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Update: Iran Presidential Election 2017 - Rouhani is re-elected for second term

well if you like something like last election to happen then let he or baqaee come .
The question is whether people still belive those lies against previous negotiating team or not.

Baqaee is no one, probably just a cover.

Ahmadinejad = caner (1/10)
Baqaei = more cancer (1/10)

Rouhani = very weak and inefficient (5/10)
Ghalibaf (if comes) = good (8/10)
Ezatallh Zarghami = good (8/10)
Saeid Jalili = good (7/10)
Golam Ali Haddad = good (7/10)
Ali Akabar Velayati = great (9/10)
Qasim Soleimani (if comes) = greet (10/10)
Mohammed Reza Bahonar = mediocre (5/10)
If Ahmadinejad is a cancer, then people like Rouhani and velayati are the death.

Saeid Jalili = (9/10)
Alireza Zakani = (8/10)
Ahmadinejad = (6/10)
Ghalibaf = (4/10)
Golam Ali Haddad = (3/10)
Ezatallh Zarghami = (2/10)
Ali Akabar Velayati = (0/10)
Rouhani = (0/10)
Mohammed Reza Bahonar = (0/10)
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The question is whether people still belive those lies against previous negotiating team or not.

Baqaee is no one, probably just a cover.

If Ahmadinejad is a cancer, then people like Rouhani and velayati are the death.

Saeid Jalili = (9/10)
Alireza Zakani = (8/10)
Ahmadinejad = (6/10)
Ghalibaf = (4/10)
Golam Ali Haddad = (3/10)
Ezatallh Zarghami = (2/10)
Ali Akabar Velayati = (0/10)
Rouhani = (0/10)
Mohammed Reza Bahonar = (0/10)
Whatever outcome I hope that it is a fair election and the choice of people is respected in the end.
We need a guy that is best for Iran and pro-Pakistani!

Out of these gentlemen, is there such a man?
now, it's clear Ahmadinejad team are following Trump strategy base on hate and noise.Also he is active in twitter like trump.
He has great potential to attract attention of his enemy and his lover to himself at same time.
my guess is that they are sending baqaie to shrink rohani votes to half while Raiesi can save his vote.
The question is whether people still belive those lies against previous negotiating team or not.

Baqaee is no one, probably just a cover.
It's irrelevant that they believe him or not the question is if they really want Ahmadinejad reincarnated or not ?
It's irrelevant that they believe him or not the question is if they really want Ahmadinejad reincarnated or not ?

Can you tell me from an insider's perspective of what was wrong with Ahmedinejad? I am curious because I have no idea how politics in Iran work.
Actually I think none of these guys that lined up to stand as next president of Iran fit the position ... all of them have been in power in past somehow as president, mayor, vise president, head of IRIB, spokesman or member of parliament foreign minister you name a few ... what has got changed or what skill they developed since their last position that they think now they could do sth?
I too would vote for Ghalibaf if i knew he was coming , and that the majority were voting for him indeed . But unfortunately that ain't gonna happen apparently .. the thing with Ghalibaf is that he holds himself in a high esteem , that's what we need after eight years of ahmedinejad , Rouhani is just a cleric and he lobbies for clerics , there's no moderation , modesty , wisdom , hope or anything similar he's just there to make sure that clerics aren't forgotten . If the people of iran re-elect Rouhani , then that says a thing or two about the people of iran .
What are the political parties in Iran? Who is most popular, and who is most likely to be elected? Also, what are their policies?
We have four major parties, however, one of them is a newly developed party emerged and established by Rouhani the current president, they are called moderates or in other words revisionists.
The major parties are 1) Fundamentalists , 2) Reformists , 3) Revolutionaries , 4) Moderates (Revisionists)
Our leadership , Khamenei , follows revolutionary ideology, which calls every party to unite against west and build Iran from inside. That view is my favorite, pro-Pakistani government or pro-Muslim governments can be resulted from that party.
Fundamentalists believe that Iran should work with eastern powers, this party strongly believes in destruction of Israel, so i back them. Ahmadinejhad was one of them, Leader of this party : Mesbah Yazdi
Reformists believe that Iran must work with western powers and mostly known as pro-west party. Leader : Khatami
Moderates : Consists of capitalists and rich oil cartels. They are cancers of our society, and Mossiu Rouhani leads them. Some paunchy liberal democrats that have aimed their policy at changing the view of our Islamic revolution. These guys hardly believe in selling oil and developing a dependent economy.
Generally pro-Muslim governments are mostly from fundamentalists and revolutionaries.
The question is whether people still belive those lies against previous negotiating team or not.

Baqaee is no one, probably just a cover.

If Ahmadinejad is a cancer, then people like Rouhani and velayati are the death.

Saeid Jalili = (9/10)
Alireza Zakani = (8/10)
Ahmadinejad = (6/10)
Ghalibaf = (4/10)
Golam Ali Haddad = (3/10)
Ezatallh Zarghami = (2/10)
Ali Akabar Velayati = (0/10)
Rouhani = (0/10)
Mohammed Reza Bahonar = (0/10)

What about Raeesi?
Assuming sth impossible happenes and Major General Ghassem Soleimani (may God protect him) becomes a candidate (which he won't unfortunately) he will win the elections with the ultimate supremacy.

clinging to the voting system in this thread:

1- Rouhani 8/10
2-velayati 8/10
3-hadad adel 7/10
4-ghalibaf 7/10
5-raeesi 6/10
6- ahmadi nejad 0/10
7-baqai -1/10 (if thats even possible)

i'd probably go for velayati or rouhani. i've not decided yet. i try to eye the best option for our nation and i don't have any certain political view although i greatly admire the nationalism on right-wing side.

i should weigh the Nationalism versus extremism of the conservatives to make up my mind

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