air power (comparable to US) ??

Be sensible, my friend.

Iraq was armed to it's teeth with their air defence network before the gulf war. It took the wonder boy ( read F-22 ) couple of sorties to make things straight :lol:
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