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Upset with delay, Kabul shelves request for arms aid from Delhi

Ahmadzai roughly can be considered as a Pakistani taliban in power in Afghanistan only if our govt clever enough to corperate with him and even help him having possible peace deals with the talibs.

I don't think any self-respecting Talib will ever marry a Lebanese Christian and then thank her for his election success.

The best you can describe Ghani as an Afghan without a proper power base and in need of all the support that he can get from the US and Pakistan.
@Irfan Baloch Good Taliban is a Dead Taliban..... Negotiating with taliban or any other terror organisation is just defeatist mentality...

Any country that aids/promotes such scums should think twice what they are about to unleash on their neighbors...Wont be long when these scums turn back and bite the hand that feeds them............But YOU already know that!
re # 16

Upset with delay, Kabul shelves request for arms aid from Delhi | Page 2

new Afghan president thinks otherwise
so do Yankees who helped in opeing Taliban office in Doha. I have more reasons to hate them and loathe them but they have support, sending their leaders 6 feet under wont help you. Soviets found it during their occupation, after each assassination, someone else took over the leadership and the mojahideen bounced back. this tactic never worked before and wont work now.

do talk to those who at least wont allow or hand over the internationally wanted terrorists. rest what they do to the Afghan population , its their problem. not sure if you saw the video narrated by an American marine, doesn't seem like the American/ Indian darlings among the Northern Alliance were any shining example.
Interesting IndianExpress.com article -- article here, excerpts below

Frustrated with India’s failure to deliver long-promised military aid, new Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has told New Delhi that he wishes to revisit his predecessor’s request for assistance, diplomatic sources have told The Indian Express. President Ghani’s decision to place Afghanistan’s arms-aid request on hold, the sources said, had been conveyed to negotiators from the Ministry of External Affairs earlier this month.

The freeze on the aid request, a government source in Kabul said, reflected President Ghani’s belief that the outreach to India would poison the country’s relationship with Pakistan, without yielding any dividends in return. -

Sushant Sareen, an analyst at the New Delhi-based think tank Vivekananda International Foundation, said the Afghan move showed President Ghani “is doing the same his predecessor first did, and betting on appeasing Pakistan”. “This should also be a lesson to us that delayed decisions mean lost opportunities,” he said.

Indians may be afraid that all these weapons will eventually end up in the Pak friendly Afghanistanis.

Just like most of the Iraqi Army's arms are now in the hands of Islamic state.
re # 16

Upset with delay, Kabul shelves request for arms aid from Delhi | Page 2

new Afghan president thinks otherwise
so do Yankees who helped in opeing Taliban office in Doha. I have more reasons to hate them and loathe them but they have support, sending their leaders 6 feet under wont help you. Soviets found it during their occupation, after each assassination, someone else took over the leadership and the mojahideen bounced back. this tactic never worked before and wont work now.

do talk to those who at least wont allow or hand over the internationally wanted terrorists. rest what they do to the Afghan population , its their problem. not sure if you saw the video narrated by an American marine, doesn't seem like the American/ Indian darlings among the Northern Alliance
were any shining example.

Irfan saab
Afghan President: talking to taliban - Defeatist - especially after knowing what they did to afghans.

US: Talking to taliban, defeatist again, you know their position in afghanistan, does it look like winning to you?

Pakistan: talking to taliban - defeatist too... you yourself agree to that.

According to musharraf, not all pashtuns are taliban, If Pakistan cares about pashtuns, and thus must promote pashtuns who are not associated to taliban and talibanish metality....

Unfortunately - pashtuns leaders like Sayed Ashaq Gailani, Ahmad Shah Ahmadzai, Hamyon Shah Aasifi, Abdul Hadi Khalilzai, Mir Mahfuz Nedahi, Mohammed Ibrahim Rashid, Wakil Mangal, Ghulam Mohammad Rigi, Bashir Ahmad Bizhan, Hedayat Amin Arsala, Mahbob-U-lah Koshani are not considered pashtun representation for pakistanis. The picture painted is that all of the political setup is tajik/uzbek for some reason.

As far as taliban protecting the interests of pashtuns, killing a towering Pahstun Muhahideen like Abdul Haq was a clear indication, that the taliban had not intertion of protecting anyone's interests except their own.

As far as reversing Indian Military aid which I doubt would have been anything more than some trucks and SUV's and Mobile Field Hospitals. , I dont really care much about that. India can barely support it's own requirements as of now, apart from that has always suffered from a weak and meek foreign policy vis-a-vis afganistan. The prior government had no spine, the new government shows some promise, but did not engage afghanistan from the get go, and has done a poor job gauging the new leadership in kabul.

India - Afghanistan relations doesn't need to be viewed in pakistan as a anti-pakistan relations. If Afghanistan aligns itself with Pakistani interests it doesn't need to be viewed in India as anti-India either, Afghan government should protect it's own interests before anyone's else, and letting taliban back into administration cannot be in their or pakistan's interests.
Irfan saab
Afghan President: talking to taliban - Defeatist - especially after knowing what they did to afghans.

