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US a great threat to entire world

............. lets discuss US and what a threat they are to the world.....................

Unless USA decides to colonize another planet and leave Earth to the rest, whatever the US offers to this planet, good or bad, is not going away. Rather than complaining endlessly about how bad the US is (which it is NOT), it would be more productive to concentrate on what the rest of the world can do to counter it.

Simple, really.
^^^^^The more people we bring this to the attention of the more likely injustice will be defeated thats the way we have been bought up ie not to accept injustice or abuse of the disenfranchised in the world. I give voice to those poor souls who are suffering injustice whether they be palestinian afghani children etc
Unless USA decides to colonize another planet and leave Earth to the rest, whatever the US offers to this planet, good or bad, is not going away. Rather than complaining endlessly about how bad the US is (which it is NOT), it would be more productive to concentrate on what the rest of the world can do to counter it.

Simple, really.

It may not be going away but to constantly attempt to change the thread objective is simply a weak excuse to justify their faults. We are not "complaining endlessly" - what my intention is to inform as many as i can about their intentions and not to be blinded by their anti islamic zionist behavior. I believe its very productive to put the world on alert about their agenda - especially as they now are showing signs of financial disorganisation. Its just my opinion.
"shitseeker" america has 1100 bases all our world. America has killed more than any other terrorist has ever done. Is that strange since america was created by killing millions of Indians who were living in america. And now supporting Isreal who is created with same action.

self delete
To threaten the world can also end up to overstretch itself. :coffee:

But we must make people understand that this dangerous AIPAC regime in america is not the legitimate representatives of american people. We must encourage americans to rise and throw of the chains they have been put in by AIPAC
To threaten the world can also end up to overstretch itself. :coffee:

They have already over stretched themselves. The financial quandry they are in speaks volumes. For godsake they are like a mad rapist going arounf plundering small lands to steal their resources and maintain their stronghold on the world. Disgraceful and disgusting. They are no longer the USA i grew up to love and admire - they are now a dream of what they were
............................. I give voice to those poor souls who are suffering injustice whether they be palestinian afghani children etc

Ah I see, you are a keyboard warrior for international peace and justice. Of course. Please do carry on.

..................... I believe its very productive to put the world on alert about their agenda - especially as they now are sahowing signs of financial disorganisation. Its just my opinion.

So you assume that others simply are incapable of being aware of this fact? Or may be, just may be, it is that others are actually working hard to achieve their goals the same way US people achieved them: Education, Health, Research, Industry etc. etc., you know, the boring stuff.

And mark my words: this financial "disorganization" that you keep harping about is simply non-existent.
If the Jews are so powerful and have so much money then why don't they use it to improve Israel?
Stop with this conspiracy rubbish.

jamie its great to see you on the same side and on the same page of that other great intelect that aka cheng
Ah I see, you are a keyboard warrior for international peace and justice. Of course. Please do carry on.

So you assume that others simply are incapable of being aware of this fact? Or may be, just may be, it is that others are actually working hard to achieve their goals the same way US people achieved them: Education, Health, Research, Industry etc. etc., you know, the boring stuff.

And mark my words: this financial "disorganization" that you keep harping about is simply non-existent.

Where the hell do you live? Have you not seen or heard of the financial mess they are in due to the attempt they are making in being the self appointed moronic moron police force of the world? Stop putting your head where the sun dont shine and smell the coffee. Their unemployment is sky high their debt is spiring out of control etc etc - why are you blinded by these happenings around you? I dont want to harp on because you simply are like a broken record regurgitating the same notes on a record. " USA are great the sun shines out of their ar*e. They are my god" - this is what is heard constantly from your posts. Stop being dellusional - you are out of sync with all - You will and can never be a white middle aged American - you will always be an immigrant - dont you forget it.
BTW i find it cheap and tacky of a guy thats been given a title on a forum - then goes and disrespects the forum by putting a cheap advert of a different forum under each post you do. is that the way you show your gratitude to the site owners? You certainly stoop to some extraordinary levels. Surprise me everyday mate.
The USA isn't the threat, i believe that the USA, as one of the powerful countries of the world, can play an important role in helping to stabilize our world and to alleviate any problems faced by mankind. But unfortunately the USA is under the tight grip of warmongers.
Ah I see, you are a keyboard warrior for international peace and justice. Of course. Please do carry on.

So you assume that others simply are incapable of being aware of this fact? Or may be, just may be, it is that others are actually working hard to achieve their goals the same way US people achieved them: Education, Health, Research, Industry etc. etc., you know, the boring stuff.

And mark my words: this financial "disorganization" that you keep harping about is simply non-existent.

You state on your avatar that truth hurts, well is it hurting you? (let me prempt you you will say it isnt) Cheng your posts here are posted as if you think facts are an optional extra to be employed when it suits you. Everyone knows and accepts that the americans have an unsustainable debt one in 6 on food stamps, 19% unemployment everyone knows american dollar is going to the toilet accept you and a few misguided blinded by hate for pakistan and others back to the thread they are more dangerous cos they are trying to steal the worlds resources with force.
Where the hell do you live? Have you not seen or heard of the financial mess they are in due to the attempt they are making in being the self appointed moronic moron police force of the world? Stop putting your head where the sun dont shine and smell the coffee.

I simply refuse to answer these unnecessary personal attacks.

Their unemployment is sky high their debt is spiring out of control etc etc - why are you blinded by these happenings around you? I dont want to harp on because you simply are like a broken record regurgitating the same notes on a record. " USA are great the sun shines out of their ar*e. They are my god" - this is what is heard constantly from your posts. Stop being dellusional - you are out of sync with all - You will and can never be a white middle aged American - you will always be an immigrant - dont you forget it.

US unemployment is well under 10%, and even that is spread very unevenly. The debt is well managed and will not get out of hand. The rest of your post needs no response.

BTW i find it cheap and tacky of a guy thats been given a title on a forum - then goes and disrespects the forum by putting a cheap advert of a different forum under each post you do. is that the way you show your gratitude to the site owners? You certainly stoop to some extraordinary levels. Surprise me everyday mate.

Please know that that my signature is like that due to a good reason. And please also look at my signature in the other forum too.

I am fair. Always.
............ Everyone knows and accepts that the americans have an unsustainable debt one in 6 on food stamps, 19% unemployment everyone knows american dollar is going to the toilet ...............

Everyone? Wrong.

Unsustainable debt? Wrong.

19% unemployment? Wrong.

Dollar going to the toilet? Wrong.

You may wish it all to be true; and I respect your right to do so. However, just like you present your point of view, please allow me to do the same.
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