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UPDATED ! Not Kaveri but NEW Indo-US JET Engine for India:MEA

I'm not Chinese/Taiwanese. So I'm part my credible. LOL

I think many Indians like you still values the opinions of white people more than other races, including themselves. On the other hand, we don't consider the color of skin as the basis of credibility on what they say.

Asking you this again?

Why are you ashamed of your nationality?

Why you need false flags?

Are you ashamed of being from a failed state?

Must give one thing to other trolls though unlike you atleast they aren't afraid of their nationality and proudly troll on its behest.

Britain is the mother of India. This is a historical fact which even the most ultra nationalist Hindu has to admit.

British gave India a country, language, government, education, their favourite sport, everything.

It's sad to see Indians not appreciating the incredible generosity of the British. British colonialism was the best thing that ever happened to the people we call 'Indians'.

Is that the best you've got eh??

I mean we all know ccp hires 50 cent trolls

But even by ccp' s lame duck hiring standards you are the worst
Lool you think the U.S will transfer their fighter engine tech to India?:rofl: Man , fighter jet engine yrch is the most guarded secret of any country/power, the U.S won't even share theirs with us even though we are their most important ally in Europe and maybe in the world (even though we don't really need their engine tech anyway, since we got ours). Anybody who thinks a country/power will transfer their engine tech to them must be smoking some weed. Lol. Not even India's 'best friend'. Russia has transfer their engine engine tech to India, why/how do you expect the U.S to do so?:cheesy:

Not so long ago, the country in your flag has entered into a tender for supply of the best of the jet engine they have in a tender which has stipulated full ToT which they eventually lost to US and in a jet fighter competition where full transfer of technology was a criteria and has been repeated by your prime minister.

So was the PM or the whole country smoking weed as you say when entered into the competition?
Or was it just for fun?
Probably downgrade version of engines, nothing special.

RIP Kaveri

(UPTADED) Breaking News : New engine development Co operation between India and USA Today. Along with 3 other ToT and Co Development of advanced weapon system to India .

All the 4 will be Co produced and further Co-developed (UPGRADED)

As per Ministry of External Affairs of India . These are the finalised defence deals :

- Mini UAV
- Spy equipment for transport aircraft
- New Fighter JET ENGINE
- Electro Magnetic catapult system for AC

Source Update :
The Ambassador noted that the purpose of DTTI is to identify technologies which is unique and which is viable to produce. He said the identified projects are “called pathfinders projects because experiences of this will guide us on how we take this forward”. On the Working Group for jet engines, he said both sides had a discussion under DTTI and have decided “to explore the development of jet engines in India”. He said it was much broader than the Kaveri jet engine that India is already working on.

Replying to a query about the difference between the existing defence framework and the new one, he said India has “negotiated a new” agreement for the next ten years. ”DTTI is an initiative which is within the defence framework. It is a new initiative. It was announced a few years ago but it has really become operational now. The big change is that we have taken that big step towards operationalising an initiative and this case specifically identifying projects and agreeing on important areas where we willhave working groups,” he said.

The significant project under DTTI is the plans for joint development and production of next generation Raven Mini UAVs, a device which the Indian Army was eyeing. If the joint manufacturing of the UAV happens, then India would be able to get a slice of the multi-billion order book for the world’s most advanced hand-launched drone. The drone proved to be a great success for the American forces in Afghanistan as it gives air observations up to a distance of 10 kilometres, which makes it possible to increase situational awareness.

Defence sources said the roll on and roll off kits for C-130 aircraft deals with specialised plates and technology for loading and loading off cargo.
Mobile Electric Hybrid Power Source is conceived to be a non-grid-tied smart power system with output ranging from 300W to 800kW. This was also effectively put into use by the American Army in Afghanistan. Uniform Integrated Protection Ensemble Increment 2 refers to a more advanced protection gear for soldiers against chemical and biological warfare. A joint statement issued after the meeting said both
leaders welcomed the efforts made by the two sides to expand bilateral defence cooperation in areas of mutual interest and reaffirmed their commitment to continue to work towards deepening bilateral defence relationship.

