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US Air Force general describes how the F-35 would take on China's J-31 competitor

I don't know if you have read the article, and I don't know if the article is about all that the general said (Maybe the article is an extract and the general said more than he did) But for that article alone, it actually did not say anything we had not already know.

He first start by saying he want to get over this platform vs platform and want to specify Network vs Network, but what did he say indeed? We don't know, as he does not specify what network to what network. Maybe is the C4ISTAR or Network and Comm? He did not specify.

Then he started talking about it never about how F-35 or J-31 or F-22 or J-20 being one on one. It have something to do with "A family of System" so the F-35 is not going to be alone. But since he did not further explain what is a Family of System. Is it the F-35 Family? US Airforce F-Family Fighter? Again C4ISTAR (E-family aircraft) We don't really know what he had talked about.

Then come the next bits. He start talking about a mission in Red Flag, stating F-35 leading 100 other aircrarft into battle, but again, he did not specify the mission parameter, objective, requirment or any detail about that mission. Hence nothing really said there

And finally, he commented about F-35 being unparallel sitautional awareness, yet he did not actually explain how?.

Then he go on and talk about the general capability of a F-35, SEAD, SAR, Precision Strike and so on, things that have been said on the F-35 Bochure for years....

In fact, if you sum up what the article said, he actually did not say anything anyone could use. He is saying There are Network or Layer of asset and Resource (Fact that we already know), back up with a murky Red Flag exercise sitaution with out any detail, and F-35 being best at Sitautional Awareness (again something we have know already). In short, He did not say anything...

In short, he is being diplomatic, saying something either useless as we cannot verify the detail or saying something public have already known for year. Well, that is a press conference, he need to say something, right?
you are right about he didn't say anything that we don't already know. and yes he had to say something. the fact that he had to say something is what Americans do to themselves. I bet Chinese are more than happy to see that since they don't make themselves into such a situation. Whatever he has to say could provide clues if no other channels have provided yet. Sometimes, what to achieve is more important than how to achieve. As you said, he didn't say how to achieve the unparalleled situational awareness. But he gave Chinese counterparts a hint that the current situational awareness they have now could be no longer sufficient. It provides a new challenge and incentive to Chinese. All this Chinese will eventually learn when they see F35 in action, just like how Chinese learned how to make and use UAVs from Americans. But learning that before seeing it in action is always a plus.
you are right about he didn't say anything that we don't already know. and yes he had to say something. the fact that he had to say something is what Americans do to themselves. I bet Chinese are more than happy to see that since they don't make themselves into such a situation. Whatever he has to say could provide clues if no other channels have provided yet. Sometimes, what to achieve is more important than how to achieve. As you said, he didn't say how to achieve the unparalleled situational awareness. But he gave Chinese counterparts a hint that the current situational awareness they have now could be no longer sufficient. It provides a new challenge and incentive to Chinese. All this Chinese will eventually learn when they see F35 in action, just like how Chinese learned how to make and use UAVs from Americans. But learning that before seeing it in action is always a plus.

IN term of Open Source Inteligence gathering, you are correct. When he say something, unwittingly, he has dulvuge some information. It's always best when it;s like the famous ronan keating song "You say it best, whne you say nothing at all"

The problem is, do you believe F-35 is the only Top Tier Project in the pipeline at the moment? WHen they can talk about it publicly, that mean those information are fetched and okay to release, USAF is not stupid, they always leave some for anyone's imagination. And the real "top secret project" you usually have no clue about until it hit the wave. Like How US debute F-117A and Patriot Missile?

SO, when you are at that stage and talk about it, that mean it is in some degree not important to behin with.
Whatever help our american brothers sleep at night, I guess. :agree:

Hahaha, let them sleep well with their own word. One word they says 'this threat, that dangerous', next time they talk like a boss, undermined everything. How's the one can trust article like this? Beside J-20 was in early stage and J-31? Nobody know China army want this bird on service or not. Sleep well, folks, make America great again!
IN term of Open Source Inteligence gathering, you are correct. When he say something, unwittingly, he has dulvuge some information. It's always best when it;s like the famous ronan keating song "You say it best, whne you say nothing at all"

The problem is, do you believe F-35 is the only Top Tier Project in the pipeline at the moment? WHen they can talk about it publicly, that mean those information are fetched and okay to release, USAF is not stupid, they always leave some for anyone's imagination. And the real "top secret project" you usually have no clue about until it hit the wave. Like How US debute F-117A and Patriot Missile?

SO, when you are at that stage and talk about it, that mean it is in some degree not important to behin with.
Fair enough. Thanks for your elaboration and patience. Really appreciate it. :)
Nervous, guys ? Sounds like you are. :lol:

Goldfein did not 'exposed' any 'strategy' or 'tactics'. All he did was gave the general description on how the USAF conducts our concepts of air warfare, concepts that the PLAAF strug
Nervous, guys ? Sounds like you are. :lol:

Goldfein did not 'exposed' any 'strategy' or 'tactics'. All he did was gave the general description on how the USAF conducts our concepts of air warfare, concepts that the PLAAF struggles to implement.

gles to implement.
with flying pork shop no.
Nervous, guys ? Sounds like you are. :lol:

Goldfein did not 'exposed' any 'strategy' or 'tactics'. All he did was gave the general description on how the USAF conducts our concepts of air warfare, concepts that the PLAAF struggles to implement.
F35 flying pork shop
F-35 report finds ‘only thing stealthy’ to be ‘the price tag’

Published time: 31 Mar, 2017 02:59
Edited time: 31 Mar, 2017 11:56


A Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II joint strike fighter © Joely Santiago / Reuters

A report on the F-35 detailing years of other studies on the stealth fighter jet says the most expensive weapons system in history is failing, while a new plan from the US Marine Corps calls for it to be the cornerstone of their future missions.

