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Update: Iran Presidential Election 2017 - Rouhani is re-elected for second term

بر اساس گزارش صندوق بین المللی پول سرانه تولید ناخالص داخلی ایران در دولت روحانی 15 درصد کاهش یافت
International Monetary Fund:
Iran's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) shrunk by 15% during Rouhani's government:

بر اساس آمار بانک جهانی اقتصاد ایران در دولت روحانی 23 درصد کوچک شد
World Bank statistics:
Iran's economy shrunk by 23% during Rouhani's administration:

2005-2013 Ahmadinejad
2013-2017 Rouhani

The benefits of the so called moderate government.

Actually not bad when you consider that mamooty was selling oil at double and triple of the current price, and Rohani wasn't even able to sell much for the majority of his administration. All things considered, I would say he managed things pretty well.
you should know the scale of our revolution, it wasn't in one village, one city or even one country, it wasn't against just one dictator, it was the idea of standing against any bully, to stand beside the weak anywhere in this world, this idea is revolutionary (no matter how you name it). as long as you have this goal, you are revolutionary. our revolution started in Tehran, but it will end in Washington. not necessarily because we want it, but because our agenda will collide.
ٰTranslation: We want to fight the bullies until we are the last bully standing.
You IRGC guys are not helping your cause with those idiotic posting and B.S. polls....I hope you do try and steal this election...we need a good catalyst for change.

Come on man, now you're getting desperate, the economy and stats are backward looking...again FAKE news, FAKE Polls, FAKE Stats....any first year economic student knows that. Besides, the sanction did not start biting till Ahmadinejad was leaving office.
ٰTranslation: We want to fight the bullies until we are the last bully standing.

Dadash, our brothers don't think, they feel. And their feelings are not necessarily grounded on hard facts and reality. But that's not so extraordinary in and of itself. We all live in our own realities to a certain degree. It's just that with a portion of our society, the mental wall tehy've built around themselves is much taller than the average 'rational' person, due to the intensive practice they've been subjected to for years. So they will say and do anything and commit any crime to indulge their feelings. It's the same principle whether you are a member of Branch Davidians, the People's temple, MKO, church of Scientology, ISIS or Basiji brown shirts.

The best we can do is expose them to the light of day and point at the gulf of inconsistencies that exist in their thought process, and hope that they still have an interest in knowing and growing as a human being.
To the Ansare Hezbollah members on this forum, every member here hates the MKO more than your idol Mesbah Yazdi. Get that through your heads. STOP using MKO as an excuse for every argument, its pathetic.

You IRGC guys are not helping your cause with those idiotic posting and B.S. polls....I hope you do try and steal this election...we need a good catalyst for change.

Come on man, now you're getting desperate, the economy and stats are backward looking...again FAKE news, FAKE Polls, FAKE Stats....any first year economic student knows that. Besides, the sanction did not start biting till Ahmadinejad was leaving office.
These guys are not IRGC, real IRGC train and defend Iran against real physical threats. By the type of propaganda they post and the amount of smearing they do against any member that has different opinion, they are either truly brainwashed Ansar members or getting paid as part of some cyber unit.
Mojahedin Khalgh Organizaiton - A violent Islamist-Marxist turd mix that is run more like a religious cult around the leadership of Masoud and Maryam Rajavi. They made common cause with Saddam and were based out of Iraq when he was alive. Nowadays they receive funding and intelligence from Israel and Saudi Arabia. They have next to zero support in Iran and their membership are mostly elderly now and dying.


Then why are you using one of their media outlets?
Me? When did that happen?
On more that one occasion you posted videos by a YouTube channel called "Freedom Messenger" (the channel name is already fishy).

So I go to their website:


Phrasing of titles and flag increased my suspicions.

So I click one of those titles at random. In this case the "Iran uprising update".

Do a simple ctrl+F for key terms:




Hell, why not just go on their very own "smartsearch" at the bottom of the page, and search for 1 word, "Rajavi".

9 separate articles including the bitch's name.

You need to be more careful about your sources. The MEK's tentacles spread beyond just the NCRI, even the NCRI have their own smaller entities spread out.


  • upload_2017-5-17_0-9-35.png
    61 KB · Views: 17
On more that one occasion you posted videos by a YouTube channel called "Freedom Messenger" (the channel name is already fishy).

So I go to their website:

View attachment 397329
Phrasing of titles and flag increased my suspicions.

So I click one of those titles at random. In this case the "Iran uprising update".

Do a simple ctrl+F for key terms:

View attachment 397334

View attachment 397335

View attachment 397337

Hell, why not just go on their very own "smartsearch" at the bottom of the page, and search for 1 word, "Rajavi".

9 separate articles including the bitch's name.

You need to be more careful about your sources. The MEK's tentacles spread beyond just the NCRI, even the NCRI have their own smaller entities spread out.

Well good for you for being super extra careful. They also have these as part of their videos:

What is that exactly supposed to prove? That they're for Raisi or against Raisi? It's not clear to me. Sometimes a video is just a video.