The leaders acknowledged bilateral military ties as the foundation of the defence relationship and encouraged their respective militaries to pursue additional opportunities for engagement through exercises, military personnel exchanges, and defence dialogues. They underscored the need for the two-way defence engagement to include technology cooperation and collaboration, co-production and co-development. To this end, the President and the Prime Minister emphasized the ongoing importance of the DTTI in developing new areas of technology cooperation in the defence sector including through co-development and co-production.

The Prime Minister welcomed the US Defence Department’s establishment of a dedicated rapid reaction team focused exclusively on advancing DTTI. Modi and Obama expressed confidence that continued DTTI collaboration will yield additional joint projects in the near future. The President also welcomed the Prime Minister’s initiatives to liberalise the Foreign Direct Investment Policy regime in the defence sector and US leader agreed to cooperate on India’s efforts to establish a defence industrial base in this coutnry, including through initiatives like ‘Make in India.’

So definitely not Kaveri .
Question is what kind of jet engine ? They mentioned advanced jet engines but not Kaveri ... Are we upgrading F414 to power AMCA ? As we know we scraped out Kaveri project few months ago. We will use present Kaveri engine layout for smaller engine to power our UAV s and marine boats. But what the hell is new engine development ? It's very interesting.
Probably downgrade version of engines, nothing special.

RIP Kaveri

A downgraded engine doesnt need to be manufactured.

At this point of time there are 3-4 contracts and supply going on with co operation with Rolls and General electric.

GE is supplying GE404 and will be building GE414 with transfer of technology.

GE 414 Indian version is the latest version which is supposedly more advanced than whats been used in Superhornets.

So its better we rule out a downgraded version angle as its of no use and US is not stupid to spend money over it.
Let us not rush to draw conclusions .

It may very well mean jet engines for any aircraft ....it need not be even military aircraft .

we need to wait to see more details .
which other Aircraft are we planing to build ?
Kaveri was a complete failure like Trishul.

failures are part of journey to success!

Transport, trainer aircrafts, helicopter engines perhaps.

Nothing more has been reported regarding the details.
for heli we are getting French one. our Transport plane are being made with Russians. so that means only serious candidates are trainer and LCA (naval and MkII).
A downgraded engine doesnt need to be manufactured.

At this point of time there are 3-4 contracts and supply going on with co operation with Rolls and General electric.

GE is supplying GE404 and will be building GE414 with transfer of technology.

GE 414 Indian version is the latest version which is supposedly more advanced than whats been used in Superhornets.

So its better we rule out a downgraded version angle as its of no use and US is not stupid to spend money over it.

Maybe you can.

Keep in mind, US doesn't share with many countries, don't expect to get same. Just see and wait. :enjoy:
Maybe you can.

Keep in mind, US doesn't share with many countries, don't expect to get same. Just see and wait. :enjoy:

Well they have announced 17+ critical technology transfers we have asked for.

Maybe Obama and the whole establishment are lying and you could be among the ones who are true.
If the US is smart, now is the time to give F-35s to India. Take down EU and Russian influence on India. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
Usa seems to be anti pakistan these system not borrowed to fight any other than pakistan and we forget cuban missile crisses when usa cried over it they dont want to see russia in their neighboring country and they are doing same with us putting india in afghanistan all us policies against pak now time to tell usa choose the sides because if we stick with usa we live like puppet as we are
Actually India has no clue how to develop a jet engine.

Britain gave you a country, so show some respect Indian. You Indians would be nothing without the British.

Learn some History China man. India was a country under Ashoka and a few other rulers. Be thankful, Britain was full satisified with looting India. The only thing China had to offer was some jade and a market for opium!
If the US is smart, now is the time to give F-35s to India. Take down EU and Russian influence on India. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
India isn't interested in F35s
Maybe Navy can buy some of them
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