On Thursday, a new paper was released by the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), an independent nonprofit that investigates corruption, misconduct, and conflicts of interest. In the report, Dan Grazier, a former Marine captain and defense policy investigator at POGO, draws on reports to outline a history of deficiencies of the F-35, which he calls a “national disaster.

Grazier begins with the computer systems built into the jet, which are supposed to gather massive amounts of data to allow the pilot to “dominate the battlespace.” Instead, he says, they actually “interfere with the pilot’s ability to survive and prevail.

Tests of the sensors, computers, and software have shown the systems create false targets and report false locations of targets.

Grazier reported that several pilots were dissatisfied with the Distributed Aperture System (DAS), which allows them to see in any direction, including underneath the jet as well as the flight instruments and threat symbols through their $600,000 helmet systems.

Pilots called the system “operationally unusable and potentially unsafe” and reported that their targets were obscured by “symbol cluster,” which made many of them see double. Grazier says that pilots are turning the system off and choosing to rely on the traditional instrument panels instead.

Here again, the system is little better than those it’s supposed to replace,” Grazier says.

The report also says that electronics that share data with other F-35s are creating erroneous or split images of targets, and sometimes even dropping images of targets altogether.

All of this means that the systems meant to give the pilots a better understanding of the world around them can do exactly the opposite,” Grazier said.

Software changes only enable the jet to carry two radar-guided advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles (AMRAAMs), which are not optimized for close, visual-range combat, further diminishing its air-to-air capabilities.

Grazier also says the planes are not stealth capable, are ineffective at providing close air support, and unsuitable for carrier operations.

President Donald Trump has also questioned the program and called on Lockheed Martin to cut $600 million from the last batch of F-35s. However, this may end up costing the taxpayers more, as the F-35 that will be bought are untested and will need to be retrofitted.

The taxpayers will also have to provide additional funding for modernization, modifications, maintenance, and repair.

READ MORE: US F-35 fighter jets arrive at military base in Japan in 1st overseas deployment

While the planes have not shown significant improvement over their predecessors, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has estimated it will cost at least $3 billion to modernize the planes over the next six years.

At the same time, the US Marine Corp has laid out their future plans, which call for small, agile “lightning carriers” that will carry 16 to 20 F-35Bs. Most of the plan revolves around the F-35, which the Marines say will replace F/A-18, AV-8B, and EA-6B.

The plan calls for the Marine Corp to procure a total of 353 F-35s, which they say “will be the cornerstone of a multi-mission joint force.


Never enough: $500 million more needed for F35, Pentagon told



A more comprehensive report by the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) can be found here:

F-35 Continues to Stumble (2017-03-30)


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The article said he was asked, that meant the issue was solicited by someone else, so he answered in general terms, nothing specifics. So for you to interpret as you did, maybe you should examine your own nervousness. After all, your China have not contributed one iota to aviation since the Wright Brothers flew.

Heavier than air powered flight have been since 1903. The B-52 have been in service since 1952. That means the B-52 have been flying for half as long as there have been airplanes. And you think your PLAAF can beat US ? What video game is that ? :lol:
very old bomber B52 it will malfunction before it can drop bomb.

we call F35 Flying pork shop
China didn't make j-31 for fun.the network he is talking about may be airborne early warning aircrafts. China has already made vlraam with 400km range.this network must survive.I don't see this network nowhere near f-35 in case of war.China knows how important role f-35 is playing for USAF so they made it clear that they can take out those systems.vlraam is just one new thing.China has lots of things in their inventory and america knows it.

In short, another feel good story by the Americans. LOL at the network argument. The Chinese haven't been sitting idle. The Americans are in for a shocker as far as network capabilities are concerned.

He is basing his comments on the US EW capabilities before any battle starts as well as the US networked warfare, but he has no Idea about the J-20 and J-31 capabilities, nor the EW and network warfare capabilities of China..
It is a question of perception no matter how rational he might be.. It is like someone being sure that a Mercedes can take on a BMW in any aspect, forgetting that the BMW can also do the same to the Mercedes, be it in speed, road handling capabilities, reliability and so on..

The American rules are different. In their world they are the sole superpower with bragging rights.

LOL at the F-35. According to these same Americans this plane has been compromised left and right. China has supposedly copied and stolen every little secret of F-35. In the given scenario, the compromised F-35 is somehow supposed to mincemeat everything China throws at it. Useless saber-rattling which doesn't add up in anyway.
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very old bomber B52 it will malfunction before it can drop bomb.

we call F35 Flying pork shop
We ? I doubt you can tell the difference between a hammer and a screwdriver, let alone know what the B-52 can do.
Sure f35 will win.
But they should have them in hand first. And enough money for maintenance everyday.
The news says they come back to the garage for repairing or upgrading.

it was 2 years ago.... lol.

F-35B entered IOC in 2015, F-35A entered IOC in August 2016 and F-35C will entered IOC this year.

All F-35 produced (bar F-35C) are production model.

Even country like Japan and Australia have received F-35




Netherland F-35A



RAAF F-35.jpg


If F-35A is still in garaged for repairing and upgrade, would you think the aforementioned country will not accept it? They already flew them in their respective country, that mean at least Japan, Australia, Holland and the UK have taken delivery for their F-35.
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