US: Talking to taliban, defeatist again, you know their position in afghanistan, does it look like winning to you?

Pakistan: talking to taliban - defeatist too... you yourself agree to that.

According to musharraf, not all pashtuns are taliban, If Pakistan cares about pashtuns, and thus must promote pashtuns who are not associated to taliban and talibanish metality....

Unfortunately - pashtuns leaders like Sayed Ashaq Gailani, Ahmad Shah Ahmadzai, Hamyon Shah Aasifi, Abdul Hadi Khalilzai, Mir Mahfuz Nedahi, Mohammed Ibrahim Rashid, Wakil Mangal, Ghulam Mohammad Rigi, Bashir Ahmad Bizhan, Hedayat Amin Arsala, Mahbob-U-lah Koshani are not considered pashtun representation for pakistanis. The picture painted is that all of the political setup is tajik/uzbek for some reason.

As far as taliban protecting the interests of pashtuns, killing a towering Pahstun Muhahideen like Abdul Haq was a clear indication, that the taliban had not intertion of protecting anyone's interests except their own.

As far as reversing Indian Military aid which I doubt would have been anything more than some trucks and SUV's and Mobile Field Hospitals. , I dont really care much about that. India can barely support it's own requirements as of now, apart from that has always suffered from a weak and meek foreign policy vis-a-vis afganistan. The prior government had no spine, the new government shows some promise, but did not engage afghanistan from the get go, and has done a poor job gauging the new leadership in kabul.

India - Afghanistan relations doesn't need to be viewed in pakistan as a anti-pakistan relations. If Afghanistan aligns itself with Pakistani interests it doesn't need to be viewed in India as anti-India either, Afghan government should protect it's own interests before anyone's else, and letting taliban back into administration cannot be in their or pakistan's interests.

good analysis.

The only thing I request is for you is to talk the same way you would talk about Indian issues. Not telugu issue, Bengali issue, bihari issue but just Indian issue.

Same we need to avoid talking about ethnic groups in Afghanistan. That poor country has already suffered so much due to this infighting.

There is Afghanistan gov.

There are anti-gov elements. That's all.

Thank you
Pakistan has plenty of surplus arms to dish out, if Mr Ahmadzai keep the good will. We can give them training, tanks, armament, coms and even a bunch of armed K-8s or the F-7s we are about to retire...better than giving them to Bangladesh...trust you me, i'll be raising a toast to your coming defear in Afghanistan. Where we cant defeat you ourselves...well then there is China, Turkey and Saudis.
Right bitvin the eyes bro
A wise move, A-Stan is Pakistan's back yard, we will not allow any hostile govt to exist there.
I wonder if the delay is because of the change in govt. policy towards Afghanistan. Since the new govt. come to power Mr Modi have been reaching out to our neighbours. So, why this U turn on Afghanistan??

A wise move, A-Stan is Pakistan's back yard, we will not allow any hostile govt to exist there.
so much for not interfering into their internal affairs.
I wonder if the delay is because of the change in govt. policy towards Afghanistan. Since the new govt. come to power Mr Modi have been reaching out to our neighbours. So, why this U turn on Afghanistan??

so much for not interfering into their internal affairs.

If it concerns our interests and our national security, it is no longer their internal affair, is it.
I wonder if the delay is because of the change in govt. policy towards Afghanistan. Since the new govt. come to power Mr Modi have been reaching out to our neighbours. So, why this U turn on Afghanistan??


Yes most likely resulted from the US trip of Modi Ji.

Uncle Sam must have asked to do "hands off" from Afghanistan.
If it concerns our interests and our national security, it is no longer their internal affair, is it.

Can you qualify your statement between India and Pakistan. It could lead to potential war and disastrous results.

Tell me one country which does not have some grudge against their neighbours. If the elections result in a government which is against your interest then tough luck. It is their peoples mandate. How can tiny Afghanistan pose a serious national security challenge to Pakistan?
Can you qualify your statement between India and Pakistan. It could lead to potential war and disastrous results.

Tell me one country which does not have some grudge against their neighbours. If the elections result in a government which is against your interest then tough luck. It is their peoples mandate. How can tiny Afghanistan pose a serious national security challenge to Pakistan?

All nations have their interest, how does tiny Cuba effect US national interest, the world is what it is.
A wise move, A-Stan is Pakistan's back yard, we will not allow any hostile govt to exist there.
And that exactly is the problem.... Learn to recognize others "sovereignty", although the word might not have relevant significance to you

@FaujHistorian what's your opinion on the rafi's backyard...
And that exactly is the problem.... Learn to recognize others "sovereignty", although the word might not have relevant significance to you

@FaujHistorian what's your opinion on the rafi's backyard...

Just as your adopted country interferes in tiny Cuba's affairs, A-Stan claims two Pakistani provinces, has history - so we interfere like all countrys to defend our interests.
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