If the MKO also say that the day is bright, am I supposed to start doubting that? Sometimes you just need to use your brain and judgement.
دکتر قلابی



آدم هی می خواد یه گوشه بشینه هیچی نگه، اینا هی چرت و پرت می نویسن آدم رو کفری می کنن وقتی هم کسی هم جوابشون رو نمی ده بیشتر فکر می کنند که سرچشمه حق و حقیقتن پرروتر می شن. دروغ جدید آقایون: حسن روحانی تو مدرک دکتراش سرقت علمی کرده. سرقت علمی ادعای کوچیکی نیست، تو محیط آکادمیک سرقت علمی به این صورت نیست که یکی بیاد کتاب یکی دیگه رو کپی پیست کنه، شما اگه یه عکس یا نمودار یا یه پاراگراف از یه کسی بیاری و به منبع اصلی رفرنس ندی این میشه سرقت علمی. هفته قبل که دیدیم دارن می گن حسن تو تز دکتراش سرقت علمی کرده، گفتیم شاید یه عکسی نموداری چیزی از یه جایی آورده رفرنس نداده، بعد که دیدم دارن می گن 50 درصد فصل یک و چه می دونم 70 قصل دو و... تز حسن کپیه، همون موقع فهمیدم این دروغ انتخاباتی ایناس که دارن یه خورد طرفدارای عامی و بیسوادشون می دن ولی حالا که می بینم نه اینا خودشون هم داره باورشون می شه حیفم اومد نگم
وقتی که شما یه تز به دانشگاه تحویل می دی یکی از تعهدهایی که از شما می گیرن اینه که اگه من قسمتی از این تز رو از جایی آوردم که بهش رفرنس ندادم هر وقتی که این معلوم بشه شما می تونید مدرک من رو ازم بگیرید. هر کتاب یه شماره شابک داره که با این شماره تمام اطلاعات کتاب مشخص می شه، این اخوند شارلاتان ایت الله کلانتری که ادعا می کنه 80 درصد تز روحانی از کتاب ایشون کپی شده باید یه درخواست به دانشگاه کلدونین گلاسگو (محل تحصیل روحانی) یا انجمن سلطنتی علوم بریتانیا بفرسته و بگه این قسمت های تز روحانی از این قسمت های کتاب من به این شماره شابک کپی شده اونا هم سال نشر این کتاب و قسمت های گفته شده رو بررسی می کنن و حتی اگه یه پاراگراف تز حسن از کتاب این بابا باشه مدرک حسن رو ازش می گیرن. ولی چون آقایون یه هفته قبل از انتخابات اینو کشف کردن هیچ شکایتی هم به دانشگاه کلدونین گلاسگو نشده حسن هم هنوز مدرک دکتراش رو داره معلوم می کنه ادعا این شارلاتان ها چقدر راسته. هر کسی که با این چیزا آشنایی داشته باشه می دونه که این ادعا چقدر مسخره است، بعدا وقتی حسن به اینا می گه بی سوادا بدشون هم میاد، کسی یه همچسن مطلب اینجا پست می کنه یا واقعا سواد نداره یا سواد داره خودش رو زده به دره خریت

حالا ببینید برادران دروغگو چه جوری دروغ می گن، اول که اومدن نوشتن دکتر قلابی و یه عکس گذاشتن که افتضاح شده و 80 درصد فصل چهار تز دکترای روحانی کپی کتاب آیت الله کلانتریه بعدش هم یه عکس از یه قسمت از یه مقاله انگلیسی گذاشتن بدون لینک به مقاله اصلی. این لینک مقاله اصلیه از سایت فارن پالیسی، مقاله مال سال 2013 هست که بعد از رئیس جمهور شدن روحانی یه سایتی بعد از بررسی نسخه مختصر تز حسن که تو سایت دانشگاه کلدونین گلاسگو در دسترس بوده اعلام می کنه که تو یه پاراگراف روحانی از کتاب "اصول فقه اسلامی" نوشته محمد هاشم کمالی محقق اسلامی متولد افغانستان و استاد حقوق دانشگاه مالزی استفاده کرده (نه این کلانتری شیاد) که تو آپدیت خبر سخنگوی دانشگاه کلدونین گلاسگو تایید می کنه که تو نسخه کامل تز، حسن به این کتاب رفرنس داده بوده. داستان یه چیز دیگه است ولی این شارلاتان های دروغگو که نمی یان لینک مقاله اصلی رو بزارن یه عکس از قسمت بالاش می گیرن می زارن اینجا که داستان خودشون رو سر هم کنن. بعله برادرای ارزشی مومن ما پایبند به اصول اخلاقی هستن و خوب بلدن اینو نشون بدن. آیت الله کلانتری هم اگه راست می گه و شارلاتان نیست کسی جلوش رو نگرفته مثل محمد هاشم کمالی همین الان یه یه ایمیل بزنه به دانشگاه کلدونین گلاسگو بهشون اطلاع بده که مثل سال 2013 بررسی کنن و حقی که حسن ازش خورده رو بهش بدن

Here's another one for you. But be very careful while viewing this.. lol

On more that one occasion you posted videos by a YouTube channel called "Freedom Messenger" (the channel name is already fishy).

So I go to their website:

View attachment 397329
Phrasing of titles and flag increased my suspicions.

So I click one of those titles at random. In this case the "Iran uprising update".

Do a simple ctrl+F for key terms:

View attachment 397334

View attachment 397335

View attachment 397337

Hell, why not just go on their very own "smartsearch" at the bottom of the page, and search for 1 word, "Rajavi".

9 separate articles including the bitch's name.

You need to be more careful about your sources. The MEK's tentacles spread beyond just the NCRI, even the NCRI have their own smaller entities spread out.

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